Revenge Wedding - Vol. 1 Ch. 1

Dex-chan lover
Oct 21, 2018
Sounds very random, but alright. I want to see where this is headed!
May 18, 2018
wait so am i the only one without chapters?

edit: nvm it was the MD servers crashing rip manga dex 20**-2020
Nov 5, 2019
thanks for the chapter!! i’m kinda disappointed, i thought the reason she was famous would’ve been badass or something but she just is a regular old do it my way kinda girl living in luxury but isn’t really doing much besides having fun ;-; i hope the story develops more for the characters
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
Unless she literally beats the shit out of her family, takes control of all assets, exiles them from the family, ruins the merchants business and then exiles him, this author can go f himself. The guy, will see what happens since we could have been equally forced in to this, but why do these authors think that this shit is ok on any level. She got fucking drugged and is being forced to marry some random dude and her maids are fucking happy that they can doll her up. Absolutely f despicable.
Jan 18, 2018
Interesting premise. Mc seems suitably fun. Though I hope the author doesn't pull some of the tropey nonsense.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
It's a nice day to start again
It's a nice day for a white wedding
It's a nice day to start again

Honestly, I would want to date someone that brutally honest because it seems like it would be fun to see what kind of situations you end up in.
May 2, 2019
Idk, Id be hella pissed If i woke up to find out I was drugged, brought on a ship and was put in a marriage all like that lol. I really wish she reacted a bit more. idk, maybe thats just me who wish could lash out lol.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 23, 2019
The synopsis says the final goal is revenge and divorce. Does anyone have spoilers on whether or not that's true, or if she's just going to end up falling in love anyway and accepting the forced marriage?

I'm interested in the premise, but if they're not going to deliver on that, then I'd rather not waste my time.
Jun 17, 2019
Honestly plot like this always make me role my eyes, I wish the MC fight back more since I assume that what normal people would do if they were drugged and force to marry A stranger, plots like this give off the vibes of no matter how strong a woman is she'll still have to have a husband and is always weaker compared to him, idk if it's just me, it would be more interesting if the MC is more of a fighter , it just kinda give me bitter taste, I enjoy romance but things like this kinda cringe? it would be refreshing to see a female MC that's independent and doesn't need to be married in order to be happy, would be more interesting i think if the MC runaway or show no romantic interest

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