Remarried Empress - Ch. 60

Apr 3, 2020
I thought this dude was gaining back his senses but clearly not >:O

Even if the brother will be banished, the whole family would eventually live in the other kingdom right?

I was hoping for the divorce but we're still not there yet, almost tho ><
divorce! divorce! divorce!

Thank you for this massive release!!! ^^
Dex-chan lover
Apr 8, 2020
Ugh, the emperor is treating her like a tool you can put on a shelf and pull out when you need it. (Grrrrr)
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 14, 2018
Thank you for the mass release!

Not sure if anyone informed the translator regarding this.. but Jim isn't a person. The same translation mistake was made in another Korean manhwa.. Jim refers to the king himself, something like "we", as when the king refers to himself, they use "we" instead of "i".

This mistake was pointed out by another translator in that manhwa. Different group but has better understanding of korean.

P.s the other manhwa is "The Stepmother's Marchen".
Active member
Oct 5, 2020
...i think the emperor lacks a brain. it would be an overestimation to just say that it was small. he was always so jealous but thinks she wont actually leave him when shes divorced? how stupid can u get. anywho i honestly give zero craps. this way he can make way for our favorite birdy.

@camlakorns at this point i dont think he even has anything up there... except maybe some free floating trash here and there.
May 9, 2020
Wait can someone explain... Does that dumb Emperor want to divorce Navier, then marry her again after a year just for Trashta's baby????... Wtf
Dex-chan lover
Dec 31, 2018
He has this grand idea that she is the infertile one and by having a kid with Rashta he can take that child and make it their heir. Instating Rashta as empress will make the child a legitimate heir for the throne. His big mistake is thinking that because it's traditional for a divorced empress to not remarry that Navier will still be there for him after that year , a year that the people spend comparing Rashta and her. Of course Rashta is nothing compared to Navier so Navier would be welcomed back with relief that they have a competent empress once again. The only credit the emperor gets is understanding that Navier is THE empress and that Rashta can't compare even if she tries. No one wants a fucking empress that talks like a spoiled child.

BUT we already know from the title that she gonna get REMARRIED. Good for her, cause the emperor is honestly a piece of shit for taking care of it like this. Zero communication.

I also think other spoilers said that the emperor is the one that's infertile which would explain a lot and make it even funnier when it comes out that Rashta's second baby is the result of a different affiar.
BUT if it's Navier that's infertile than that's fine too. I doubt Heinley gives a shit and honestly he'd find a MUCH better solution. He didn't even want to become king tbh so he might just hand it off again??? (speculation not fact).

I'm still unclear whether the emperor still loves the empress, but they were at least amiable in their childhood I think? I'm not going to bother rereading to figure that out.
Dex-chan lover
May 12, 2019
2 week break? That's preposterous - you pump out those chapters like I demand!

Sovietsu roleplay jokes aside enjoy your break!

Also when did we learn of the empress's infertility? Has it been brought up before?
Active member
May 20, 2019
One bad decision after . . . . uhhh . . . . fuckton of bad decisions

It's leaving such a super bad taste after knowing that he was ,or maybe he is still, in love with Navier but ridden with guilt, cause he thinks he was part of the reason of her infertility. Feeling so, he wouldn't dare make a move on Navier, cause he doesn't want to fuck up anymore of her, to the point of loneliness. Then Rastha showed up, leading him to cope with her loneliness.
Jan 22, 2018
Motivation spoilers

when Sovedouche and Navier were younger, on the eve of making their social debut together they were made to fast (not eat) before the event.

Now Sovedouche’s mother had chocolates made with infertility drugs meant as a “gift” for one of the Emperor’s concubines who was pregnant with the purpose of causing a miscarriage.

Well Sovedouche being the dumb ignorant fuck he is stole the miscarriage candy and ate it along with Navier. The candy is known to cause possible permanent infertility.

Douche mom found out about the candy early (the same day) and secretly put both Sovedouche and Navier on medications to counter the effect of the candy. But years with no heir make Sovedouche think Navier is just infertile.

It is not that Sovedouche does not care about Navier, he does, it is just that he cares more about his own pride and legacy than Navier.

Which is why Sovedouche never clearly explains his plan or reasons to Navier.
Jul 23, 2020
So his words say that he still loves Navier but the way he is taking actions,not
Dex-chan lover
Sep 4, 2019
Hey Y'all, spoilers ahead <3

Well, here we are again. Two weeks and ten chapters later, we're basically in the same spot as far as plot is concerned. Actually, I'd say we've taken a step backward in narrative, actually, since we now have even more side-plots in place with the addition of the expanding army and all the mages losing their ability to make tea at just the right temperature. I'm not saying that side-plots are bad, but you have to have main plot progression in order for them to work. We have seemingly huge pieces of the plot being retired after so much emphasis was placed on them, such as the fact that Rashta was a slave or the fact that she finished a 9-month body-building challenge at some point in the past. All the characters (save for maybe some of the background characters) take this in stride, and move on to the next piece in their own strategy. This should be a huge plot point and the key to some major scandal, but noooope. The entire cast is like "ah yes, I see, interesting", when this single bit of info about her being a slave and having a child is the emperor's single greatest weakness.

Speaking of strategies and those that employ them, did you know that characters that are cunning and sly can have more traits than just their cunning and slyitude? I didn't. And apparently neither did the author. I swear, every time we interact with Navier or the emperor (I seriously cannot be bothered to even remember his name), they're always scheming, always thinking about their plans or their status or some other aspect of the power structure in the palace. I don't mean to imply that we should have a whole dang cooking chapter or a spinoff series about the main characters in high school, but y'know, at least we would get some character development past just their incessant scheming, strategizing, and incessant need to make their motivations known in thought bubbles. And they're not even good strategies, either. Take the viscount for example. This author wants me to believe someone can be cunning enough to con his way into a mansion in the capital, but at the same time is dumb enough not to have any contingencies or backup plans, even when he's dealing with the friggin EMPEROR? Like, what was the endgame there? Or howsabout the emperor himself, plotting to divorce and then remarry the empress, without the foresight to understand what effect that could have on his reign, both internally and externally. You have a concubine with a mortal secret that must be kept, and you're about to banish someone who knows said secret to another (potentially unfriendly) country, and that someone is probably willing to just hand over that info to the highest bidder just to spite you. How short-sighted are these characters?

Y'know, one of my favorite quotes is by someone who disliked the BBC series Sherlock, and was explaining why. They said "[Sherlock] is what happens when dumb people try to write smart characters." I like that quote. I think that quote fits here quite well, since entire cast is a group of cunning court strategists, each vying for their positions of power, but simultaneously they're all high school students who didn't have the foresight to study for their midterms, and those midterms could execute you. It has the potential to be a brilliant court drama, with conniving and backstabbing and courtship (oh my!), but it doesn't have enough character development or plot progression to keep the reader engaged with the story. Another reason it can't be that kind of story, though, is because that's... not what we were promised. I want my damn heroin being swept off her feet by the dashing king of a neighboring kingdom, thereby escaping the ridicule and harassment of her husband and court. That's what I was promised in chapter one. That one scene was supposed to set the tone for the entire story, but this story is not meeting the expectations it set for itself at that point.

Ugh, I've devolved into incessant rambling at this point, but that's just what this story does to me. I love to hate it, but I would love it more if it got it's act together. I'm scared that this is gonna be one of those "it gets good after the first season" kind of things, but that's kind of what this is smelling like. Smells stale.

Anyways, thanks for watching, be sure to tune in next week where I write one of these on drugs.

Mod Note: Please use spoiler tags when talking about chapter-specific or future events.
Oct 8, 2020
Yes, pls divorce her so she can get together with heinley, i am totally shipping them!
Dex-chan lover
Aug 20, 2019
finally, the catharsis is gonna be so fucking good. My heart is just screaming in anticipation

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