I also love their game face, as
@diino18 mentioned, but I'm quite reticent about their relationship. I don't exactly ship her with Shouma, and I don't think she should be with Kirishima right now, no matter how redeemable he may be. I want her to dump him. I've noticed, probably you too, that her perspective of him is kinda changing - she's getting attached to him -, but I'm hoping she sticks to what she believes.
She said, if a guy she's with cheats on her, she'll kill him. I want to believe the author won't make things easier for him and, somehow just denigrate this woman's image - she's proud, somewhat ambitious, and cares for her heritage. She's not to be tossed around with a wife tag on. She could be Osaka's leader. She has potential for so much more. Besides, Kirishima, even if claiming love, as a bunch of women out there. Yoshino wouldn't want that kind of partnership for life.
It's difficult because he's set on not letting her date anyone else, but he's not even marriage material, more like a partner in crime. They are friends, at least. But more than that? I hope the mangaka plays it good, or else I'm going to be disappointed with such a poor ending for this awesome manga.
I'm torn in between wanting him to die or not. Would be nice to see her hunting him down then the contrary, but I bet he'd like that seeing how masochist he is.