It takes more than just AI. Even if we forget building the body, there's also the energy storage. Every year we get news of new battery technology, in fact have been getting for 20 years, but they never hit the market. It's still the same old lithium ion in various iterations all over the place. The robot waifu would need to recharge itself every two hours. It might last a bit longer if the data processing was done in the cloud.
As a person suspicious of the cloud-for-everything approach, I'm not sure how I'd feel about that. It would mean your robot waifu (or husbando) would basically become an utterly "dead" mechanical corpse if the net connection happened to be interrupted. Plus everything the thing sees and hears would be data mined for the benefit of advertisers, ongoing product development, and whatnot. When the company servers get hacked, the hackers would gain untold hours of sensitive video footage straight from people's private lives.