Thanks for the translation, as always!
Man, oh man, there's just so much I wanna talk about, but I'll limit it to this chapter for now, and maybe comment on the great picture at the final chapter tomorrow.
[ul]-So not even Red escaped the mega culling that was this final arc, huh. I won't say that it's impossible for Red to survive, since it's a manga, but if he does, he'll be living with a nasty brain damage from that bullet in the head, for sure;
-Angie and Ieroh also seem to have met their final fate this chapter, after helping Red one last time. Gave me memories of that time when Ieroh climbed a mountain and just cleaned house on Terence and his men with his rifle. It's a real shame to see them die such tragic deaths;
-Blue is a son of a bitch (understatement of the century btw), but damn, I'd be lying if I said that the author didn't succeeded in drawing Blue as a real threat that could and did kill some of the recurring characters of the cast. He was a worthy villain for Red, and may he not rest in peace;
-Also, I just realized the parallel between the massacre of the Wisa and these last few chapters. The Wisa sioux died protecting Red, and now Red and his allies died protecting Scarlet. Very interesting, but it was a sacrifice of a lot of good and more popular characters.[/ul]
See y'all tomorrow, can't believe this wild ride is finally reaching its' end.