Realist Maou ni Yoru Seiiki Naki Isekai Kaikaku

Jun 20, 2018
@Jesotku Just because you only play shitty RPGs doesn't mean the good ones use that trope. Yes, I know how many popular RPGs I just called out for this horseshit and I stand by my comment. An argument I always have with one of my friends is how popularity doesn't make something good or correct. He gets especially mad when I march out the fact that flat earthers used to be the vast majority and such.

The tropes the author makes fun of here don't apply to any actually good RPG. In the days when games had an actual challenge to them, big bads only lost because of the fact that players can start over an unlimited number of times. Usually, those mid-boss underlings were powerful enough that very, very few players could claim to have won on their first try. In fact, I know of at least a few where there's a grand total of 0 players who beat the game on their first run. Very few big bads didn't get their hands dirty and most of the ones who didn't were Japanese big bads. Even then, they were usually too busy running their evil empire or hatching their end of the world plan to bother with a weak hero themselves.

I agree with @Keansor. I haven't read it yet but the synopsis absolutely reeks of an author who thinks he's much more clever than he really is. @fellern tries to defend the manga but his defense falls flat when he calls it average. Clearly, the author thought himself more clever than average and the fact he's not is exactly what Keansor was talking about. The author thinks he's writing next level shit and this is just more of the same old, same old with a twist that ultimately just turns it into a pathetic comedy. The fact @TheTenk calls it a less edgy Dungeon Defense just feels like confirmation of that.

Having read most of the first chapter, I can confirm the author thinks he's more clever than he is and this really does read like a less edge lord version of Dungeon Defense. "I will counter it with [Realism]" Such revelation, such clever. The maid's stupefied expression as he lays on the "realism" is almost funny. I almost feel like the author was trying to make a satire but forgot and took things too seriously, ruining the joke. I kind of feel like this might actually be good to read in a so bad, it's funny kind of way, but that's yet to be seen.
Mar 31, 2018
@Someone777 Bud.. you don't gotta go yelp review. The fact you just tried to judge it all when you barely read the first chapter is enough to tell me your time writing up the comment was unnecessary you didn't bring any "good" RPGs to explain or explain anything relevant to anyone defending this manga. You just went on some egotistical speel, agree to disagree and move on. It's manga.
Mar 23, 2019
Alright, since everyone is arguing whether or not this manga sucks or not, whether or not it follows logic, and if it’s stereotypical for its genre let me tell you what it is.

The manga doesn’t suck, it’s pretty good.

No, it doesn’t follow logic too much, but who cares it’s manga, and not unbearable in terms of wanting to drop the series.

Yes it’s stereotypical for it’s troupe, but keep in mind this particular troupe isn’t super popular right now (that I can see) and thus doesn’t have a lot of manga just like it, making it enjoyable and somewhat new.

This is a good read when you are caught up with the series you love.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 8, 2018
tittle says "realistic"

200% chance to be totaly unrealistic
Jan 27, 2020
Man.. the premise of the story itself can really immerse you into the story, but it's blemished by the needless fan service.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 11, 2018
Beginning was kinda meh, but it's decent when the author isn't trying to appear smart with MC's "tactics"
Mar 15, 2020
“Not bullets, shoot them with cannons.”
I relate to this on a personal level.
Sadly protagonist is a bit of a gary stu.
I read the first two chapters, and 2/2 of the females introduced do nothing but praise him for being practical, which isn't very practical
Jul 12, 2019
Trash story with dumb plot but cute art.
If you're talking bout realist then Shinchou yuusha mc was what a realist b like this MC I mean the author is like a parrot who keeps repeating realist every sentence to hide his incompetence in coming up with something clever that gives realist vibe and the plot is boring af.
May 18, 2020
Being tactful is regarded as a realist now? I thought realism has something to do with philosophy.
Jun 7, 2020
This is very interesting. Rather than realist hero (harem genre) i would prefer this. It added *human* heart as a nice change of pace with a little tweak of realist personality.

With the webnovel there’s a slight difference. The child scene in chapter 1. I like it. It gave the reason the webnovel didn’t have.
Jul 4, 2020
The “realist” gimmick as told in the summary never actually happens. Dungeon meshi (a fucking cooking manga) does a better job at trope deconstruction

Most of the early chapters are wasted on the mc powertripping around the world to collect his macguffins.
Jul 31, 2020
I love realist stories where the MC struggles and doesn't try to save everyone, but this is not it.

Although the story itself literally has "realist" in it's title, it is anything but a story based on that word. The MC is once again the classic waifu hugger who uses the "POWER OF FRIENDSHIP!" and decimates enemies who have a literal IQ of 5.

He makes plays that any elementary school kid could do, and the overall story is pretty damn cringey when you notice that it is grown women complaining to him saying that they should "have more trust" and that "they are still uneasy" when all he's doing is putting some bombs and teleporting away.

The author clearly believed that having below average intelligence would actually dominate in a world where intelligence, wits, and strength is everything.

Would not recommend.

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