
May 30, 2018
I'm one of those who absolutely hate this manga at first... (even though it took 30+ chapters for me to like it) but I really enjoy reading all the recent chapter, Can't wait to see how this serie conclude.

Mad respect if this manga end with MC get 0 GF but become a better person like what I said long time ago but I guess I'm fine with the potential MCxMizuhara ending :/

The reason why MIzuhara liking MC seem a little bit weak for me
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 12, 2018
one of them needs to fall under a a truck, the MC or the Author, seriously, he just blew it, hard mode my ass.
Jan 28, 2018

I've been dropping my rating pretty much every new chapter recently, and I'm sure I'm not the only one doing this.

It started off at around a 7-8, despite having arguably the worst romance/harem MC ever (and that's saying alot), but the plot has steadily devolved into a complete trainwreck.
Feb 20, 2018
lol @frjoethesecond
There comes a point where identifying ad-hominem attacks can only do so much when clearly you just need to talk to more people IRL. Since we're going to use anecdotes and opinions, here's one. Warren Buffet himself has said and recognized that he is extremely lucky to be where he is today and he proceeds to compare "if scenarios" (ex: If I was a women). This was in an interview with Forbes and Jay-Z was with him in the interview.

Clearly there's a disconnect and your rhetoric is full of assumptions based on limited operating information and biases as if suggesting normalization and stem programs targeted to specific demographics are negative and detrimental to society.
Not the same, but similar is the normalization of anime/manga in mainstream society. Right now there's a subtle movement to remove the negative stigma around it. It's not inherently a bad thing, so why should we feel negative about enjoying this when we socialize with normies? What's wrong with legal lolis? I digress...(lol)
Kind of like escort/host work. They're just hustling by providing a positive service to the end consumer and re-allocating money earned towards their own well-being. If your concern is "greasy teenagers/men working to pay for certain services due to the conspiracy of setting unrealistic expectations by women on men because of the social economy predating a century ago", then it just means that you (or they) either phone a friend instead or get out there and find someone that is a good fit for you.

The point is constructing a level field and allowing people to make their choices while limiting negative social stigma and decreasing probability of harm to themselves and/or society.

@ others in the discussion
He just needs to get out and interact in the world more.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
How are we deprived of a seinen romance manga to the point where we can accept works like this?

I get it. All romance in anime/manga is nowadays always about a highschool guy meets a highschool girl in a rooftop, a tree or a god damned misunderstanding.

Sure, the settings is in a university. The characters are college student. There are adult themes every now and then, and the MC isn't a complete dense fucker who is oblivious to the fact that 4 girls are after his dick.

Is it insane to ask a normal story of how relationship starts, how it evolves and the conclusions in a well directed manner? The Koreans can do it, hell they somewhat perfected some aspects to it. Webtoons are a god bless for the heap of unchanging narrative format of every romance manga in the market.

At the end of the day, I might still read this. Who knows how long can I stand this. But I'll admit, this manga is kind of refreshing for the settings, themes and character it portrays, not to mention the quality of art, albeit infuriating everytime I finish every chapter.
Jan 20, 2018

You may have made some decent points, but personally attacking me to weaken my argument was poor form. You've given yourself an unfair advantage by starting and ending your comment with negative characterisation of me in a move to weaken the merit of my responses. What you've done is change the rules of the debate to your advantage in a way that's easy, lazy and can't really be countered.

It's like how people use their age to dismiss someone's argument or that thing where people assume someone's a virgin based on the way they talk, then use the wetness of their dick as a way to elevate their argument before they've even said anything relevant.

It might have been worth discussing things with you, but not while you're sabotaging my debate platform before you've even contributed an argument.
Mar 7, 2018
In my 14 years of watching/reading anime and manga this is literally one of the worst MCs i have seen, i just keep reading this because the girls are kinda interesting and want to know what will they do but the MC is making reading this manga so painfull
Mar 23, 2018
I like how in the last chapter it dive bombed with the classic "whoops! i..- I mean ..." . Why do many authors decide to do this and prolong the readers suffering by doing this shitty trope.
Anyway there is no saving this comic, but I'll still be reading this anyway even knowing what will happen next.
Mar 30, 2018
It hurts so much that the mc is so damn pathetic. Author probably the same. Its so painful to read this.
Jun 13, 2018
The rating dropping every chapter is just amazing.. i thought it had 7 or 8 rating when i started reading this .??. The Mc is pathetic (too naive) ... but i wont stop reading this.. ?
Jun 13, 2018
@CodeGears ... The fact that is painful to watch makes you want to read more of this that's why you came here. ..isnt that right... Like seriously it's 50+ chapters
Mar 23, 2018
I actually liked this chapter a lot. It's just sad to know the next one will probably be bad.
Aug 19, 2018
It's painfull yes,it's contradicted yes.Thanks to author idea mixing with ntr mind making me keep reading this,i'm not even mad tho it's amazing
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 24, 2018
Know what would be entertaining to see? MC losing his position to someone else and slowly vanished from the manga.
Aug 25, 2018
Everytime i read Rom-Com manga 90% of the main character is a wimp. Can't they be more like Miyamura in Horimiya

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