Ehhh... I don't quite like her. She gives off the air of a spoiled rich girl. Isn't it supposed to be normalcy for those of her standing to have her parents choose her marriage partner? She's described as the busiest person in the empire so I wonder what exactly she does? I certainly hope the author can show this later and not just say that she's busy. There's too much emphasis on her beauty and not enough on what she's done which makes me a little worried. And the whole bit about her insulting the guy she had a one night stand with... I hope she told him up front that it was a one night stand because if not that's just leading the poor guy on (not to mention crushing his pride afterward). Her barging forward at the end of the chapter to immediately insult the ML who she doesn't know anything about, calling him a pig that thinks money can solve anything and a son of a bastard... she's too much. Lashing out her anger at the wrong person when it's her parents who did all this. I don't understand how supposedly she's such a successful person when she so easily loses her temper like this. It's like the author says something about her character but doesn't actually show it in her actions to prove it. It doesn't feel like consistent writing.
If the author is going to show her competency, I hope it'll be shown like Satiana from The Justice of Villainous Woman.