Remarried Empress

Oct 5, 2020
i rlly hate every time sovieshu talks badly about navier and commentates how stoic she is and that she’s no fun. he dared to even say in the earlier chapters that, bc navier was boring, that was why he kept rashta around him since she was more cheerful. like dude ur her husband. if you want her to open up to you DO SOMETHING. you have her right there. like i said he’s so complicated and for what
May 23, 2020
Can we please get to the part where Navier divorces that nitwit and actually becomes a remarried Empress? (I actually like her with the Arch Duke, he's fucking adorable!) I hate that slut and don't want to read about the pair of shitheads anymore.

;____; Gimme Navier's happyness!
Jun 7, 2020
Honestly, i dont want to read the manhwa since the novel triggered my blood pressure so much. But i think it will bring me great pleasure once i saw the trashies faces in the divorce part and navies wedding with heinley and in lots of other future lovely scenarios.
Thank u for the translations group for having the courage of translating this manhwa. The last panel always bring us joy. Keep up the good work!
Dec 1, 2019
I know that this is probably pretty shallow and stuff but really I can’t take it anymore. They are taking too long to get to when she becomes a “remarried empress”. I like the story and all but seriously do they have to drag it? The emperor’s mood to the fl is so wish washy, like bro you’re an adult make your damn mind please. I probably won’t come back until a while, preferably I would like to skip till they get a damn divorce. I’ll check the comments every so often to see but, I guess for now it’s goodbye.
Mar 19, 2020
For those of you who can’t wait until the divorce, you still got a long ways to go. It took a long time in the novel before we finally get to the day of the divorce. Lots more heartache, pain, frustration and anger against the stupid emperor and his mistress!
Jan 25, 2020
Everytime I see that dick of an emperor the same thing comes to my mind:
Without navier as the empress to run the country, everything is gonna collapse.
Sovieshu is obsessed with himself, navier is supposed to at least be his childhood friend. WHO TREATS THEIR FRIENDS LIKE THAT ??!!
Oct 10, 2020
I'm gonna be honest, I don't ship Kafman with Navier but I still simp for him. Take me with you, Grand Duke 🤤
Apr 11, 2020
everytime archduke Kafman comes into frame my heart clenches ⅛ its original size, I love him so much that godamn adorable mfer he fcking cried jc
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 6, 2019
After a bit of thinking, I kinda stopped hating Trash-hoe. She is a runaway slave. She doesn't want to go back to being a slave. Her portrayal is unflattering though.
Simperor, on the other hand... Empress is supposed be his childhood friend, yet he treats her like trash.
Empress could've also handled it better. Taken her under her wing. As a leaver of influence, if nothing else. A lot less drama too.
Also surprised not to see the usual screeching about NTR. Because this is it. Softcore, mind you, but fragile incels usually screech at every shadow.
Apr 21, 2020
Kafman is so precious. I want to protect him with my life 🥺

I'm so sad he has to leave...

Also, @gladiatorua isn't that what makes it fun though? The drama, the emotions, the misunderstandings and complications. Hating on a cheating pair is fun because as they say; "it takes two to tango".

I agree that the Emperor is the trashiest of them all but Rashta being a slave doesn't excuse her actions and her trashiness in my opinion. The same way being raised in a bad environment doesn't excuse someone's actions. I mean you're free to not hate on her ofc. We all have our own opinions of what is passable and what isn't. Like I personally think it's alright that the Empress doesn't want to take her under her wing, I mean I wouldn't either if the same happened to me. I don't see it as her responsibility to babysit Rashta but some people might think the opposite and that's completely alright. We're all entitled to our opinions which is pretty cool. Thanks for sharing your view 👍 (btw this isn't sarcastic, I'm sorry if it comes across as such >~<)
May 2, 2020
The title is wrong. It should be 'The Empress wearing a green hat' or something, because she hasn't gotten remarried or even divorced yet. Frankly, the villains are too unintelligent and uninteresting, and it doesn't seem to change. It's like watching an adult argue with children. I think this manhwa's greatest flaw, apart from the too early flashbacks, is the emperor. His change of heart doesn't make sense. There is a difference between falling out of love and falling out of friendship ; it's like he nothings her after knowing her all his life. Treats her like an enemy. I genuinely hope it will be explained better.
Mar 19, 2020
I get it that they had a political marriage, that they dont love each other so he might fell in love with someone else..... But they were damm best friends.... N the bond between friends is suppose to be more stronger than a lover.... Same goes with the trust.... Forget about being his wife.... How can he trust someone more than his childhood best friend..... I hate him.... But keeping their cute past in mind i still wanted to root for them.... But the moment my heart even tries to think something like the cute past my brain crushes it then and there without any mercy..... i still hope he realise his mistake throw that concubine out n still have a clean breakup with the empress keeping their friendship ....And yeah about that concubine....Whatever that bit*h name is.... These type of people are really scary... There are villainess who act like a villain, there are villainess who acts innocent.... But shez the worst type... She actually herself thinks and believes that she is an innocent girl and thats not even an act.... Like its natural..... The wrost villainess ever.... Her tears are not even an act.... Those are her damm real feeling.....her feeling in which she thinks shez pure....
Apr 23, 2019
I love how almost every one in the comment section has their blood boiling or saying that they want to stop reading this, but still here we are... reading. 🤣 I also love how every group that translate this manhwa has quality memes at the end. It just makes everything more enjoyable.
Mar 25, 2019
We all have one heck of an immense frenemy relationship with this damn manwha lol
Navier is best girl
Kafman deserves all the happiness in the world <3
Big bro deserves an award for loyalty :3
Trashta and Emperor trash should really just be sorted in flammable trash :)
Nov 13, 2019
I loveeee this manhwa and i'm very thankful because the translator did a really great job translating this. But i just can't stand seeing those leading in the typography, i mean the space between texts. It was too uptight... and so the words in a bubble text seems uncomfortable to read. Can the person who type the translated words fix it? Thank you.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 6, 2019
Rashta being a slave doesn't excuse her actions and her trashiness in my opinion. The same way being raised in a bad environment doesn't excuse someone's actions.
It's not about the environment. She doesn't want to go back to being a slave. A fucking slave. Trashy, not trashy, doesn't matter, if you're not a slave anymore.
Like I personally think it's alright that the Empress doesn't want to take her under her wing, I mean I wouldn't either if the same happened to me. I don't see it as her responsibility to babysit Rashta but some people might think the opposite and that's completely alright.
Alright or not, she has to clean up the mess anyway. She is supposed to be cold and practical. Dealing with a concubine or cleaning up the mess in her wake... One of those is less of a shitshow. Mind you, we know that she is going to get remarried, she doesn't. Stopping the spiraling mess is in her best interest, and kind of her responsibility.

In the end, it all comes down to Simperor and his treatment of his childhood friend, if nothing else. He is dumb and he is an ass. And he should've consulted her and asked for help properly. It's a classic trope of nobody wanting to talk to each other and resolve the issue.


Aug 31, 2019
@singletkotak i'm pretty sure this is a one-man team scanlating this manhwa right now since the other group stopped translating it for us once it got serialized. i think we should all be a little bit more lenient on these types of mistakes since they are pumping out decent-quality translations right now.
May 23, 2020
Hm, Navier would rather suffer and be Empress
than run away with Arch Duke Kafman.
... Why?! You’re just choosing suffering over a happy life! Sigh, MC is experiencing ‘drama for the sake of the plot’ isn’t she?

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