Realist Maou ni Yoru Seiiki Naki Isekai Kaikaku

Jan 18, 2018

I resent the accusation that I do nothing but spread hate about isekais! I have nice things to say about them quite frequently, honestly. Me saying, "the genre does invite certain flaws, but I'm largely okay with that," is not meant to be vitriolic on my part.

...All of which is also to say: What I was saying here is this one here is remarkably bad, be it among isekai or among manga in general. (That part was meant to be vitriolic in this case, I suppose. I was rather flabbergasted by how awful this manga was. YMMV and all that, of course.)
Aggregator gang
Feb 13, 2023
I like isekai, but this one is bad.

The plot as well as world-building is rather undeveloped. The characters are flat as a punctured tire, and the same could be said about any story elements. Hey, "realist" my ass, but since you have so many great ideas, why not go into depth and describe them? No, the world works on author fiat and essentially does not exist 2 meters past the MC.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 23, 2020
...All of which is also to say: What I was saying here is this one here is remarkably bad, be it among isekai or among manga in general. (That part was meant to be vitriolic in this case, I suppose. I was rather flabbergasted by how awful this manga was. YMMV and all that, of course.)
It is stupid... but calling this one "remarkably bad" is doing a disservice to just how far down the gaping trench of isekai quality really goes.
I'd say this one is at least moderately entertaining... in the sense that a child desperately trying to do something that would be easy for an adult is kinda endearing (or at least it is funny to watch how bad they are despite trying their best). But there are a non-minor chunk of isekai series that are so utterly brain-dead as to be completely incoherent and nonsensical... Isekai series that are so bad that they're not even up for so-bad-its-good ironic entertainment. The fact that the smoothbrain plot of this series can actually be followed at all puts it above at least 40% of other isekai.

Now the real question is... how do so many of these even get made into manga in the first place? I mean they're basically all just some kid's garbage self-insert fic self-published as a "light novel", but presumably someone else has to adapt the damned things and that costs money.
Jul 28, 2019
Personally, it is a good manga, it is a generic piece with some spice.

I think it is a solid 8, I used to consider it a 9 because it fills what it intends to do, it is a light read and the characters are enjoyable, but picking it back after a pair of years, I feel more the "generic" stuff, like the excruciatingly low build up in the development of characters, they aren't empty but the lack of build up is very noticeable; as someone said "you really shouldn't set him up to be the greatest demon king already in the description...".
Mar 23, 2023
I like the story and the caracters but there are things that doesn't make sense, it's bothersome. Exemple, (spoile) after ryouma's daughter falsely dies, it isn't said anytime that she was actually alive but she appears publicly during the pirates assault. another thing I find dumb is the correlation with our world in the details, I don't think Jeanne should be aware of japanese superstition's mores
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 13, 2024
This is a fun one. It drags on in places but the interpretations of historic figures are interesting. The art is also pretty great.

It also feels like it takes a ton of inspiration from the Fate series. I can’t help but want to say this entire thing is like one large Grail war. Ryouma is basically an elf FGO Da Vinci. Robin Hood, Hijikata, and Jeanne D’Arc are all here. Different looks and personalities of course but man, it’s definitely there.

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