Records of the Mystic Gardens - Ch. 35 - Tea Villa of the Poisoned Heart

Fed-Kun's army
Sep 27, 2018
Thanks for the chap! Uncle confirmed that MC is a psycho and that the charm actually did him good, hence why he never told anything to MC or dad. PS: for those who say MC is not crazy, think about what the uncle said "next time you meet you might not even give you the opportunity to speak." That's how a psycho would act, after all the charm did him no harm.
Oct 21, 2018
I feel the uncle is just worried that MC is just to single minded/ focused in his martial pursuit, so the uncle advised the father to keep his charm to distract MC with some romantic interest so his mentality don't become to extreme. As for not giving her time to speak, everyone will react with hostility and distrust when they are mind controled for years.
Active member
Aug 20, 2018
What's the problem with being a psycho?
It's not by being normal that you can achieve anything great, guys.
It's especially because he's crazy that he's interesting.
Without plot armor, 95% of the characters seen in The rule of the jungle world (so like every single worlds) would die in the first few volumes.
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 22, 2018
"We are the sane ones", now I want to see the village of the insane ones and the niece, bascially telling her in gestures, she's dead next time lmfao.
Man love this series, forget charm bitch, you come in a mm of the MC and he's taking you down no questions asked.
Dex-chan lover
May 3, 2018
@DaoLaw Being a psycho is by no means the only way to not be normal or to do great things... The MC is a psycho, and maybe he might do great things. Hopefully he fixes his attitude somewhat
Dex-chan lover
Apr 9, 2019
Bullshit that the charm didn't harm him, it harmed his potentiall and halted his training, in a world where strenght means everything in order to survive, there would be good reason for MC to kill her.
Active member
Aug 20, 2018
Yes, it is not the only way, but it is one of the best, and it is among the "not normal".
But what do you mean by "fix his attitude"?

There are objectively close to no problems with being a psycho, the only thing who think psychopathy is a problem is society because a gear that doesn't fit in it's place is worthless/dangerous.
From an objective point of view (with Wikipedia's definition of psychopathy):
-Antisocial behavior means he doesn't give a shit about society, so if he has to do something he will do it even if it's immoral. He already has this advantage compared to the average guy's scared of doing anything that might attract the law.
-Impaired empathy: no unconscious restraint of hurting someone since he will not place himself in their place, he can aim for the eyes or the crotch, for example. And also he will not put himself in danger in order to help someone.
-Impaired remorse: no regrets. I don't need to say more. No mental demons, especially when you can live for hundreds of years, and therefore reaching eternal life is possible.
-Boldness: acting when it is needed to act, no worrying for hours before acting.
-Disinhibition: impulsivity and poor risk management, which is indeed no beneficial.
-Egotistical trait: how to keep your mental health when you are in a world where there are geniuses and sons of heaven everywhere? Putting oneself as the center of everything. No matter what others are capable of, in the end, you are still you, and no one is better at being you than you.

And after this long list, MC does not seem, in my opinion, completely psychopathic. I see it more like a developed logical and pragmatic mind, like a robot, he acts with the best course of action to complete one's goal. In order to win, disable your opponent (before taking his life for death battle): breaking the ankle of the woman I forgot the name. And he can even switch on-off the pragmatic side of him if he's in a state of combat or in "civil mode" (he didn't seem that dangerous when he was interacting with the old guy for the Body of Tumultuous Gold), which shows a great deal of self-control, which contradict with Disinhibition of psychopathic behavior.

So no, I hope he doesn't change and stay as being himself.
Active member
Apr 8, 2018
Ok, so in this story everyone's crazy 😂 makes sense, with that setting after all.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 15, 2021
It's mc's family teaching this poor girl a lesson, again. I don't mean it in a negative way, she just learns from them everytime (and takes a L at the same time hahaha).
It's not that she's especially smart, just that they like to teach her I guess ? Probably because she's a good addition to mc's entourage, whith all their cold-blooded family members... She almost mandatory for mc if he doesn't want to become a cold-blooded murderer that doesn't care about relationships.
It also gives him a fitting sparring parter, a sister in arms too.
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