

Jun 25, 2018
@Bestgirl_Ruka For me its not he should do this or that, but its more like he just set bad false example for how to build healthy relations with women. Young readers (its shounen manga) may believe that best way to win over your hot beauty crush is to simp, being passive, neglecting self-realization and many other stuff pointed here by others. In overall his behavior in real world would be huge turn off for any women. Also story had great set up and potential that is after 100+ chapter so wasted.
Nov 19, 2020
I dont understand why the author forces with his character
Kazuya juste beginned to had a small développement but with weird hollyday return to the beginning

I sad bc the author can make a perfect end with kazuya ans chizuru
Everyone know thé ultimate girlfriend IS chizuru but his arc is Bad liké this hollyday

I Hope thé author can just finish this manga in speed with kazuya ans chizuru
Mar 11, 2019
All these closeups of Chizuru, if he does a closeup of her eyes will she lose her anime eyes? We've seen creepy realistic human background.
Sep 26, 2020
1. He's not dating "2 S-Tier women"
He's JUST said he wishes he had a girlfriend...again

2. Insults are clearly the best way to get people on your side /s

3. People are entitled to their own opinion and you don't have to be an incel or weeb to see that their relationship is toxic and a sham. If anything you've come across as the very thing you say you despise.

I'm done with this manga and its inept main character. He's clearly hurting Ruka by his actions and completely blind to it at this point.

The manga took a great idea and stretched it thin.

I've seen a lot of people on various boards jump off this title because it's not satisfying to read anymore (for them). If you still like it then that's cool... There's no reason to attack people because they voice their opinion.
Jan 6, 2019
Is this guy going to get laid already? Like four girls genuinely like him and he is too stupid to act on it.
Oct 18, 2020
@Strichnine and you literally just ignored my original question.

Just say you dont know what you are talking about because you have no exp in this field:
You dont know any S-class babes and damn sure havent dated any.
You more than likely havent dated anything above average if ANYTHING AT ALL.

Dont even respond to this if you're not gonna answer the question.

Why is this a moderated comment?
Jan 2, 2019
Just when I thought that the story was finally going somewhere... Dropping till it's done, it's too slow paced for everything that's already happened between them.
May 23, 2019
@OKyushu @oderflamund
I appreciate the helpful info 👍
I guess I'll drop it until it becomes worth reading (if it ever does). I really do like the premise and most of the characters so I might come back to see their resolutions (once again, if they ever get them).
Aug 3, 2020
1. Open the new chapter
2. Check if Ruka is in it.
If no, read and enjoy.
If yes, close the window and wait for the next week.
Maybe I can write a python script that will do the job autonomously by face recognition, then notify me weekly.
Double-page supporter
Aug 11, 2018
Man I have love-hate relationship with this series. I like the concepts and the story telling, heroine's background is properly fleshed out and able to give you a deeper attachment to her predicament, while kazuya as pathetic as he is sometime able to pull up some brave moves, though most of his dialogue are just a total simping line (go read ch 53 again, it's so just so cringy).

But the supporting characters are just total whack, ruka's affection started by this ridiculous "No heartbeat condition" unless she was near the MC. Bruh I guess every time my fitbit went crazy near a girl I should force her to trial date with me, what's funny is this was the last development we got from ruka and other than that she is just being annoyance to kazuya by continuously guilting him into a relationship he doesn't even want (which tbf kazuya is also at fault here by not giving a decisive "no"). Other than that the only sole purpose of ruka is becoming a threat for heroine's secret to mc's grandma which on itself has already been undermined, at this point she no longer got any reason to stay in the plot but simply just as an eye candy.

While sumi, as sweet as she is her date chapters are continuously dragged on that can be finished in 1-2 chapters, god I really liked her personality but she is just unnecessary characters that doesn't contribute anything to the plot other than being a place for mc to vent. Sumi just became Eye candy #2.

Yaemori in the other hand introduced late into the series yet she gave MORE push on the overall plot and story compared to ruka and sumi combined! Especially on the initial stage of film production arc where she took initiative, being decisive, and act as the only cool-headed and mature character in the room compared to the main couple, what does that say!? Oh did I also mention that all this mess can be avoided if only both mc and heroine decided to be not automatically retarded every time a new conflict comes up just to drag them to another mess for a convenient plot build up? Jesus christ what a dumpster fire this is, at least it is still better than domestic na kanojo though I won't throw the possibility that it can became one.

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