Remarried Empress - Ch. 60

Dec 8, 2020
@howalonnie I respect your hot take and am happy to say your opinion is wrong. Trashta isn't playing the game, she is fucking up time after time after time. She is being manipulated by Duke Elgy, who is essentially a spy for the western kingdom whose purpose is to sow discord in the eastern empire's imperial family. Trashta isn't making grand schemes, she is either following along or being spiteful with her reactions. Trashta could avoid ALL of this if she was just honest about everything. The emperor KNOWS all of this and is still protecting her because he thinks she will give him an heir. He is literally willing to screw over the competent Empress because he values his side mistress and heir more than a stable empire. So why does Trashta want more other than she is greedy and too stupid to recognize how good her situation is.

Again, Trashta sucks. She could admit she had another child and the Emperor would probably save the child for her and let her raise it separately. He has vowed to let her live her life a happy peaceful life, something Trashta has claimed she wants. Trashta doesn't have to do any of the things she is doing! But because she is too naïve and manipulated by Duke Elgy, too stupid and blackmailed, and too GREEDY to just be happy with the protection she could have, she ruins the lives of everyone around her.

Trashta has a really sympathetic background, and you could root for her when she gets her petty revenge on her owner's family because that family is trash and they deserve it. But she isn't sweet, she is greedy, she isn't just naive, she is a weakness to the empire, she isn't just annoying, she is purposefully rude at times. I've read some of the novel raws, and let me warn you, Trashta devolves even more, and she becomes even more trash. You should sympathize her history and even commend her for her efforts to protect herself, but remember, she deserves to be seen as the trashy villainess in this story. She isn't just looking out for herself, she is willing to hurt and kill innocent people who have no intention to harm her because she is too self obsessed with herself to just be content with being the Emperor's concubine. Should we praise her for wanting more? Let's forget all your pointless class arguments, Trashta has a comfortable life NOW and could keep it if she would stop being a bitch.

I can see how you can sympathize with Trashta, but how are you TEAM Trashta? Navier has done nothing wrong. She hasn't been unreasonably rude to Trashta, she hasn't tried to harm her, she hasn't made things difficult for her. She just hasn't accepted her because, ya know, Trashta knows the Emperor is married and happily has an affair with him.

I'll give it to you though, The Emperor is by far the worse person. Because he is too horny, too privileged, too focused on having a stupid/sweet mistress, too obsessed with getting an heir, he treats both women poorly and drives Trashta to make dumb decisions and be manipulated and even supports her for it. He deserves his shitty ending.
Sep 3, 2020

I dont consider myself a fan of rashta personally. When I say I'm team rashta, Im anti-monarchy and anti-elites. And im sick of classist and misogynistic narratives in this fandom.

I agree with the astute observation that a big problem with this is the writing.. youre absolutely right that ashta's a poorly written character. Slavery's a traumatic subject, and the narrative doesn't do it justice. Id push against the idea that rashta's caused much damage to navier, however, at this point in the timeline. If anything, the fact that navier survives her husband's infedility and comes out on top with her alliance with heinley is the very appeal of the story, a (delightful) subversion of the hackneyed stories where the cuckolded wife is seen as a tragic figure. Rashta's place at court has always been more vulnerable than navier's, esp. Since readers know from the getgo the queen will emerge from the scandal largely unscathed, if not with the benefit of a better and loving husband.
Nov 16, 2020

"And yet she does nothing about slavery while she sists in the palace"

Im sorry but why she should do something? She neither comes from our world so dont have the same morals as we do. You forgot that this is a mediaval world and trying to judge it as it was modern days. Also nobody fucking hates Rashta because she was a slave, they hate her because shes being a bitch. She isnt considerate in the slightest or respectful. You cant just go and tell your husbands first wife bigsis. Even more if shes the empress. Well i know a few spoiler that makes my blood boil more but there is no need to say those.

Oh and im saying this again but if they ever make a tv show of this Anna Torv should play Navier lol
Jul 31, 2019
@howalonnie I agree with half of your points, I do feel bad at how Rashta was raised as a slave and her perpetrators keep coming back to haunt and harass her, and how it is mainly the Emperors selfishness that led to this,
But that doesn’t make more immune to her huge flaws,

The main issue I have with her is her greed and how her pursuit to being empress is self centered and selfish, think about it. This is back in around like 1600 where status was very important, the empress Navier has connections that greatly benefit the empire due to her status and has the respect Of the aristocrats which is important for ruling. Rashta’s desire for becoming empress could crumble the kingdoms laws and power creating a possible war and revolution! All because the Empress doesn’t treat the woman who sleeps with her husband with respect, she’s all of a sudden righteous in her decision? Also she would make a horrible Empress, she’s close minded, greedy, and doesn’t have the education or cleverness like Navier. Rashta already has a great life compared to before so why is she trying to gain more? Because she’s afraid of what might happen to her once she loses the emperors love? She would try to better herself and use her status to make money for herself and become a better person. Another note, do you think Rashta is going to try and solve slavery once she’s empress? Most likely not.

I also wish for Rashta and Navier to flourish and grow better from this, I want Rashta to have both of her babies and be a happy family, but she won’t be satisfied until her baby is king/queen and she is the empress. That’s my hot take.
Feb 2, 2020
My conspiracy theory is looking more and more feasible. Am I psychic? I’m still gunning for Navier to be empress of everything with a bird boy harem and that random dude with white hair to come back and blush all over the pages.


So good. Thanks for the mass release, really revved me up. This story is actually really well done. Like every character is MAKING MOVESSSS. Even the Rashta’s baby is all up in it, getting his hair cut and drinking milk.
Dex-chan lover
May 31, 2018
@howalonnie Nice try, but I disagree with her getting a pass for being garbage as a person just because she was a slave, and that fact that you ignore everything about her based on that sentiment. Typical idiotic logic that makes people think just because they believe in equal rights between different colored people, they are right to loot and lit unrelated business and buildings on fire. If you think that kind of logic is legit, you're way beyond the point of being a decent person.
Sep 3, 2020

As I stated in an earlier comment, I dont consider myself a fan of rashta personally necessarily. When I say I'm team rashta, Im anti-monarchy and anti-elites. And im sick of classist and misogynistic narratives in this fandom.

Im not denying she's not stupid. If anything, i state multiple times she's outclassed and bumbling and naive. What I disagree with you is the assertion that she is greedy. As she stands now, the only way for her to survive is to become empress herself, for herself and her children. How can you blame someone's desire to protect oneself as avaricious while extolling monarchs who have inherited palaces for free as deserving of that wealth?
Nov 16, 2020
@DeviLaugh its even more funny when
we learn the empreror was the one who is infertile POG (well still not sure about this but i saw a spoiler, maybe you can verify it since you read novel raws)
Sep 3, 2020
@Istvan90623 is that a racist i sniff? Consider me thoroughly shocked. 🤪

@xxpunkgurlxx I respect your hot take and agree - nowhere did i state rashta isnt a flawed character. If anything, shes a VERY flawed character - stupid, bumbling, naive, utterly outclassed by Navier (who seems flawless). All im saying is maybe we need to look at the inherent misogyny and elitism of the narrative that pits two ladies against each other, the exslavemistress as incredibly flawed and the wealthy queen as superhumanly graceful despite being the monarch of a country with slavery. All im sayin
Dex-chan lover
May 31, 2018
@howalonnie Twist it however you want, it's obvious where you're coming from and how bad is your supposed logic is. Take your head out of your ass and then start sniffing around, idiot, then try to throw cards around.
Sep 3, 2020
... people should do something about slavery because it's a morally unconscionable practice. Just because a human rights violation was historically more accepted as an economic institution doesn't mean it wasn't bad. Legality doesn't equate morality.

Also slavery WAS known as a horrifying institution then - it was only the ruling class that accepted it as a necessary evil since it benefitted them socioeconomically. Why do you think slaves were forbidden to read or write or literally do or say anything that might prove slavery as anything otherwise? Read up ex slave narratives. Read up early abolitionism. Read up John Brown. The argument youre making, that "it was acceptable back then so why not?" Is tired. Also, this is a webtoon in 2021, the author shouldve researched more if she decided to incorporate any subject matter of slavery as a plot point.

Also, if youre mad that rashta wasn't following the proper royal decorum, maybe you should also research 'respectability politics.'
Dec 26, 2020
This is around the time I started to feel bad for (T)Rashta. Simply because the even the emperor doesn’t truly love her. In the end, she’s become a bit obsessed with the stability the royal family gave her, and started to become manipulative, but she’s being played like a fiddle. The emperor’s love only goes towards the baby in her stomach, and that’s it. The emperor is the real antagonist, let’s not forget. Plus Duke Ergi isn’t a friend to her, but is just manipulating her into increasing the tension and making a mess of things to put the Western Empire at an advantage in the coming war. This hasn’t been mentioned in the WEBTOON, but In The novel
Rashta was told that her baby was killed. the original baby I mean. She thought it was dead, killed by her slave owner family
so i don’t blame her about her baby at all.

Now that being said, while I don’t think the rabid hate from the community is justified, do I like her? That’s a definite no. I get she may be a slave and all, but she didn’t understand her place from the get go. She thought herself on the same level as Navier. She made a horrid first impression and that set the stage for all the hate she would receive. Honestly no one likes a home-wrecker, however, her blatant disrespect stemming from shear ignorance I think is what people can’t stand about her. Myself included. I’ve read plenty of stories about concubines having a cordial relationship with the empress because they understood that this was emperor’s will and respect each other’s boundaries. Rashta is too ignorant to understand the intricacies of the hierarchy she established herself into.
I just hope we all remember the real baddie is the Emperor. He’s is all around an awful individual.

Ugh I just wanna thank the Majesty Hearts for the amazing work they’ve done. Please enjoy y’all break. I will probably take the time to re-read the WEBTOON to see if there’s anything I missed. I absolutely love the story and am grateful that you guys are helping present the story to us!
Nov 16, 2020
@howalonnie Are you sure you read my reply? If you did i dont think you understood. Im saying why she should change it it is a bad thing to you not to her world, oh except the slaves. We had our slave period and get over with it but that world isnt Earth! Even Rashta wouldnt change slavery instead she would make Viscount a slave if she could. Also i never did say slavery was acceptable. It only makes sense that a world with a mediaval setting to have slavery . Im not defending slavery but that world having slavery in it. Got it?
Jul 31, 2019
I think I see the main issue here @howalonnie You wished that the author didn’t paint a person who’s the victim of slavery as a villain because it’s somehow undermines true slavery??? First of all a person of color, a slave, a rape victim can become a villain. Secondly this has nothing about BLM, I can’t believe I had to say this but People can hate Rashta rightfully without being called “racist” because we don’t care about her slave status, we hate her greed! As Martin Luther King JR said,

“I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” ~From the “I have a dream” speech
Nov 16, 2020
@Oniku_Niku hoho dont even mention the emperor. Oh i can finally say this without spoiler; How he thinks so highly of himself (ok he is the emperor he is indeed highly but that isnt what i mean) that hes so sure that Navier will not remarry. He doesnt know her the slightest or even tried to know her even though they grew up together. Im so waiting for the divorce and see his face in shock and agony that he knows he cant remarry her.

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