
Feb 4, 2018
Still wonder how this kind of...manga can be popular in japan.

How well, taste, color...
Double-page supporter
May 4, 2018
@Siquall have you seen Japan’s birthrate? I won’t be surprised if this hits closer to home for many Japanese men. Not the bunch of girls falling over him but the super creepy and awkward MC part.
Aggregator gang
Feb 16, 2018
Wait..........wait, did the loony lesbian type finally make an appearance? (In my opinion, no manga is really complete without that one lesbian who's over the top, or what I call, the "loony lesbian.")
Jan 7, 2019
Just read through over a 100 chapters and no one has any character growth. Fuck this piece of shit.
Power Uploader
Jun 1, 2018
Advice to new readers: Drop this manga. It gets boring quickly and there's zero character development or story progress in 100 chapters. MC is intolerable. Author tries to force a harem despite the FMC being the only possible girlfriend since Ch 1.

This manga is a drag and huge waste of time. I already dropped it and urge others to do the same. There's no reason for author to milk this story.
Aggregator gang
Mar 6, 2019
This shit is like heroin, like I know it's terrible for me and I really want to quit but I just keep telling myself ''one more time, one for the road'' and everytime I end up in the same place I started.
Aggregator gang
Jan 31, 2018
Why are you even introducing another character? Just wrap this mess already, this thing is begging to get axed.
At this point I'm only quickly skimming through the pictures.
Active member
Apr 18, 2018
The weakness of teenage love stories that are made complicated, but the complexities are not carried anywhere.
Women in this series really have low standards when it cones to men.
It should be. For fantasy boy who dreams as a lucky bastard. Surrounded by sweet girls, unusual.
"If only I were in that guy's position!"
"Ah, how lucky..."
I thought it was annoying but it was equally cute. Applies to Japanese who think kawaii is their essence.
I understand why this can be popular, indeed the selling point is in mere pleasure. This manga has a wide market from the start, but it will not be able to compete in any award.
Because the formula has been repeated many times, many opportunities that ends in vain, I suppose the ending will definitely be flat, tragically funny.
Better you drop from the start.
Double-page supporter
May 4, 2018
@henkingu have any facts to disprove my claim? Most sources I found have Japan's birthrate at 1.42 births per woman and even more daunting, a median age of 48.4 yrs.

Another source from japantimes reported that:
The rapidly aging country posted the largest margin of decrease in its population at 444,085 since comparable data became available in 1899, with the number of births falling 27,668 from the previous year and the number of deaths rising 22,085 to 1,362,482, according to the health ministry.

The total fertility rate — the average number of children a woman will bear in her lifetime — fell 0.01 point to 1.42, clouding prospects for the government of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to achieve its goal of increasing the rate to 1.8 by March 2026.

The total fertility rate has been hovering around 1.4 since 2012 after hitting a low of 1.26 in 2005. The rate fell below 2.00 in 1975, a large decline from 4.54 in 1947.
Aggregator gang
Feb 16, 2018
I have to disagree with josephgomes619's opinion on one point:
"Author tries to force a harem despite the FMC being the only possible girlfriend since Ch 1."
The author does not force a harem, surprisingly. MC only has eyes for the main girl, a kuudere (mistaken for a tsundere for good reasons, but she's been nothing but ice, not thorn). He gave up at one point submitted to girl #2 and tried dating the second girl only to realize his mistake and is once again keeping her in her crosshairs. She's admitted to being friends with him, but it's only the latest chapters she seems to be becoming aware of him as something more. Whether she acts on it is something else. She's only admitted to showing respect.
Girl #2 is just aggressive/assertive (the opposite of FMC) and is trying to win him over, knowing the full situation, and refuses to give up. They've done some lovey-dovey stuff, but only because she pushed it along. She actually helps move the story along. It's unlikely, but given her personality
Girl #3 is cute, but nobody knows what she's thinking. She's a harem possibility, but we'll see. SO really, it's a harem, but not a harem.
So really, if the author was going to force a harem, the MC would have accepted all three and FMC would be all over him instead of "whatever" all the time.

Otherwise character development is present, it's just slow, so you need to have patience. The MC will definitely annoy quite a few people here, but credit where it's due: He's fully aware of his shortcomings and chastises himself on behalf of the readers. Latest chapters have had him manning up and helping main girl out, but again: slow progress.

If you're looking for a quick read, this is not the manga for you. The story is meant to be enjoyed on the low and slow. It's borderline a Slice of Life, but there IS a story. This is just one of those rare stories where the plot is stretched out over time instead of in arcs.

To be clear, I'm not knocking him for dropping this. No one should be forced to read something they don't like and props to them for sticking out 100 chapters. They really tried! I have a rule that every reader should at least try for the first three chapters to decide if it's worth continuing or dropping. 3 chapters is more than sufficient progress to determine whether you'll like the story, characters, etc. But it's nobody's place, not even his, to tell others what to read or what to drop. Giving your opinion and feedback is all well and good, but only the reader should decide if it's worth picking up.

Very sorry, didn't mean for this to be a wall of text. Point is, judge for yourself, don't let others decide for you.

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