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Nov 26, 2018
chapter 86 raw:https://buzztoon.com/[%EB%B2%84%EC%A6%88%ED%88%B0]-%EB%9E%9C%EB%8D%A4%EC%B1%84%ED%8C%85%EC%9D%98-%EA%B7%B8%EB%85%80-86%ED%99%94-%EC%9B%B9%ED%88%B0%EB%AF%B8%EB%A6%AC%EB%B3%B4%EA%B8%B0.html
ooo the 2nd year knows park han..wooooo
Nov 26, 2018
sum of chapter 86:(will be doing scanlation later on..)
Junu tells Taeyang to wait and asks if he is fine..Asks if he fought against parkhan..Tae just tells him to fuck off and he is blocking his way..Junu tells this is not a normal matter and tells he will report this..Tae tells him why is there a need for that..He also fought and tells Junu if he has a death wish..Tae says why tf was he looking for him and reminds him again to mind his own business..
Tae rages and tells if Junu still thinks he is his friend..Junu has no comments on it(wow!)..Just goes on and says that Tae is not alone involved in this matter and he is also involved.. Junu then says if he still is feeling guilty..Tae just tells wtf is he talking..Junu tells him that his current actions are going to make him feel guilty and shit..Tae laughs and closes near him and says just wtf is he doing that is making him feel guilty and tells to keep on living how he had been..Junu can't comment on this one either..flashback to Park Han..
Park Han and his 2 goons having good time..Park Han says he sure is something as Sin youngyoon said..The braces says he is hungry and tired and let's leave..The other dude tells to call some other kids..Park Han also agrees and says he somewhat feels off being real close to the school ..Tae laughs and says to Park Han that he is going to regret for leaving him unfinished..And threats to fuck his ass up next time..Park Han laughs and says why would you look for us?when we'll be after you?Let's keep on meeting and next time his friend will also he included in the list(prob Junu)..back to present Tae raging and saying what do they think of themselves and just to
destroy them..Junu mono is just He is still the same why would you do things like this..And his mono on ranchat saying how did she suddenly know..I should've just told her the truth then and there(prolly should've) and he looks at the text and wonders himself when did he sent a reply like that..Back to next day teacher is angry and looking for Tae..Tae has not arrived..Teach tells to call him if someone knows his number..Orange hair says he will do that..Teach is urgghhh and says to tell him to come to office when he reaches school..Taeyang arrives and tells to keep mouth shut..Orange hair says teach is looking..Orange hair making fun of him..Tae brushes if off by saying he has some eye disease..The other dude asks what happened to his face,,was it because of the hyung..Tae lies tellign he
went to boxing gym and the face bruises were from sparring..Cr then says Tae to go fast the teach was angry and asks what happened..Tae says how should i know..Tae acting normal and trynna hide things lol..Teach is scolding him saying where he went and what were the bruises on the face..Tae gives same answer saying he didn't get into a fight and he had went hospital yesterday for his eye disease..Teacher and can't say much but continues to rant on not act like a thug,don't you want to go to university,you're pretty deccent at studies,don't ruin yourr life..etc Tae says sorry and he comes out..2nd year girl(Hyein) says why he lied..Tae tells if nuna(sister) is a stalker..Hyein replies she just happened to see.Tae says to not follow him,she will stand out..Hyein says why he likes to swear too much..Tae is just angry and replies..Hyein also labels him as a pervert..Tae asks why is she so interested in him..Hyein replies saying origianlly she liked bad boys..Tae says you think of me as a bad guy,you don't know me and why would you like a bad guy and says if she is the perverted one(lol),Hyein replies she also doesn't know,she says she saw him in a PE class before and that's when her crush developed for him..She also says that Tae needs to be more open and expressive..And says even people who seems close and friendly aren't as close and know each other actually..Literally gives him a flashback to him and junu past when junu was pissed of and doubted Tae for beating Yuri..Tae is like NO,It's the other's sides fault or misunderstanding etc.Hyein says he needs to open up and say things to clear up misunderstandings and let others know how he feels..She also says if he doesn't say he has a wound in his eyes then how can someone know..Tae flips her off and says to scram off and not to follow him ever again in near future..Hyein walking calling someone..Hello from the other side of the phone..Hyein says 'it's me' 'Park Han'.. Receiver is Park Han..Chapter ends..
Active member
Aug 29, 2018
Hyein was from the very start suspicious (That's what i thought after her first appearance) and now it's clear that she's the acquaintance that Park Han mentioned a couple Chapters ago, also i wonder what the real relationship between Hyein and Park Han is?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
They left the site and asked for their works to be removed from here. Read more about it in the forums if you want.
Jan 3, 2019
@StLL Thanks for answering my question. Kinda sucks that now I'll have to go to their site to read the chapters, but it is what it is.
Jan 3, 2019

Probably so that the previous group can't make claims like "why are you uploading our chapter without our permission?". Since the last group took down their chapters from here, it makes sense for another group to re-translate those chapters and post them so that we'd have the complete catalogue of chapters without any awkward gaps. Keep in mind that any potential new readers would be stumped if they were to start reading this now and when they reached chapter 77, it suddenly jumped to chapter 83. They'd now have to do some searching/asking around to find out where and how to read those missing 6 chapters.

It's pretty convenient that we can read all of the chapters in one place, on one site and not have to jump to another site just to read a few chapters a group translated and made exclusive to their site. To save everyone the trouble, this new group is eliminating the need for readers to leave mangadex just to read what? 4-6 chapters? Then come back here to continue afterwards.

As for those that support the decision of the old group, I guess that doesn't matter too much to them since they would willingly go to that group's site to read the chapters anyway.

As for those of us who think it a bit of a chore to have to hop between sites, I'm glad that a new group has stepped in and is posting the chapters here. That's very convenient since I don't need to keep track of updates on more than one site.
Feb 4, 2018
Great, it's good to see someone else translate it here.
I want to discuss this manga here instead of reddit, it's better.
Group Leader
Dec 18, 2018
We're just translating this because I really like this series and notice it wasn't on Mangadex.
I found out about this series from Ariette's uploads and while hitagram scans do a good job on this,
because of their own reasons they have decided not to up load on Mangadex anymore we decided people should
be able to read it on Mangadex still because of the many people that only read on mangadex.
Still my friend, Sol, won't be able to translate coming august due to starting his military service so I hope someone else picks it up
for other Mangadex readers. We'll try to get this up to date with the newest chapter on naver and upload weekly from there
until Sol leaves.
Jan 3, 2019

And for that, I sincerely thank you.

I really appreciate what y'all are doing here since I personally found it a chore to have to jump to another site just to read this one manhua.

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