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Apr 16, 2019
So fucking gooooood!! I cried bro T-T Now that I'm done though I'm just sitting here friendless and sad again...
Apr 16, 2020
This is the first manga I followed for the sake of re-reading it was amazing had an actually satisfying end and kept me able to imagine what happens afterwords the way they did this is pure GOLD. If you don’t read this or drop it you’ll regret it. Hands down best manga 11/10 made thousands of grown ass men cry.(which you’ll notice in the comments)

Edit: just to clarify the tears was at multiple points in the manga, sad, bittersweet, and pure joy/satisfaction.
Jun 8, 2019
it's way too good, i want to re-read it second time but i don't want to fall out of society for another 3 days again ;-;
Jan 18, 2018
I... wasn't aware that extras were released a few months ago...
God, I'm so happy to have come back here after two years, the extra chapter was really sweet, I needed it.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 19, 2018
I had high expectation for this manga because of all these ratings. I'v read enough of SOL, romcoms and dramas, but let me say this manga has couple of one of the most annoying characters i'v ever seen. That said, support division and Kaizaki with his own drama are written pretty good and natural. That's why the beginning, before volleyball tournament and last few dozens chapters are really enjoyable and emotional on par with my expectations. But the middle of the manga is absolute mess, mostly because of the rest of the cast.

If author just sticks to romcom and moderate drama it would be really good, but this work pretends to be kinda serious and dark, so mangaka's trying to portrait a lot of very dramatic moments and deep psychological conflicts. And... she is absolute unable to handle such things. There are a lot, A LOT of very forced and unnatural moments, but main issue is how the characters act during these events. Seems like the only way to develop conflict author knows is to make characters act like retards. It's not swear word nor exaggeration. They actually act like 6-7 y.o. children! I know it's manga, but there are must be the limits! This is supposed to be serious dramatic seinen! Characters behavior during their hard times is so forced, annoying and cringe-worthy that most of "dramatic and emotional moments" in the middle of the manga evoke only one emotion: irritation. After every new "conflict" I had urge to drop the manga because of stupidity of situation. Thank goodness in last chapters focus changed to Kaizaki and manga became good again.
Jun 8, 2020
Wow!!! I am in total love with this manga. I have no word to explain how I fell when I was reading it. There was a lot of flipping situation that return me. Sometimes you want too strangle the writter but at the end we just can thank him for the beautiful strory he or she (I don't know) write. I think I'm ready too add a new point of view on my life and my actions after reading this manga. Good luck for not being addicted by this relife story.
Sep 26, 2018
I read this entire thing in the span of 4-5 days. Yes there are 222 chapters (plus bonus) and the chapters themselves can be read very quickly, but the manga is so damn good that I couldn't stop reading it. It has been a long time since I have read a manga that has been so damned amazing. The whole thing covers life so well. The romance is so amazing. I just finished reading the last chapter like 5 minutes ago so my head is kind of spinning and I'm grinning like an idiot and wiping away tears but man...

If you had any doubts at all about this manga or whether it deserves such a high rating just ignore them and start reading. This is an easy 10/10 manga and I am so happy I read it.
Dec 30, 2018
Amazing manga, finished it all in 10 hours couldn't stop myself. The ending was amazing too and the bonus tied everything together. 11/10 would recommend.
Apr 13, 2020
Well, it's now 7:01 AM. Couldn't even dream of stopping before I reached the end. I laughed, I cried, and I giggled in joy.

Thank you for this beautiful, bittersweet manga. 10/10 without a doubt.

As the memeists say, I came looking for copper, but I found gold.
Apr 22, 2019
I watched the anime and it was really good, so I thought “what the heck, let’s read the manga for stuff that was skipped”
Such a good decision.
Holy crap is this good.
One of the best pieces of fiction I’ve ever ever consumed.
The last 40-50 chapters are honestly the best manga I’ve ever read, which is saying a lot considering what I’ve read in the past.
Crying in my bed to this at 2 am. Fucking amazing.
I dunno what else to say. Read it.
Apr 3, 2019
As I have been rereading this godly manga, I noticed that some chapters have corrupted images (ch 40 is the worst offender so far, with a sizeable chunk missing right in the middle). Unfortunately, Whiteout Scans seems to have disbanded at this point, so I don't think they'll reuplolad it. Still, I hope someone from the Mangadex staff sees this and fixes it somehow.
Oh, and if anyone is wondering - yes, the superlative comments are no exaggerations. This series really is that good, I'm happily rereading it for the third time. I highly recommend it.
Feb 26, 2019
From the bottom of my heart,
thank you so, so much for all those extra panels at the end of every chapter.
Jun 7, 2020
It's nice but there's a lot of plot hole that I noticed which should be treated carefully. But since it's ended I guess it's fine that the end was somewhat weird and cliche
Jun 27, 2020
FINALLY decided to read the ending 2 years after i saw the manga (so the last 4 chapters) and holy shit! I just found out (from reddit) that the manga was much more fleshed out (200+ chapters compared to 1 season and 4 OVAs). MAY HAVE TO RE-READ THIS ONE BOYS THE NOSTALGIA IS REAAAALLLL!!!!!

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