Remove rating system and replce with a like system? :rejected:

Mar 10, 2018
Just a simple suggestion, i noticed that some haters or people not interested in a serie abuse the score system giving a score of 1 out of 10 just for the sake of doing it and decrease the overall rating. Also is very exploitable if you have multiple accounts.

In my opinion a system like this is unfair and do not prevent abuse, i think you should replace it with a LIKE system, mean that if you like you push the button and increase the counter, if you don't then you simply do nothing.

In this way only people really interested in a serie can express their liking. Just my 2 cents.
Feb 11, 2018
I personally don't have a problem with the current 1 out of 10 scale. I like the increased granularity because I find it helpful for my own tracking purposes. In fact, in my mangaupdates list, my scores tend to end up going into the 2nd decimal place because I'm that indecisive :p

Based on what I've seen, I don't think the scores are that prone to abuse. I think that in most cases, people who rate something 1 out of 10 genuinely have some serious problems with the series, and so it should be reflected in the score. Obviously I may not agree with some of those scores. But everyone has different tastes in manga, and that's fine. I don't trust scores that much anyway when deciding what to read.

Not to say that there isn't any merit to this suggestion. In fact, YouTube used to have a 5-star rating system before they found out that people mostly voted either 5 stars or 1 star or didn't vote at all, so they ended up switching to a like/dislike system. So that kind of system does have precedent.

Personally, I'd prefer to stay with the current rating system. Not only because its increased granularity is more useful to me, and not only because it's really really hard to categorize how I feel about a manga series into only 3 buckets (like / neutral / dislike), but also because of the potential for fun bimodal or trimodal distributions (see: Boku no Pico, Mars of Destruction,Pingu in the City, Pop Team Epic, Magic Mushroom, etc.) :p
Jan 18, 2018
i like the rating system shows better the value of a series and most people will vote truly how they feel , I voted 1 many times myself because some mangas truly suck , like means nothing it has no value
Custom title
Jan 19, 2018
A simpler binary or ternary system would encourage audience participation, particularly on titles that otherwise would be left to dust, such as H titles and oneshots - in other words, basically the titles that would actually need the rating system and increased visibility the most.

It's pretty depressing to see manga with views in the thousands yet barely hitting the dozens in votes. The vote/view ratios are also surprisingly unevenly distributed even among more popular stuff, e.g. Jitsu wa Watashi wa with 24k views and 128 votes vs. Yuki to Sumi with 45k views and 143 votes. It's pretty clear that few want to bother making decisions on a scale from 1-10, especially for something that took 5 minutes to read but clearly also with longer series, whereas a "like/dislike/whatever" system would be quick and easy.

As mentioned above, a big scale also makes popular series more popular and attracts trolling and votebombing, however inefficient it might in reality be.
Mar 24, 2018
i like the rating system shows better the value of a series and most people will vote truly how they feel

It really doesn't. There are whole niches where most titles get immediate "tens"(or "ones"), solely by the virtue of being a representative of specific genre.

But 10-point rating system is certainly better than proposed 0-1 alternative. Sophistication and refinement are good, but they seem to be dying everywhere nowadays in lieu of dumbing shit down (which does "encourage participation", but in my experience only from people, that you wouldn't want to see engaged in anything). Please don't let them die here.

Also is very exploitable if you have multiple accounts.

If you do have multiple accounts (apart from maybe two, for porn and non-porn), especially for the sake of doing something like

abuse[ing] the score system [by] giving a score of 1 out of 10 [...] [to] decrease the overall rating [of a title]

then i think you might also be having some other, much more serious problems. Let's leave loonies to themselves, shall we?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
replace it with a LIKE system, mean that if you like you push the button and increase the counter, if you don't then you simply do nothing.
Systems like this always annoy me to hell. Ok it's fine to "like" content when you like it, I can understand it, but what should I do if I don't like it? Nope, "ignore it" is not an option. Rating system should at least allow to express my satisfaction in any way. Not just positive but negative also. So it couldn't be just 1 or (nothing). It should be at least -1/1.

-1/1 system is as much exploitable as 1-10 if not more but 1-10 at least requres much more accounts to ruine series rating.

But usefullness of 1-10 system is much higher than -1/1 system just because it allows wide range of "don't like" and "like" scores.
Miku best girl
May 29, 2012
I did think about the system before implementing it. The reason I decided to go with 1-10 is that once we have hundreds of thousands of users, and thousands of votes on the rating (1-10), things tend to normalise over time. The trolls who vote 1s will not have much of an effect on the score over time.

I will add something to encourage series voting and giving recommendations in the near future. The problem right now (as Tea pointed out) is that the views:ratings ratio is very low.
Jan 21, 2018
Instead of replacing it, wouldn't it be better as an alternative or something? Because if it's only a like, then only the most popular ones will be liked, and the more obscure ones would be neglected more and more (people would be like "Eww, only 2 likes, it must be bad" while the manga has a 9 rating or something).
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
definitly nope! like or like/dislike system is certanly unfair to overall manga, but current mangadex system in which the most viewed, most "endorsed" and most rated are shown is a great thing, of course it lets some manga behind but overall is less unfair than a like system as such other has stated many wont ever see the light even new added manga!

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