@BookQueen maybe she did get rich. "Several wars has been fought over it", so what if she sold it to people for lotsa cash, then violently stole it back? I have no idea why she wouldn't just steal the cash in the first place tho, so the theory probably has more holes than mc's love-interests combined, but it is a romantic thought at the very least.
@bosbarret what's wrong with harem? At least it's not a shitty chinese comics who's always so edgy to cultivate just to get vengeance for their murdered relative.
@GM_Rusaku Don't remind me of that bad Chinese novel please...
After killing the son comes the father, after killing the father comes the grandfather, after killing the grandfather comes the great grandfather, after killing the great grandfathers comes the ancestors.
I feel like... man... thinking about the friends he had (and might not have realized) being dead now and living passed em... I would be sad being him once I realize it.