I've seen too many manga being dropped to take scanlation for granted. Some titles I follow have been frozen for several years. Most of the time, I'm just glad there are people who take the time out of their lives to translate and clean manga for other people to read, completely free of charge.
With that in mind, being an asshole to scanlators is not exactly encouraging for them. Do you prefer delayed releases or no releases at all?
The way I see it, this conundrum boils down to four options:
1 - Learn Japanese AND buy all the hundreds of manga you're currently reading for free;
2 - Disregard what scanlators ask and end up with no scanlations to begin with;
3 - Make your own scanlations and distribute them however the hell you want;
4 - Stop whining.
This whole thing is quite obviously about Jaimini's Box and their huge delays. Look, it's not like I understand what's the point of that, but whether I read their release here or on their own site, it still won't cost me anything. How terrible can it be to click a few more times to get to their site and read Kaguya there?
Better yet, just check their site directly every week or so and you won't even notice the delay. I fail to see how is this even a problem, unless of course you're one of those people who only ever use a single aggregator for every manga they read; in other words, a filthy plebeian. I laugh at you.