Re:Zero Kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu - Daisanshou - Truth of Zero - Vol. 11 Ch. 53 - To Each, Their Oaths

Jan 15, 2019
Gluttony can eat ones memories and "souls", to Crusch it ate her memories. To Rem they consumed the world's memories of her and it addition to that they consumed her "soul" and also presumably Rem's memories too. Her body is in a state of stasis separated from the flow of the world, she breathes but she doesn't need to eat, poop, she doesn't sweat, etc. IIRC there's other characters in this state, like Wilhelm's wife who only had her soul eaten. It is unknown if you can kill Rem when she's in this state, it just never comes up. Gluttony being able to eat "souls" and memories is a needed differentiation as there's characters who have their memories eaten, characters who are erased from the world but are still alive walking around with their memories, so soul eating is where you them off from the flow the world.

Gluttony is a gourmand. Simply Rem was tastier than Crusch so it ate all of her.

Subaru's memories were not wiped since he's not of that world and connected to the flow of it. I'm pretty sure the manga and LN cut this, but there was another character who remembered Rem. But they only were able to remember her when they were in their separate world space *cough* the forbidden library *cough*. They permanently lost their memory of her when they left it. To those old men the whale could have killed their loved ones, ate their souls, or ate their memories. Since those old men are there it's very unlikely that their loved ones were erased from the world like Rem was.
Feb 3, 2018

" As far as I know he still declares this in the LN. Emilia's addition to this scene directly contradicts Subaru's declaration. I'm going to guess that the chapter here is a mistranslation as Subaru is supposed to be glad that Emilia is there, not have her, as thats what it like in the LN. In the WN Subaru at this scene Subaru feels the opposite. He does not want Emilia to see him in this state, he is hurt. He is at his weakest point. But instead he's glad to see Emilia and is willing to cry in front of her. This ruins Subaru's character arc for the entire Arc as Subaru is supposed to try to shoulder every burden by himself which will break him. Subaru is supposed to refuse to rely on anyone else at this stage. Him trying to accomplish the trials himself, him giving Otto the cold shoulder, him unable to trust anyone else. He will learn that he will have to rely on other people, that's his character arc as simple as it could be. Him crying infront of Emilia contradicts this.

Emilia has seen Subaru suffering before whether he wants her to or not. It's not a contradiction. it happen in Arc 2, Arc 3 and even in Arc 4. Emilia has always comforted him when she could. He always does it regardless in fact this is part of the reason why he doesn't want show her weakness and why he likes hr so much. Even that very scene this very scene he says he doesn't want her to see him like this but again it doesn't work. This is normal for them, it is your who have forgotten it because you don't even think about their relationship.

Here is an example from Arc 4 in the WN (Ch 52)

[Emilia: ……Subaru?]

But just as Subaru was about to do this, Emilia reacted in a way completely different from what he had imagined.
Her unsettled eyes had calmed, and her quivering lips were stilled by an even more powerful emotion. Then, Emilia softly extended her hand towards Subaru,

[Emilia: Why… do you look like you’re about to cry?]

[Subaru: ……eh?]

Emilia’s fingertips brushed against Subaru’s forehead and made their way to the side of his widened eyes. The pale-white finger softly brushing the corner of his eye caught a drop of tear on the verge of falling. And only then, did Subaru realize that he was close to crying.
But there was no time to ask himself why.

[Subaru: a.. u.. eh?]

A tremor came without warning.
An uncontrollable tremor of a different dimension than the shudders of his fingers and teeth.

His whole body was shaking, robbing him of all the strength inside him. Kneeling at Emilia’s side, Subaru could only curl up, hugging his own trembling body.
Then his grips began to loosen when he understood why.

If the tremor he felt before he touched Emilia was because he was afraid that she might have been replaced by the Witch――

[Emilia: It’s alright, Subaru. It’s alright, it’ll be alright. Because I’m right here with you――]

Saying this, Emilia embraced Subaru’s trembling body from the side.
Through the thin fabric of their clothing, they could feel each other’s warmth. The quiet heartbeat, and the warmth transferred from her body filled his heart to the brim.

――When the fear of that possibility passed, when he knew that possibility was gone, Subaru was overwhelmed by the sense of relief.

Even though his heart wanted him to be strong, his body wouldn’t obey at all.
After all, he had neither a heart of steel nor a body with the strength to protect it.

Feeling Emilia’s warmth, her heartbeat, and her gentle embrace, no matter how much he despised his pathetic weakness, he couldn’t help but feel relieved.

Quietly, quietly, quietly, the two went on holding each other inside the Tomb.

Another thing wrong with this scene is the dialogue is out of character or more simple: from other characters. The back and forth of Subaru and Emilia is a conversation between him and Rem just with names changed. This scene and the dialogue makes me feel that someone other than Tappei wrote it. All I see is a futile attempt to make Emilia more popular by making her more like the more popular character. It's sad.

Except it's nothing like that at all. Rem never had monopoly here to begin with. When she murdering him who picking up the pieces in Arc 2? Emilia. So I don't how hell their conversation together sounds like anything he has with Rem unless you think Subaru and Emilia never talked to each other.

Your entire post amounts to your waifu not being shoved in our faces enough so you can pretend she gonna win. You don't actually care Subaru feelings only your projected ones on him. Dude is suffering needs comfort you come up some dumb shallow 3 year old bullshit. Sorry if the story doesn't act like Subaru doesn't have friends. Your tasteless waifuwar can get it, that what the author is telling you. It not making anyone popular, it is literally about one comforting another in their grief like normal human beings and all you going you mind is pure waifuism. You only making this excuse becasue the WN version existed first which played to your fantasies. The fact your worried about it making Emilia more popular ( who was already liked with these type of scenes being one of reasons long before her) than Rem is what is sad and very insecure. The author does not think like that nor this story made with such a stupid mindset in mind. It's up to you come to grips wit that or not.


Gluttony is a gourmand. Simply Rem was tastier than Crusch so it ate all of her.

This is false. Nobody knows why this effect differs between people. The story literally doesn't explain that, just that had 3 effects not the mechanics.

That is more on Kadokawa not owning the WN. As Tappei did not give them the rights to it. If they had they would have it taken down as what happened to many other WNs adapted into LNs. I am thankful for Tappei to hold onto the WN as his original vision is preserved. I'd like to remind you that the WN is the only reason that Re:Zero got popular, as it IS Re:Zero.

Stop splitting hairs because you don't like the changes due them not align with your head canon. Not only does Tappei write the LN himself, he likes Emilia more than Rem. The next several arcs put more focus on their relationship more than Subaru's with Rem. Even Rem supports their ship so running to WN won't save you.

Also Tappei thinks the LN is better than WN and has to work much harder on it according to a recent interview last year:
** The trials of having started as a web author?

-- In turning something that was written on the web into printed form, what kind of troubles were there?

Tappei: The nice thing about the web is that there's no limit on the word count. You can write as much as you like about what you want to write. But, that doesn't work with novels. In one volume, you have to have a beginning and an end, after all.

Also, you can read the web version for free, but you have to pay for the printed version, so while going through the content of the web version, the printed version has to be more polished, so that creates pressure, as you'd expect.

At the start of things, I was told by the editor "Please cut down on the word count, and add more events." and I thought "Is this guy crazy?" (laughter). But, thanks to that, I think the content of the printed release is richer, I was able to add more events, and the work is more complete. Perhaps this is a trouble that only occurs for web authors

She doesn't need a redemption arc. Emilia's past along with several others are more important than Rem to overall story required setup for it.
Jan 15, 2019
Emilia has seen Subaru suffering before whether he wants her to or not. It's not a contradiction. it happen in Arc 2, Arc 3 and even in Arc 4. Emilia has always comforted him when she could.
It's a contradiction to his declaration. I put it in bold for you dumbass. The point was that he specifically did not want Emilia to see him weak. All the talk in Arc 3 building up his resolve, "—Emilia was watching. Rem was watching. He could not yield.". "Weakness infront of Rem was not permitted". This is character development: the Character at different parts of the story will act differently. Subaru is trying to act strong. He's trying to take on everything by himself. I specifically say this behavior breaks him. What you posted as something that contradicts me was something that I had said. His facade breaking. Even though his heart wanted him to be strong, his body wouldn’t obey at all. I have to ask. Have you been diagnosed with mental retardation? Dyslexia? The I can't read disease?

Except it's nothing like that at all. Rem never had monopoly here to begin with. When she murdering him who picking up the pieces in Arc 2? Emilia. So I don't how hell their conversation together sounds like anything he has with Rem unless you think Subaru and Emilia never talked to each other.
Okay why are you bringing up Arc 2? You hit your head? You just going to ignore the quotes I laid out. I guess you couldn't read them.
>When she murdering him who picking up the pieces in Arc 2?
Uhhh. I think you are mistaken since the lap pillow had nothing, NOTHING, to do with him regaining his stride from his Rem related trauma. Did you skip the loop where Rem died? Because that's when he decided to forgive Rem because he remembered
So why did he feel like both his hands had been held? The reason was simple.
“Ram. Rem.”
Both had held Subaru’s hands while he slept.
It had been here on the fourth loop, before anything had happened at Roswaal Manor. Seeing Subaru suffer as he slept, both of them had taken pity on him and given him some small measure of compassion.
I will kill you, the hate-filled voice had cried out, her rage pounding into him like a curse.
The cruel words had scarred his heart. But more than that…
“—Can’t you make the crying stop?”
It was Ram’s sad cry of despair at having her other half ripped from her that never left his ears.
Some corner of Subaru’s heart, which should have been shattered already, cried out.
I have to explain it now since you obviously don't get Re:Zero. Rem did all those evil things to Subaru for absolutely no reason at all, totally no reason behind her actions in declaring Subaru suspicious, Subaru basically shuns the twins (mostly Rem) and goes to Beatrice. Rem dies. Subaru witnesses Ram's absolute grief at losing the literal other half of her. Seeing this Subaru rethinks the twins, he remembers this measure of compassion they showed him, a complete stranger, they helped a stranger kind of like Emilia would or what you would think Emilia would do (if that's the only way for you to get that into your skull). Subaru now sees the twins as people. Skipping over things but that's how Subaru gets over the trauma of being murdered by Rem and Ram. Murder isn't really the right word since both Rem and Ram had legal ability to kill Subaru and orders from Roswaal to do so if he was suspicious; murder is unlawful killing.

Now in the next loop. Subaru has forgiven the twins. I'm pointing it out as it's about 180 from what you say that the RemRam caused deaths/bodily injury broke him down. Subaru breaks down since he tries to put up a facade. Huh. Kind of reoccurring isn't it. Emilia and Puck witness him cracking at the seams, Puck tells Emilia to give him the lap pillow. He gets the lap pillow. Him breaking down is unrelated to the deaths of loop 2 and 3.

Your entire post amounts to your waifu not being shoved in our faces enough so you can pretend she gonna win. You don't actually care Subaru feelings only your projected ones on him. Dude is suffering needs comfort you come up some dumb shallow 3 year old bullshit. Sorry if the story doesn't act like Subaru doesn't have friends. Your tasteless waifuwar can get it, that what the author is telling you. It not making anyone popular, it is literally about one comforting another in their grief like normal human beings and all you going you mind is pure waifuism. You only making this excuse becasue the WN version existed first which played to your fantasies. The fact your worried about it making Emilia more popular ( who was already liked with these type of scenes being one of reasons long before her) than Rem is what is sad and very insecure. The author does not think like that nor this story made with such a stupid mindset in mind. It's up to you come to grips wit that or not.
I do not understand why are you trying to bring up some "waifuwar" when I clearly laid out a argument. I do understand actually because I've known you longer than I would have ever wanted to. You don't understand.

You cannot have the character development just happen. It must be something developing, have developments. The addition of this scene jumps all the development. You cannot see this because you do not understand because maybe your head is full of EMT EMT EMT and you are projecting that blindness onto me.

You don't actually care Subaru feelings only your projected ones on him.
What feelings did I project? Him not wanting to see Emilia?
>Subaru is not brave or spirited enough to face Emilia in his current mood. And Emilia must understand that Subaru feels hopeless. She knows that being with him would only hurt him, and is giving him his time alone unless he requests otherwise. Even though she must be jittery too.
Dude is suffering needs comfort you come up some dumb shallow 3 year old bullshit.
Yes he's suffering. He needs comfort. That's the fucking point of his entire character arc in this arc. Do you know what comes before after? Before! There needs to be a fucking before state.
Sorry if the story doesn't act like Subaru doesn't have friends
So you don't remember how coldly he treats everyone. That time he threatened Otto for just offering to help carry Rem inside. That time where he suspected Frederica as an enemy. All those loops he ignores his possible allies which bring his demise. You don't understand here. Subaru GETS friends. Subaru doesn't ALWAYS HAVE friends.

Stop splitting hairs because you don't like the changes due them not align with your head canon. Not only does Tappei write the LN himself, he likes Emilia more than Rem. The next several arcs put more focus on their relationship more than Subaru's with Rem. Even Rem supports their ship so running to WN won't save you.

Also Tappei thinks the LN is better than WN and has to work much harder on it according to a recent interview last year:
Okay. Stop projecting this waifuwar upon me. I know it must be very hard to ship Emilia but you don't need to make it any harder.
Not only does Tappei write the LN himself,
No he does not you stupid stupid fuck. editor EDITOR. This magic word invalidates the claim that he had written it himself. I don't think you understand what editor means.
A typical light novel has about 250 pages per book, but the author (Nagatsuki Tappei) wrote over 1000 pages for the first book… I had to edit heaps of content and rearrange parts of the story so they would appear in the later volumes of the series. He wanted to elaborate more on the world and the lore of the setting, but it wasn’t necessary at that point in the first few volumes.
Wow. Someone else did parts of the writing! Here's another reason I accuse LN changes made by some other than Tappei. They fucked up. They cut too much of the scene where Subaru forms a contract with Roswaal. When I say fucked up is that Subaru never forms the magic contract with Roswaal in the LN. What happens is that after Subaru wins their bet, Roswaal reveals that he had made a contract with Subaru. They asspull it and make it so Roswaal was able to form a contract with out Subaru's knowledge, invalidating the very idea of a contract. Tappei would not have made this mistake. I also accuse this (the earlier subject) scene of not being of Tappei's because as before, shits all over Subaru's character arc and reuses dialogue. I'd think mister number one Emiliafan would be able to come up with something original.

The next several arcs put more focus on their relationship more than Subaru's with Rem.
Ahh yes. How Tappei specifically pointed out that their relationship does not progress at all.
Arc 5
Felt: “I don’t know too much about you brother, or you, sister, but I still get a sense of distance between you two. This kind of interaction doesn’t have the slightest bit of an erotic atmosphere. Seems your relationship hasn’t changed at all since our last meeting.”

Subaru: “It's not like erotic flirting happens these days! And there’s no need to bring up what happened in the capital, and my chest hurts so please stop!”

Subaru reacted to Felt in such a manner. Throughout the past year, serving as Emilia's knight, Subaru’s self-awareness had increased to a sufficient point, and he was aware of the state of the relationship between them as man and woman.

In all honestly, their romantic relationship was probably at a lower point than it had been before Subaru had become her knight.
Or how Emilia is worried that Subaru will forget all about her.
Arc 6
[Emilia: Yeah. I think that’s right. Subaru will devote himself to that girl for a while, and he might stop caring about me as well.]

[Subaru: No. Under no circumstances would that…..]

happen. It shouldn’t happen.
He swears that his feelings towards Emilia would not waver from now on either.
It’s just that his feelings for Emilia were a different part of the entirety of his feelings. Him having strong feelings towards Rem is a fact, and just like Emilia said, if she were to wake up, there was no doubt that he’d become devoted to her.
Even Rem supports their ship so running to WN won't save you.
No she doesn't. She wants to monopolize Subaru. A part of her was happy that Emilia had abandoned Subaru at Crusch's manor and she had him all to herself. You didn't read Arc 3 did you?
“That’s why I was…just a tiny bit happy that I was able to have you all to myself at Lady Crusch’s mansion, even though I knew you had many worries. I’m sorry, Subaru.”
Or maybe the fact that after she was hit with the imfamous "I love Emilia" she still went after Subaru, wormed herself into being the second wife, and then faked her death to trick Subaru into confessing/proposing. Kind of makes her the first wife since chronologically she's first.

It's amazing after all these years you still are as stupid as the day we met.
Jan 15, 2019
This is false. Nobody knows why this effect differs between people. The story literally doesn't explain that, just that had 3 effects not the mechanics.
He specifically chooses who to eat. All he does is talk about eating. He talks about how good they taste.
???: “Ahh, seriously... no matter how much we eat, it's not enough! This's why we can never stop living. Eating, feeding, chewing, biting, eating down, eating up, chewing up, chewing down, licking, lapping, sucking, inhaling, devouring—Guzzling! Gobbling! Ahh—thanks for the meal!”
Kaitos: “We felt signs our pet'd been done in, so over we come to look and, ahh—what a wonderful harvest we have here. So great, how great, pretty great, sure's great, maybe great, surely great, isn't it great, definitely sure is great! Tenacity! Love! Hatred! Chivalry! So many joys and sorrows interspersed! Which's exactly why, which's exactly why, eating them is filling.
Kaitos: “What we're more interested in than the White What's death is whoever it was who killed it. Maybe the thing wasn't perfect, but they still killed something built up over 400 years of making. We're certainly anticipating a uniformly ripe, in-season bunch... ahh, this was more than we could've imagined!”
Kaitos: “Love! Chivalry! Hatred! Tenacity! Accomplishment! The utter satisfaction of feeling that for so long, long, hoarded, piled, simmered and boiled, passing down our throat! Does a gourmet banquet greater than this truly exist!? Maybe not, likely not, surely not, plainly not, not a chance, not any chance, not any chance it could be! Guzzling! Gobbling! Any and everything! Our heart, our stomach, trembles in delight and fullness
Kaitos: “Huh, a hero. Well then, we'll be looking forward to them too. You believe in them that much, and no question we'll find them delicious.”
Clapping his hands, Baten-Kaitos leans down and sticks out his tongue as he appraises Rem. It isn't the gaze of observing an opponent, or of observing a woman. The glint in his eye is unmistakably one of a ghoul licking its chops at the dinner table.
The fallen people behind Baten-Kaitos' back begin to fall dim. Rem no longer knew of those people's existences, or what positions they held. Why were they collapsed there, who were they, how did they relate to her?
There's reasons why he could have done what he did. Like that book that tells them what to do. But why should we ignore him talking about wanting to eat good tasting things? I think you are more engrossed in saying that I'm wrong then actually being right. Sure the novel doesn't explain it. It doesn't explain alot of things actually and I don't have solid ground to stand on. BUT what you are implying is that he has no control over what he does. Now that is simply stupid. It's his fucking authority. Why wouldn't he be able to choose what to eat?
Nov 4, 2018
My understanding is that same as Zardoz mostly.
I think Gluttony ate Crusch's memories, but ate Rem's presence in the world. Something like her self is transported to another pocket and left her body there alone.
Similar to what the whale did, except the whale ate everything so there was no body to stay in the world.

It's just what makes sense.
Jan 15, 2019
He wasn’t arguing about that at all. He wanted to say that I was wrong about Gluttony eating more of Rem since she tastes better but then implied Gluttony has no control over what he’ll eat from a person. Which is stupid. There’s possible other reasons why Gluttony choose to eat more of Rem but that goes into complete theory territory as the workings of the Witch Cult’s Gospel haven’t been revealed or probably never will be. As far as I know the Gospel only nudges you in the right direction when needed because it already knows exactly what you’ll do in any situation. Most of the time it will only tell you where to go or who you should send. Only when it needs a strange peculiar task done will it instruct you.

To clarify, there only has been two victims of Gluttony shown so far, light spoilers but in the future there will be a character who’s presence in the world will be erased but they will still be alive. Light spoilers again but another will have the same status as Rem but still able to be remembered. Meaning Rem’s status is separate from world’s memory of her.

That means that there are 3 types of victims. Ones who had their memory erased (Crusch). Ones who were erased from the world (Rem). And ones who are nothing but empty vessels (Rem).
Aggregator gang
Mar 23, 2019
@Zardoz thanks, never thought about the flow of the world. Still, the erasure ability is too op in a scientifically sense.
Jan 15, 2019
Sorry about another reply, I've realized that I'm wrong a little bit. This was something the original scene touched on. By reading the manga and anime you miss alot. Like how Puck was supposed to be there instead of Emilia and he talks about what happened to Rem or how Subaru killed himself to try to go back and save her. I'll just post the entire scene because I can and I should.
In a situation teeming with bewildering things, Subaru winds up going back to Rem's sleeping room.
Ever since he got back to Crusch's mansion, whenever he had any time he'd find himself here at her side. He is weak enough to hope that, although he knows that it won't happen, she might possibly wake up. Subaru is not brave or spirited enough to face Emilia in his current mood. And Emilia must understand that Subaru feels hopeless. She knows that being with him would only hurt him, and is giving him his time alone unless he requests otherwise. Even though she must be jittery too.
Again he was imposing on people's care, attempting to pacify his weakness. And though he detests that weakness, and has no rationalizations to defend himself, he is here.
Subaru: “You told me I'm strong, but... if I'm not with you, my bravado just disappears, Rem.”
Rem's condition hasn't changed the slightest bit since before he went to the lounge. She is breathing. Her heart is beating. But there are no other signs of life. She is here, but not. Now, she exists only inside Subaru. Yet,
Subaru: “—What a twist it is to see you here.”
???: “Is it really so strange for me to be here? I would've known her too. So, should be fine for me to wander in and take a look.”
Subaru: “How could you dare say that?”
While touching sleeping Rem's forehead, Subaru glares at the long-tailed grey cat. That the spirit, who had hidden away during the talk in the lounge, had been here in this place inspires nothing but discomfort. Subaru's sharp glare makes Puck reply sadly,
Puck: “Why are you glaring like that? Did I do something?”
Subaru: “...I'm sure you did nothing, this time. Emilia-tan was looking for you, you really think it's fine to be hanging around in here?”
Puck: “If you're gonna ask if it's 'fine', then that's a bit tricky. It isn't as though Lia restricts my freedoms, but if you're asking if I wanted to upset her then no, I didn't.”
Mutters Puck jovially as he rubs at his beard.
Puck: “But,”
Puck approaches Subaru's face.
Puck: “For now I thought it was best I speak with you, Subaru.”
Subaru: “...Watching you acting like you're seeing through everything's pissing me off.”
Subaru clicks his tongue and averts his gaze, but Puck just waits quietly. Subaru sighs, and although loathe to go along with Puck's plans,
Subaru: “You didn't teach Emilia about the Witch Cult. For what aim.”
Puck: “Aims have nothing in it. If it's something you can live without knowing then isn't it fine not to know it? I would've answered if she asked, but Lia never really did... If it's better not to be involved with them, then don't you think it's better not to be involved?”
Subaru: “Sure. What'd be best is somewhere where she's fine not knowing, with no reason for them to know about her, so they won't get involved with her. But Emilia's not like that now. She's left the forest, and she's in a national contest to become Ruler. So, it's inevitable she would run into them. —And you must've known that.”
Subaru speaks with his voice low and menacing. But Puck easily lets it wash off, just floatin'.
Puck: “I did predict the Witch Cult'd show up. But I'd say that whether or not I tell that to Lia's another topic.”
Subaru: “But it could've let Emilia and those around her avoid danger! I don't know what you're thinking, but with what would've happened here when you just leave Emilia...!”
Puck: “I see. So you must've worked hard to save Lia. And this girl was a sacrifice for saving Lia. Well then, I'll have to thank her—”
That instant, Subaru's thoughts ignore everything and divert entirely into slamming out a fist. With not a shred of hesitation, he drives the fist at Puck with all the force he can muster. But Puck easily avoids Subaru's strike, looking surprised.
Puck: “That was pretty shocking all of a sudden, what happened?”
Subaru: “Never touch Rem again. Not your hands, or mouth.”
Subaru's voice is so quiet that it surprises himself. His emotions are overboiled. He might even be acting insane. Puck stares at Subaru, eyes wide.
Puck: “Got it.”
Puck stretches.
Puck: “I apologize for the careless words, sorry. Said something I shouldn'tve. I dunno if this'll make up for it, but... We could talk about GLUTTONY for a minute.”
Subaru: “...What'll happen if I hear it?”
Puck: “I think if you know that this girl's someone whose NAME and MEMORIES've been eaten, then maybe you'll be more likely to get what you're after, Subaru.”
Subaru's head jerks back up. Puck nods at that reaction, his nose twitching as he looks up, searching his memory.
Puck: “Putting GLUTTONY's Authority in simple terms, it's the power to eat. Eating the person's NAME robs other people's memory of them, while eating the person's MEMORIES robs their own memory. If both are stolen, all that's left is an empty husk. Husks can't do anything, and nothing happens to them. That girl lines up just exactly.”
Subaru: “Name and, memories...”
Crusch had her memories eaten, Rem had both. These damages were a result of that Authority.
Subaru: “Will defeating the Cardinal of GLUTTONY bring them back?”
Puck: “Now, who knows. Puking back what they've eaten... is a pretty gross way to say it, but I wonder if it's possible. Would have to ask the eaters themselves on that one though.”
Subaru: “But, there's a chance. It's there. A chance to bring back Rem!”
Subaru glances back. Rem's still there, deep in sleep. She is breathing. Her heart is beating. Her body is alive. The demon had only consumed her name and spirit. So, there is hope.
Subaru: “I am obliterating the Cardinal of GLUTTONY.”
Puck: “I don't think that's a good word to be using.”
Subaru doesn't pay Puck's words any mind. Subaru's final stronghold is to cling to that hope.
—When Subaru returned to the Capital, heard about the attack on Rem's group, saw her condition, and learned that there wasn't a way to bring her back, Subaru unhesitatingly stabbed himself through the throat with a dagger. He couldn't remember what he felt then. He had achieved everything in the optimum way, answered to everyone's expectations with all he had—and felt absolutely no reluctance about losing it.
If he was going to lose Rem, if he was heading toward a future without her, then he'd undergo the suffering no matter how many times it'd take—that much, he did remember.
Stabbed his throat, and with the blood and the pain and the heat and loss, he felt the sensation of himself departing. When it cleared, what Subaru saw before him was a bed where Rem lay.
The respawn point had updated. The point to redo had changed. Subaru had been thrust into hell. Thinking that something must be wrong, Subaru went to commit suicide once more, but hesitated. It wasn't that he was afraid of pain or death. It was simply that he had realized it.
Even if he hypothetically went back to the previous respawn point, Subaru couldn't save Rem. If he went back to the point before the fight with Betelgeuse and after the fight with the White Whale, then he would've already had time pass since he split up with Rem. He could try to catch up to her group, but he wouldn't make it in time. And most importantly, retreating to save Rem would mean throwing away Emilia. And how would returning and properly explaining the situation give him any strategies for beating the two Cardinals? Subaru and Julius were essential for beating Betelgeuse. Emilia couldn't escape from the mansion to the highway unscathed without Wilhelm.
If he was going to save Rem, then Emilia—if he was going to save Emilia, then Rem—if he didn't make the respective sacrifice, he wouldn't save either. Because he realized what a cruel choice it was, the hand going to foster Subaru's suicide stopped before the dagger pierced his throat.
Different from with the White Whale's FOG, Rem's body is right there, but nobody remembers her. And there is Subaru, at her side, dumbstruck and unable to do anything.
This pathetic, hopeless hour ends here. He will end it here. Subaru takes Rem's hand, resolving himself. This time, definitely, he resolves himself.
—I, no matter what, am going to,
Subaru: “—Bring you back, Rem. No matter what, I'll bring you back.”
Subaru had told her. That he'd show her, show her the man she loved, become the ultimate hero. So, would he not still be midway through his course?
Subaru: “I'm, no matter what... Your hero will, no matter what, come to get you. —Be waiting for me.”
He raises his head. Bares his teeth. Pronounces war on the enemy. He will make them regret touching what shouldn't be touched, encroaching on what shouldn't be encroached. And it'd be no man other than Natsuki Subaru.
Subaru: “No matter what. —No matter what!!”
He couldn't bear his memories of his days starting from zero being ones without her. No matter what, bring it back.
Bring back the days he lost, the hours they lived together, the hours they would live together. Once again, his hands would reel everything back in, unfailingly.
It eludes me how anyone can say any version is better. This one is plainly more informative and at the same time more emotional. Especially with Subaru showing his anger, that is something the rewrites of the WN (manga, LN, eventually the anime) remove. I find Subaru's anger to be something that humanizes him and losing that makes him more robotic.

Puck says that Rem's state happens when you eat both their memories and "name". For some reason I believed there was another victim of Gluttony who was in Rem's state that people could remember. I actually cannot find anything on that so I'm retracting my statement of their being said victim. However it's strange that names (essentially other people's memories) and the person's memories can do something as serious as separate one from the flow of the world which is why I differentiated it as something other.
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 30, 2019
So glad to see the manga advancing further than the anime.

How long time we did not saw flame wars like that between Rem's and Emilia's factions? Good old days are back!
Aggregator gang
Mar 23, 2019
@Zardoz Thanks.
[/I believe Puck knows of the authority of Gluttony due to how long she has lived. She mentions there are more eaters, so she has met them before, further justifying authorities, although rare, can be learned and acquired. I really hope Subaru brings Rem back some time soon, it's already been 7 volumes(?). Even if Subaru gains Gluttony from killing the guy, I don't think he is strong enough to influence the flow of the world. ]
Jan 15, 2019
Puck knowing things like this, and also not telling anybody (including Emilia) was apart of his plot line that was dropped by the anime and LN (also manga by extension of the LN). In the WN Puck has a disturbing connection with the Witch Cult as he is bound by contract to not interfere with them. IIRC He's free from that if Emilia dies as in Arc 3 when he kills Betelguese and then goes to destroy the world. And I don't think it's ever explained how he knows either. Real spoilers about Subaru gaining authorities
they usually have been weird backwards versions of the ones wielded by the archbishops. Sloth was a single invisible arm instead of many and it's reach is limited, Greed is the complete opposite as instead of distributing himself to others he takes on people's burdens meaning Subaru would feel their exhaustion, the pain of their wounds, while they would feel nothing. I've always wondered what Gluttony would be like if Subaru gained it, it would be really weird and also stupid if Subaru did the exact opposite and was only to restore names and memories instead of taking them. And him being able to eat people and steal names would be too villainous and also too useful. Gluttony is able to use any magic or ability/technique (divine blessings don't count) from the people he's eaten.
Aggregator gang
Mar 23, 2019
[ Thanks for the response. I think if the author was going for good story writing, after defeating Gluttony, he would have Subaru eat Gluttony or gain names like Rem's in order to honor Rem's death, and then he uses Rem's powers to become a 'hero'. If the author really wanted to bend to fans' desire for Rem, he could have it where the sad pseudo-gluttony power creates a ghost or spirit of her in Subaru's mind, and she would support him.

I think the author messed up by putting a too strong focus on Rem for the beginning arcs bc I feel like alot of fans would lose interest from the fact she's never returning.]
Jan 15, 2019
I think the author messed up by putting a too strong focus on Rem for the beginning arcs bc I feel like alot of fans would lose interest from the fact she's never returning.]
What makes you think she's never going to return? Subaru is working pretty hard right now to bring her back, he made a promise.

And at least in the WN, Rem is brought up quite alot in the next Arc, she has some mentions in the one after that, and the 6th Arc is pretty much the "revive Rem" Arc.

Also there's lots of theories about Rem's importance in the overall plot and most of them point towards her being extremely important. Lets key you into this, Rem's ability to smell the Witch's Miasma is something not normal, something very rare as very very few people have it. She wasn't born with it, to cut straight to the point: It was something given to her. By the Witch Cult Archbishop of Lust. Who attacked her village on the Gospel's orders to give her said ability via pouring stuff down her ear. All that information is pieced together from several side stories as it's one of the bigger mysteries of Re:Zero. Now why would the Witch Cult do that? The Gospel also was behind Roswaal taking/adopting the twins too. Why does the Gospel need her?

Lets put together some facts here. Without Rem, Subaru would not have been able to been able to get past Arc 3. Without "From Zero" Subaru would have failed, and maybe that Natsuki Rem chapter was the "What IF" about what would happen without "From Zero". So without Rem Subaru is no good. So is that all she's there for? That one speech that Tappei likes to bring up over and over again (in one of his interviews he reveals that the series is named after it, it wasn't a namedrop it was a namesake, as it was one of the first things he wrote - even before Rem existed as a character) No. She's even more important then that. Rem is something integral to Subaru's authorities. I'm trying really hard to not spoil anything but with every awakening of Subaru's authorities more or less Rem has had something to do with it. While she was in a coma too. From what I see of the WN -> LN process it's basically de Remming the WN (basically most if not all the scenes where he's all sad about Rem are gone/altered) but what draws my attention is that the Rem related details when he used his authority for the first time were left in. Meaning it was something quite important, maybe. The other awakening it's quite obvious Rem's relation to it. A little too on the nose maybe.

Rem's coming back. Also I just really like talking about Re:Zero as you can tell, most discussion has completely died straight up because there is nothing left for us to discuss.
Feb 3, 2018
Late, reply but whatever.

Look my overall point here is that the concept of the series and overall romance is centered on Subaru and Emilia. The authors own words the LN afterword. That is why Rem is so irrelevant next couple arcs in this area. Her main r0le existed to strengthen Subaru and Emilia relationship. In his original draft she had even less of role. So please don't talk about her being more important than she is. It doesn't matter which version you read, it stands. So at best just making excuses for the truth. You might as well drop the series if you can't handle that because Subaru x Emilia carries more weight at this point. Even Rem is pushing him towards this direction because the Subaru she likes the best despite what he said about loving them both. The fact that the Rem ending can only happen in a "What If" which should tell you something about her chances.

Also for that matter the WN was never canon. There plenty changes from first 3 arcs of WN which the LN and anime covered that you don't know and if you still enjoyed the anime despite that just makes you a shallow hypocrite. So bring up Puck reason not fighting in the or not telling Emilia about cult in WN is pointless. None of that happens in the canon where no dumb excuses for those things.

There nothing more to say a about that. Take up with Tappei if want to.

@SweatyBrie There actually nothing special about amount of focus Rem got. In fact that development standard for most of characters in the series. Wilhelm and Otto for example are as much or more fleshed out than she is. Rem gets the attention she because she is a cute waifu who do anything for the MC and a lot of otaku project themselves in Subaru's place. But in end outside Arc 2 the story has never really been about her, but the others around her. That why she can be put on the backburner with out any adverse effect to the story.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
chapter 53 was a disappointment in my opinion... i was expecting to have some heavy drama scene like maybe subaru try to kill himself over and over to reset and go back in time and such... after reading some spoilers in this comment section im sad that in original madia LN or WN that heavy scene was shown...
Sep 23, 2019
Not sure if it changed from the WN and LN but I wish they would’ve included the scene were Emilia doesn’t know anything about the Witch Cult. That scene also shows a bit from the old Crusch when she demands Ferris to apologize. Since they didn’t include that scene, they didn’t include the part when Puck visits Rem either.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 7, 2018
@PureVII that was changed in the LN. I liked it as well. It showed just how sheltered and ignorant Emilia was. However, they also changed the fact that Puck can't directly interfere with the witch cult for some reason, so I guess that plot point is removed from the LN.
Mar 17, 2018
What a goddamn mess. This is fucking abhorrent, whats the goddamn point of Subaru doing anything in the future? Is it his mindless pity for Emilia (and yes, Arc 6 confirms its PITY, not love)?? I cannot believe this, they've completely scrubbed Rem from Subaru to the point that his motivations and actions in the future will not make any sense at all. ARC 3 WAS ALL FOR NOTHING.
I would also do some good recommending to not listen to Ironmaw84, as on 4chan(ESL-kun), animesuki(applehell) and on reddit(same username as here), he tries to whitewash these changes and make it seem like they are very favorably received, even though various sources and a good look at what the LN, Manga and anime have changed compared to the WN give honest answers. These changes hurt the core fundamental of Subaru's character, taking everything that was special about him and turning him into something very generic. It's not Rem that it hurts, its Subaru. Subaru becomes a generic MC. Goddamn, they've already ripped so much of the WN with the LN's shoddy changes, but seeing it in physical form makes it painful to witness. ESPECIALLY the Emilia shilling.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 25, 2018
Dang Crusch is stronger than most sticking with the alliance after what happened. Seems our battles with the archbishops are just getting started.

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