Risou no Himo Seikatsu - Vol. 5 Ch. 23 - The Prince's Sick Visit

Fed-Kun's army
Jun 21, 2018
Oh, intentionally opening a secret to forcibly gain trust.

I can appreciate this. Its a tactic I often use, afterall.
Jun 21, 2018
@kwendy it would work if they had the tools to make vaccines in the first place and knowledge of sister diseases. Contemporary vaccination techniques require semi precise instruments (needles and microscopes for example)

You could use dead cells from disease survivors but that still has about ~20-60% the mortality rate of the normal disease, which is a far cry of the ~0.001-0.5% from modern vaccination methods.
Dec 19, 2018
"I actually want to see you use this extremely expensive thing otherwise you could just pocket it and claim you did use it"
"OMG, he's not an idiot this is defiantly a proof!"

Are you kidding me? i think almost anybody would want to see the proof, in this case, it's not some kind of genius move. It's normal and i would say even most idiots would like to see it too.
This feels really cheap way "to prove that he's not and idiot" by the author.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 16, 2018
Eh isn't something big??
Anyway I just read for the pleasure so I'm not going to dig into it
May 27, 2019
@beeqwop My first thought was: gaining enough trust for the eventual marriage between Zenkichi/Carlos and a girl from Sharowa, so that they might have a way to influence - even a little is enough - the Capua kingdom. When eventually the two have a child, Sharowa will essentially have gained a puppet ruler (someone with Sharowa blood AND a legitimate heir to the throne of Capua). This idea of mine is based on bias towards patriarchy in Capua, making it potentially more likely that Zenkichi rules after his parents, and if that "sticks", and he fathers a boy with a Sharowa princess(?) - pretty much guarantees that boy to be the next king.

Although, if the author continues in the same vein, it would not surprise me to find out something like the merging of bloodlines itself being a secondary goal and political goals of all countries being shallow and/or insignificant in face of something much bigger. For example, merging ALL bloodlines down the road, which would result in an entity capable of using any form of magic...and the birth of a god or something similar.

As for Francesco and his aim: probably the typical trust -> marriage -> influence overall, and probably trying to [somewhat forcefully] make Capua owe Sharowa, or, rather, make Zenjirou and Aura owe Francesco. The catch being: influence would be for Sharowa, whilst Francesco might have ulterior motives of his own, using even Sharowa for some sort of personal gain. To me, every interaction of his makes him appear more cunning than before.

Summary: my guess is Sharowa is using Francesco to get their hands on Capua, and Francesco is either trying to help Capua or is playing his own game by using the fact that Sharowa uses him (maybe even to the point that Sharowa actually bet on Francesco succeeding with the political machinations, not Bona).

Unless "want to know" meant you were looking for an actual spoiler from the novel readers. I would be of no help with that.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 13, 2018
A.) The "heavy metals" you speak of, like mercury, are atoms bonded to other atoms to form non lethal molecules, much like how chlorine is toxic and sodium is hazardous and explosive, but bonded together, it creates the very essential salt which is hardly deadly at all. (Except maybe if you’re chomping down potato chips daily and your cardiovascular system is screwed up, in which case maybe cut back a bit)

B.) Vaccines have never been proven to cause autism (on the other hand, vaccines have indeed been proven to reduce the odds of contracting the diseases they were designed for and mitigate their symptoms). Most scientists believe that the cause is genetic, but they’re not entirely sure. The whole idea that vaccines cause autism was because of one doctor with dubious motives wrote a paper with skewed data and people ran with it, creating the anti-vax mess we have today. Incidentally, that doctor had his medical license revoked and is now reviled in the medical community. Autism is diagnosed at a young age (key word: diagnosed; just because it was discovered after a vaccine was given, doesn’t mean it wasn’t already there before it), which is when vaccines are administered, people thought correlation is causation (it is not), and they start wearing the confirmation bias goggles and only pick out data that agrees with their previously established conclusions rather than based on how reliable the sources are. People who got vaccines don’t always have autism, and sometimes people who’ve never touched a vaccine in their life still get diagnosed with autism.

C.) You say that as if autism is worse than death. Even in some parallel universe where vaccines did cause autism, are you saying it’s worse than smallpox, measles, or polio? Do you remember the iron lung from that one Spongebob episode? I thought it was humorously exaggerated for comedic effect, but after looking up pictures online, it really wasn’t. I’ve met people with autism, and I never would’ve known if they didn’t outright tell me. Unless they’re pretty high on the spectrum, they function just like any other person (albeit with some social communication oddities). Also, the shots you get for rabies is a vaccine. If you got bitten by some feral animal that was foaming at the mouth, would you seriously avoid getting a shot???

Vaccines are inert or weaker strains of more dangerous diseases that are injected so the body can develop antibodies that can attach to the virus’s coating so white blood cells can attack it. It’s really just a training course for the real deal. If a vaccinated person’s immune system is a fully equipped, highly trained police force, then an unvaccinated person’s is a bunch of cadets barely off the kindergarten playground sent to go fight meningitis. As cool as underdog stories are in fiction, I wouldn’t put money on them in real life.

Togo and Seppala did not run over 300 miles of snow for this.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 6, 2018
Phew.... You are right (put away the hammer and nails from the author named voodoo doll)
Active member
Jan 28, 2018

He probably wants to make an alliance so that he has some backing in the case that either of his two sides want him gone
Double-page supporter
Jan 19, 2018
Sounds like he's no fan of how those with extra bloodlines are fought over, so an act like this would give him a third option if something he wants to do would annoy one or the other of his sides.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 1, 2019
1) Vaccines are the main cause of modern autism/ADHD/others.
Why? Because :
a) additives react between each other, and are toxic even by themselves.
b) there is no study about cross additive reaction
c) additives do cross the blood/brain barrier in non labmice simply because of other daily toxins + EM radiation, that opens the barrier for any toxin to enter the brain
d) toxins create inflammations and damage to brain tissue at a much too young age, creating permanent scars on growing tissue

Sure, go back to CNN for your hip trendy "science".

2) you don't really know what a vaccine is, from your words. I know how to make them, I know how they're made. Go spread your low IQ propaganda to someone else.
Go trust the government, the government wants your good health! Good goy!
Jan 19, 2018

This feels really cheap way "to prove that he's not and idiot" by the author.

Problem is that the smartest character in any story is only as smart as the author themselves. It’s sort of like that 4chan post where someone compared a character from No Country For Old Men looking at a hotel room before a shootout to determine optimal attack strategies and BBC’s Sherlock beating a bunch of criminals because of nonsense deduction.

In essence, you get what you pay for. And we’re reading this for free.


Have you ever considered that the boom in autism cases after vaccine innovations is not causation, but correlation? We’ve simply learned enough to recognize autism where we would normally assume some form of ADHD or retardation. You, your parents, and even your grandparents have likely been vaccinated as infants - do any of you have autism?
Dex-chan lover
May 1, 2018
Better leave the antivax troll alone, I doubt any reason will reach him...

Hoarding the stones reminds a little of hoarding elixirs in rpgs, they rarely ever get used, even in boss fights...
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 18, 2018
So the next arc is the "Wallentia arc"... I'd say it's most likely the "Valencia arc" since the names are hispanic.

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