Remarried Empress - Ch. 33

Apr 25, 2020
For all you novel readers correct me if I'm wrong but

Doesn't the trash emperor whatever agree to the divorce thinking that it would be a diversion or something then he can be with the empress again? And he even thought that way during the entire divorce thing seen in the first chapter until the prince comes along and trashboi is shookt?? Honestly I haven't read the novel in so long so I've forgotten but I think it went along those lines.
pls let me know if im wrong, just wanted to clarify that part of the story
Jan 20, 2018
The best part of this chapter is the thought that Henley would be attracted to her going completely over Navier's head. It doesn't even occur to her that he's being serious. I almost feel sorry for Henley.

BTW, its more likely that Trashta is lying about the pregnancy to make sure she stays around than actually pregnant and wanting to end it. Children have been used that way for centuries, particularly illegitimate royal children when there are no legitimate heirs. Trashta's pregnancy puts massive pressure on Navier.
Jan 6, 2020
The baby isn't even born yet and it she might miscarry in many,many ways 🤗
why increase her budget ?
Also the doctor claims he can tell she is pregnant by just touching her stomach 😒 ?
Aug 17, 2019
Heinley, don't worry and keep digging deeper and deeper: we will make good use of that hole after getting you out of there 😏
Active member
Jun 1, 2019
If only that Viscount stabbed Trashta deep in the stomach... then we can go bye bye to both HER and THEIR TRASH BABY
Jan 29, 2019
Thank you for translating!!!

Heinleys face as queen made me laugghhhhhh for the first time i clicked page 1 on this
Dex-chan lover
Feb 5, 2018
Reading the comments is almost as entertaining as reading the chapter. I feel like I'm in the minority that doesn't completely hate/loathe Rashta. She's trash and definitely does bad stuff, but I mean... She was a slave. She just wants to make sure she NEVER goes back to that life, I can sympathize with that
May 25, 2020

I don't remember fully, but from what I can recall in the novel
He wants to divorce the empress so he can 'temporarily' marry Trashta in order to make sure Trashta's child will be accepted as the heir/part of the imperial family. He does this because he's under the impression (BIG spoiler)
that the current empress is infertile because his stupid ass fed her a cookie the dowager empress made that contained contraceptives. When they (the current emperor/empress) were kids the dowager empress made a cookie for another concubine of the previous emperor to make her (the previous generation concubine) infertile, but captain genius thought oooh tasty cookies, let's steal it and give it to my wife (he also eats some but assumes he's not infertile, just she must be.) He then tells NO ONE about this because he's afraid of getting in trouble and that his mother may not allow the current empress to marry him.

His GENIUS (noticing a theme here) plan is that he will promote Trashta for a year, thus allowing their lovechild to be the heir, then divorce her and remarry the empress... because Trashta will TOTALLY give back the seat, and the empress will ABSOLUTELY patiently wait for him to remarry her again since he's such a catch. Yup. Great plan buddy. He's totally aware that Trastha will not be a good empress, but comes up with this convoluted stupid plan because reasons.

Then home boy Heinley comes by, scoops her up saying "You gonna eat that? No? I'll just take it thanks." and our idiot emperor is stuck thinking 'Who could have ever thought this plan would backfire!?"

Edit to fix typo.
Mar 28, 2020
Thank you so much for picking this up!! Looking forward to see trashta and trashbag emperor get what they deserve xD
Active member
May 22, 2019
@fennec During her vulnerable moments with the Viscount I do feel bad for her bc even though she’s annoying, I don’t want her to get hurt 😭 I like that she is trying to figure out if the kid he’s taking care of is really hers bc at least that’s something to sympathise with her for
Mar 6, 2020
For people to defend Rasta because "she was a slave, so it's fair she doesn't wanna go back"

Mate, being a slave does not equal to being manipulative and a trashy human being.
Dex-chan lover
May 9, 2019
Thank you so much for translating all this :)

@kujyou12 I mean, it kinda does. If your best way of not going back to being a SLAVE is to manipulate others and situations to your benefit, you'll do exactly that. It's not something to be happy about or condone, but its understandable. She feels she has to manipulate things to avoid returning to being a slave. I can see her perspective in this matter and agree with it from her perspective, but remember, she also isn't educated or able to trust others so easily after being a slave. She clearly isn't going to see there are other options that don't hurt others.
Jun 24, 2020
Everybody's talking about Trashta's pregnancy, but here I am giggling at "Queen's" startled face when he heard the news 😂😂 And the way he hugged Navier 🥺🥺🥺💘💘💞😭 Heinley is so expressive, his reactions make me S O F T URGHHH🥺🥺💞 ELOPE WITH NAVIER ALREADY--/slapped
Apr 6, 2020
I'm waiting for the moment Heinley x our beautiful Queen elope together and smash that trash country to dust 🤗

Thanks for the chapters ! 😘
Dex-chan lover
Jun 10, 2020
Prince you can't keep blushing like that I can't, my heart can't take it
Dex-chan lover
Aug 17, 2019
Thank you for picking this up. I just binged this entire series (so far) today after getting off work, and I'm loving it so far.

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