This really is the better Rental Girlfiend. MC is dorky but still manages to have some initiative. Girl is quirky, fun and appreciates when MC does something different. The lack of toxic drama is welcome.
Some drama will be OK but please keep above "Korean Soap Opera" level.
I wholeheartedly agree to those people down there. This is clearly 100% better than K̶a̶n̶o̶j̶o̶,̶ ̶O̶k̶a̶r̶i̶s̶h̶i̶m̶a̶s̶u̶ *ahem* "the other one" i mean.
Point in its favor: it's upbeat. The gal's a blast, to be honest.
Point that's neutral: it's only chapter 3. Nudge, nudge, hint, hint. All sorts of things can go wrong.
Point against it, it's "yet another rental" manga. True, it's better than that trashy, sado-masichistic title that makes me shake my head why readers support it.
The FMC in K̶a̶n̶o̶j̶o̶,̶ ̶O̶k̶a̶r̶i̶s̶h̶i̶m̶a̶s̶u̶ is utterly despicable. And there are far too many manga where the male MC is abused by some sadistic female in his life.
I would not cry over the idea of adding a category of "Abusive female to quiet, soft-spoken male" in the list of options.
Well, considering that it's only two volumes long: Point for: It has zero chance of dragging on. Any drama will likely get promptly resolved. Unlikely to turn into a harem. Point against: Probably not as much character or relationship development for MC/FMC. Triangle still a possibility, unforunately.
@justforthelulz Though what I'm about to say isn't a spoiler, it's just guesswork, I'll still wrap it in the Spoiler tags:
I think, if this were a short run manga, what I'd personally do is something cheeky: I'd have the FMC somehow involved with someone, say like her brother, who hacked the Rent A Girlfriend system to make sure our MC always manages to date this one gal. She never... EVER... dates anyone else. MC's phone only sees one gal as free, and it's always our gal. Eventually she just shows up for "free" dates, then, as a sweet ending: confesses her love for our MC. The sub plot can be how much our MC finds out about the phone hacking, and how he begins to doubt it, then become more sure, etc.
I think this rental gal, as a personality, is super cute: the walking on white stones or it's lava? 💗 💗 💗 I found her irresistible, even for a set of line drawings. *grins*