Holy fucking shit, are you sure you're not summarizing a series by Aomizuan (yes i know it's a circle, shush), Gesundheit, Asanagi, Fan no Hitori, HAL, Mizurtyu Kei or any other batshit insane doujinshi artist? Fucking hell I'm already on the floor from laughing and
In all honesty, I'm interested in following the story for the sheer insanity of Aegir but I've been burned enough times by bad writing, bad translation or both to lose all motivation on reading any web novel. But if it was a doujinshi drawn by atleast a decent maybe even below average artist, I'd read that shit religiously.
As a manga, I have the bare minimum interest in this series. But as a doujinshi? fuck me with a 20 inch dragon dildo, the lads at Nhentai would praise this as the doujin of the century. I hope the author realize that manga is holding this crazy series back and finally embrace the limitless potential of Doujinshi land. Dr Bug's Elrk did it, I'm sure this series can do it too.