Roujoteki Shoujo Hinata-chan - Vol. 2 Ch. 11 - The Reminiscence-like Journey

Dex-chan lover
Jul 19, 2018
After his grandma died Hinata's grandson turned to drugs and crime. To fuel his drug habit he had taken out loans somehow while still being a little boy which ended with the house being seized and not maintained. That could be the only reason as to why the property wasn't maintained. Like what kind of people don't put the effort in to maintaining a residence, especially one they wish to sell?
Active member
Jun 8, 2018
Woah. That's harsh. The feels, man. Expectations weren't just crushed, they were completely obliterated.
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 1, 2018
That really hit too hard, the building of expectations crushed my heart. Now I'm crying like a little girl.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 2, 2019
Is that R6 at the end?

@Allexio Ash isnt clearly recognizable. I managed to figure that out due to the braid, but she looks very different than normal as a blonde and with such a large head (As everyone knows after trying to HS her, ash has no head).
Active member
Jun 16, 2018
I want to note that I was wondering if I was about to run into some cultural dissonance. One major cultural difference between Japan and the US is Japan does allow their kids a lot more freedom. It is very normal for a parent to let their kid go to school alone even as a first grader and have to navigate the Tokyo Subway system. Personally, I actually lean in favor of that view (or in another view, a return to more historical American norms where America also used to let kids go about the day with minimal supervision).

But a 4-hour bike trip as a 6 year old would have been a bit too much for me. So it's good to see it triggered a panic as I feel it should.

Edit: If I was in her shoes, which I can kinda relate (as in I remember as a 6 year old wanting to know things but can't but I was too young to be granted access or given serious answers), this is point I would get stuck. A lot thing I wanted to know had to wait until I was much older to be able to access things like city records or meeting someone who knows them as neighbors or something. Though the internet is a much bigger thing now, though she is probably not familiar with in either lives currently.
Jan 18, 2018
I'm stuck on page 2 because that last panel is amazingly beautiful and funny

EDIT: and yet the chapter was awfully sad :(
Aggregator gang
Feb 18, 2018
Mannn the people she knows are wayy too clingy/possessive or is this normal? It almost seemed like the Mother was trying to find a excuse to scold her seemingly perfect Child... lol

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