Remarried Empress - Ch. 60

Dex-chan lover
Feb 4, 2019
Wow. Wow. Wow. Every time you think "this asshole can't stoop any lower" he takes out a shovel, and starts digging a hole.
Even his right hand man that was more or less favorable towards the trashta was absolutely appalled by this asshole. Both the morality of it and the practicality of it. Considering his low level of inteligence, I'm wondering if the only reason his kingdom didn't fall into ruin in his generation (yet) is the fact that MC is there fixing his shit.

People are waiting for divorce? Fuck that, I'm waiting for the fucking war the male lead is planning.
Apr 11, 2020
This series brings a sense of camaraderie in where we all get triggered by shoe and trashata , together we suffer and support navier and queen
Mar 28, 2020
you all may hate me for saying this but hear me out. The plan he came up with is not the worst. It's still not the most horrible thing that he doesn't even consult/inform his extremely competent ruling partner about his plan- cuz lez behonest he would just have begin to tell her and she's so quick on the uptake she would already know the reason why he decided to do this-cuz our queen really is so amazing. So finally you think there may be a sliver of hope for redemption for this tool, even though its a douche bag plan. Almost like finding the bent fork in the trash you accidently threw away that got stuck in the coffee grounds covered in rotting vegetables, but still take out because it's served you well. So maybe up until this point you could overlook somethings, maybe, not me cuz i'm petty, but maybe. But the glove in the face, the straw that breaks the camels back is that the absolute worst part is that our dumbass trash bag actually thinks he is doing her a solid!!! Like with this he will win her favor all over for him and that she will be thanking him for doing this for her. Like saying the reason you "accidently" slipped it in the backdoor was just because you thought it looked so cute and you would like the way it feels. You always got to flipping ask. What a dbag.

I can't wait for her to have a flock of little bird babies.
Active member
Dec 28, 2018
wow that is some good binch read all those chapters in 1 swoop. Wasn't expecting to read so many at once.
Looks like we are really getting close to the Divorce now thought he was going to tell her about that , wonder if that is next.
Nov 4, 2020
This asshole is so sure she is infertile w/o no medical backing, damn his fucking male ego . Also was the humiliation he put her through in the beginning good for her too? Who would want to be humiliated w/ a divorce and then be told, “hey you can marry me again, you welcome. Oh and you have a baby to raise from the bitch who temporarily replaced you”. Like wtf
Nov 14, 2020
Puahahaha shameless emperor doesn't even know Trashta is Greedy pig and doesn't know her place! I'm sure nothing will go his way! Still doubtful about the unborn baby! Divorce Navier she deserves better! Your dreams won't come true. Pfft. Justice for Navier! Can't wait for the divorce part and her marriage
Group Leader
Aug 17, 2019
Spoiler just cuz i typed more that i thought lol
Not that i have a lot to say abt the series i just have rambly thoughts
I dont hate Rashta and honestly it annoys me to see people call her Trashta

I wish she got some better development
Its so obvious the slave thing is just a shoehorned plot thing to make her "trash" and undeserving in comparisom to Navier. I wish her character reflected it better like

She is hopelessly naive, okay... but in a way that's not... slavelike?????? Like i don't want her to be "slavelike" but some of her actions and behavior really dont reflect her past. Shes naive like a sheltered rich girl and not like she was an abused slave who was left to rot in a barn pregnant with the child of a guy who left her. Her fears?? Totally plausible. Her reactions to other things like wanting to be besties with the Empress still after 30 chs.?? Like i dont want her to be traumatized and broken but at the same time her struggle is not believable bc of the writing, which makes her unlikeable bc people (cough and apparently includes the author cough) dont have a good grasp on her motivations and think she acts entitled.

She had a misconception but now mostly is trying to not get disowned. The shithead emperor didnt want her educated, and then when she fucks up even the author acts like she is at fault
Poor girl is fighting tooth and nail not to die. it sucks so much that it was the emperor who picked her up and not some single, rich nobleman that could probably sweep things under the rug more easily. I mean it still wouldnt be easy but the stakes are lower than competing with a literal empress, but where would our entertainment be ig lok

The Emperor is such shit and while id like rip him a new one too like he kinda acts in a way that i'd believe lol. i know real men who be like this. Why dont you try giving nqvier something that isnt a jewel if she doesnt react to those? Like obviously they can still have banter. The romance wasnt xompletely dead until you shot it dead, sir
Nov 28, 2020

Yeah I agree.
Rashta, and even the Emperor, are annoying garbage to me, but more so in a very poorly written kind of way. In Rashta’s case, her “motivations” aren’t cohesive. If her main concern was to getaway from being a slave and just survive, then she she would have been content with just being a concubine. However, she starts to be written in a way that makes her a greedy, conniving, b*tch. She starts to want more and at one point even says that being at the center of attention is where she belongs...But then every so often, the author throws in her monologues of just wanting to survive. It doesn’t make sense! If all she wanted was to survive, she wouldn’t have started to target people like she did (some of those times she was persuaded by Duke but sometimes she wasn’t). The Emperor is poorly written because at the beginning, it seemed like he didn’t care about Navier at all, only Rashta. He even told her she could get a lover. Then out of nowhere he started to be very, very jealous of who she would interact with. He would always put Rashta first, publicly and behind closed doors, but then in the very same breathe demonize her for talking to a guy. However, it started to become very obvious that he doesn’t even love Rashta, and personally I don’t think he ever did love her. I said this before, but it is just completely ridiculous that he did all of this for a woman he never even loved, just to make Navier jealous....when all he had to do was sit down and have a conversation with her. And he’s supposed to be an Emperor?? His reasoning for some of the dumb things he does don’t make any sense! I know the author was trying to make us hate them, but they did it in a way that made them so one dimensional, with nothing to add or no redeemable qualities. The only character I really, really like is Duke Elgy and it’s only because he seems to be the only character that has some complexity.
Feb 8, 2021
I don’t care what y’all say trashta is complete GARBAGE and she deserves ZERO sympathy. I hope she has a horrible and painful death I’m so tired of her and the emperor. I can’t what for the divorce so he can see how much he lost after being swayed by a dog like trashta. he’s so inconsiderate. Wanting trashta to stay “cute” and “stupid” is his way of showing how small of an ego he has that a strong confident woman like the empress scares him and makes him feel inferior, that’s why he prefers a child like trashta that he can easily use to make him feel better about him tiny macho ego.
Feb 10, 2021
lmaoo i cant wait for the divorce scene to come and see sovieshit's plan all crumble down loll
he was like "ye the empress gon be lonely once I divorce her and people will sympathize her and then I'm going to take her back hehehe"
but we all know that is not going to happen since she will remarry the second he divorce's her lol
Dex-chan lover
Sep 3, 2020
At this point, we all know that Rashta just wants to survive and unfortunately for her, she's aiming WAY TOO HIGH and too bad for her the man she's "In love with" just wants her baby room and bruhh
that isn't even his kid!!
like bitchass sovieshu wanted to keep her stupid wtf grrrrrr sovieshu is the real villain!! sometimes I feel bad that rashta is as dumb as a bag of rocks
Mar 28, 2019
Thanks for the hard work, TL team!
On another note, does anyone know what the equivalent webnovel chapter is for this chapter?
Dec 6, 2018
Okay so the conclusion is
we ALL hate sovieshit and trashta.

i even got nausea just from looking at trashta ugh

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