Folks,sorry to break it to you all,but Release that Witch has just been banned by qidian(most likely at the instigation of the Chinese government) today. We don’t know what’s going on. The link to it is dead, and there is currently a massive crackdown on web novels by the Chinese government at the moment. This most likely means that the novel needs to be edited in order to suit the Chinese government’s tastes, under review in some form or that it is permanently banned.
To sum the points in the twitter thread from etvolare, an experienced translator working with wuxiaworld:
- Nothing sexual below the neck. No sexy daydreams, attempted sex scenes, no allusions to any of it.
- No government or military corruption, or anything that casts the government in a bad light.
- No military related romance due to over-exaggeration. Anything military at all isn't welcome right now, actually, but they're not banning EVERYTHING military.
- No danmei/Yaoi
- Horror and military themes are essentially unwelcome, but not straight out banned.
UPDATE: Author just posted on Weibo saying that the book was banned due to a “regular investigation”,and that he will continue writing even when the book’s banned, hopefully posting all of the chapters when the ban is lifted.
Good News: Release that Witch is back in Qidian. It only took them a day to investigate it lol. Well not surprising really. Qidian can't afford to ban this Novel coz of it's popularity and it's bringing them money from the readers.
Edit: Here is the list of Authors that have been banned due to violations in their Novels.
As of June 4, Release that witch has officially ended. This Novel had such wasted potential. That ending sucked
Author's farewell MTL
Author's farewell RAW