Return to Player

Dex-chan lover
Feb 7, 2018
> Return to Player


is it good tho?
Jan 23, 2021
This is great. The story isn't anything too mind blowing, it's a bit generic but with its own charm. The author definitely knew how to set this apart, so we aren't faced with some generic bullshit storyline. Pacing- this is one of the only Korean game/time travel manhwa where it has a steady pace and it isn't rushed/sluggish! Steady character development as well, nothing too crazy right off the bat. So far, the characters have all been unique and have their own charm.
With the addition of GMs, there will definitely be some interesting characters down the road. Based on Bats god, we can infer that a god will choose his avatar if they have similar personalities. This lines up with Hades' avatar too. I am definitely looking forward to this, as I want to see if there will be a cute support character that will join Sehans party and give us our daily dose of seratonin in the cruel game world.

TLDR: It's very good, 9/10 and I definitely recommend this.
Jun 10, 2020
As i remember it, this series has novel. So why the link to NU dissapear?
Dec 27, 2019
Another case of I know stuff but don't ask me how protagonist, who then no one doubts and trusts wholeheartedly trope....

It's a good read no doubt, but the trope is annoying.
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 29, 2019
It started off generic with a planned system, but after the main character transcends the system and becomes a minor god in the early chapters he throws the system into chaos and everything falls by the wayside. Then it turns into a martial arts manga with doaists fighting for evil gods. Now I wonder where it's even going. Levels and skills seem to have no meaning anymore.

You're either some sort of divinity or you're not. Every time the character moves we get a little exposition, but not enough to make us care about the new subplot. We're just along for the ride with a main character who's an aloof robot, a self-insert from the future who knows just enough to get by. There's a surprising lack of pacing/intent. Why should I care about a story the author won't even sell to me? What is the main character's motivation? Why are there no scenes that give any sort of emotional resonance? We get a couple panels explaining the past. A new god character is introduced. Then we get thrown into a sidequest/tangent with a minimal payoff. I can't recommend this to anyone.
Mar 1, 2018
I can not say it is bad per say, but it is just this big pot of everything but nothing. It borrows nearly everything from different leveling mangas and delivers this complex slob of nothing. Like I can not really even care anymore, because I understand nearly nothing of what is going on. Skills does not matter, because they do not even use them after like 100 chaps. Most characters are just someone, MC knows something from the future, but not everything, yet still always know I said, I just do not know what is going on a lot of the times.
It went to shaet, ngl.
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