Remarried Empress

Apr 21, 2020

Okay fair. Still don't like her though. I understand she doesn't want to go back to being a slave but she honestly could've done better in my opinion. Cheating is just a personal thing to me that I can never forgive no matter the circumstances. Both are trash in my eyes for doing it. Her for acting as if what she's doing isn't shameful in front of the empress (she literally has never shown any regret for what she has done) and him for neglecting his wife and being an absolute dickhead (there's more but honestly I think it's pretty clear why his is the worst).

Also the Empress is still human. Humans feel emotion and are sometimes driven by said emotions. No matter how cold or calculating someone is, unless they are literally incapable of feeling emotion, they will be swept by their emotions. Especially in a situation of broken trust and rejection. I don't see it as out of character for her. We all have things that we do that don't necessarily make any "logical" sense and I think it's mostly out of pride. She has too much pride to deal with a measly concubine. It isn't logical but it makes sense because people be like that.

Yeah the Emperor is still the trahiest, ain't gonna argue there. But yeah good drama right there. Love the trope to bits.
Jan 18, 2018
This is doing a remarkably good job over time of making some antagonistic characters that are on the one hand very human, understandable in their exasperating way, and even sympathetic, and on the other hand, absolutely and unequivocally loathable.

I also think the main love interest is a smarmy creep, or did anyway, the slow-burn romance has been slowly winning me over.

All-in-all I feel like I'm compelled to concede it's actually quite well-written.


Actually, I mightn't either.
Both we and she barely know what the man's like, even if he's given off the best first impressions of any one man in the series. And she'd be going to a country where she barely speaks the language. And who knows what happens when the love potion wears off—he's only offering because he's high on magic drugs, which we know rob him of some of his judgement. It's a very risky proposition. Not at all pragmatic. Add in her well-tempered pride and her sense as to what things are Simply Not Done...

At any rate, for good or ill, this seemed at the very least like the natural decision for her to me, given who she is as a person. Not something contrived as such.
Jul 19, 2020
Archduke Kafman... you look tough on the outside, but you're such a sweet cinnamon roll and I just want you to have everything!! Bless his heart!

I'm excited for big brother. He's gonna stir it ALL up...and maybe, just maybe help his sister dump the Emperor and Rashta. Kafman planted the seed, brother helps it grow, and Heinley shows her what life could be.

I really cannot with the Emperor and Rashta though. He never stops to realize she's cold to him because that's how he treats her! And then he goes and rubs salt and lemon juice on the wound... yeah, like that will help. Rashta's just a narcissistic manipulator. She could have built herself up and done well for herself - proven what kind of person she could be. But nope, got another kid from another man (could be from a terrible circumstance, but I'm not getting that vibe), hides the secret, former slave, hides the secret, is being blackmailed, hides the secret AND works with the blackmailer. Wrecks other people's marriages (2 so far that we know of...) for her own gain, lies constantly. Sure, life was tough for her, but she just has no redeemable character traits.

In the meantime, I can't wait for the next update. I'm in love with this story!
Oct 22, 2020

The only smarmy creep here is you :)
Don't judge my cinnamon roll too quickly

(P.S.: If I sounded rude I didn't mean to. Sorry :>)
Apr 13, 2020
Seriously though, this is getting hard to read. I'm sure she can find some way to subvert the emperor and his hoe. She comes from a powerful family and supposedly grew up in the noble circles so she should know how to manipulate things. God, I think I'll wait for 10-15 chapters to come out before I read it again because the frustration is real. Slap a bitch (metaphorically, use your cunning) jesus.
May 8, 2020
am I the only one? I think Koshar's design looks a lot like an adult Edward Elric (Fullmetal A.), no?
Mar 2, 2020
chapter 43, where is this in the webnovel ?? I need to read this for more.

EDIT: Its chapter 93 in the webnovel, each chapter in the manwha is roughly 2 chapters in the WN, which is crazy. but there's more details obviously.

EDIT 2: Okay so I binged the WB up to ch 173. the actual divorce doesn't happen til around ch 160. So we have roughly another 40 chapters before we even hit the divorce arc. And the Emperor is even dumber than we thought, like holy shit i want every women he ever gets with to be NTR'd and for him to be eternally cuck'd, he's a big POS
Jan 18, 2018

When was I smarmy or creepy? o_o Or was that just an "I am butter, you are glue" sort of response.

I do feel quite strongly that his deceit-filled stalking in the beginning of the series is fairly objectively creepy behavior, though, even if their romance is turning out more sweetly than that over time.
May 23, 2020
Is the bird prince and his friend (via his friend, since he’s being nice to the slave girl) causing strife on purpose so Navier will get divorced and then bird prince will ‘swoop’ in to marry her. Is that what is happening here?

Wow, just. Woooooow.
Jul 25, 2020
Thanks for the updates!
Gosh, I feel so frustrated for Navier, I mean, I understand her reasons but still, my heart aches for the position she is stuck.
Hopefully she will set herself free and go become a queen hehe
Sep 29, 2020
I hope this works for the translated novel. BTW: some parts might not make sense.
Apr 21, 2020
I hate those too so much but even then I wish Trashta got her baby back. After all, it's not like she abandoned him on purpose, and it's not the baby's fault that he's left with that family (which we don't actually know how they're treating him). And do we actually know that Rashta fell in love with Sovieshu's son? Because from the interactions so far and her flashback it doesn't seem like it was a positive happening (I'm guessing rape or drugs or whatever). I can only hope Ahn doesn't grow up to be like Sovieshu, living in his house.
Also, I HOPE they get divorced quickly so Navier can marry Heinley. It's not like I don't like the extremely long foreshadowing but I want *aftter wedding* material. I wanna see Navier thrive in Heinley's kingdom and watch the aftermath unfold (will the Emoire collapse in some way with such a useless Empress like Trashta?)
I can't wait.


Jul 4, 2019

I know it is frustrating that they are just at 15 but at least the creator will get money. It is an official translation.
May 23, 2020
I love your translator notes here and there, they always make me laugh!! Can never support a character who is willing to step on others to get their way, especially when the other party is so noble and willing to put their emotions aside for the good of their country 😭 Trashta will forever be trash until she stops calling herself by 3rd person.

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