Roujoteki Shoujo Hinata-chan - Vol. 4 Ch. 27 - The Maiden-like Cousin

Jun 9, 2018
It is actually LEGAL for first cousins to get married in Japan, and therefore nothing is wrong here. Take your moral elsewhere.


Dex-chan lover
Jan 31, 2018
No, please, all of you jacking it off to underage boys dressed as girls, do educate me more about morality and ethics
Jul 25, 2019
I know it's legal, but really, Japan should stop encouraging romances between cousins '-'
Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2018
Most of the time you see it would only be in manga and anime. Although it is legal in Japan, not many Japanese agree with it or practice it. Some villages and prefectures even ban it. There are surveys showed that Japanese dislike the idea of cousin marriages. There are also anime and manga showed that. Like in Danshi koukousei no nichijou, one of the characters went to his hometown, met a girl who was kind of developing some feelings for him then they found out that they are cousins and the spark is gone.

@thock3d That is still wrong, immoral and disgusting. We have intelligence, we aren't feral beasts who are driven by lust.
Jan 30, 2018
To be fair, these kids are like 12; the legality of them getting married is jumping a few steps ahead. It's not THAT out of the realm of normalcy for her to have a crush on her cousin, and it's quite likely she'll move on later. Plenty of people have early crushes on all sorts of people that they won't actually date or sleep with and wouldn't consider that later on in life.

...of course Hinata is still sticking her nose into it, but she's like 6(0).
Active member
Jan 23, 2018
Their immediate cousins that’s just odd. Yah I know it’s legal in japan but they are to closely related. I don’t understand why manga glorifies relationships between relatives.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 30, 2018
@Cyansoul In this case, you answered yourself. It's legal and there isn't quite that much stigma about cousins. A recent former prime minister of Japan was married to his cousin. Also, here they're still just kids right now with a childish promise that honestly means nothing to anyone but them at best anyway.

Other cases, it's called fetishes and taboos. Which people may find appealing in fiction even if they're not that into it in reality. It's something out of the ordinary, so it's interesting. A sense of "Oh they shouldn't be doing that" could make some people more curious about seeing where it goes.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
How dare the other cultures have different ways of thinking!

*proceeds to eat steak and take the dogs to the park instead of eating them too*
Power Uploader
Nov 4, 2018
Nope. The way to a man is through his dick.

Anyway, there's not really a genetic penalty to have kids with your first cousin.

That's why a lot of countries allow them to marry. And often, they are raised separately. it's even allowed in most of the U.S. states.

The U.S. is the only western country with cousin marriage restrictions. Go take your hypocritical morals elsewhere.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 22, 2018
Nope. The way to a man is through his dick.
Yes and no. The novelty of new partner to fuck always eventually wears off. And, eventually, you're going to have to do something other than thrust or swap bodily fluids. And if there's nothing there to like or relate to when you aren't doing it, chances are both of you will want to move on.

I'm trying to remember the quotation, but I think it went something like "Men want a pornstar in the bedroom and a mother in the kitchen" or some variation thereof.
Although linking my girlfriend or a potential fiancee/wife with my mother in that same instance is kinda horrific and I'd rather not think about it in those terms past "she's great in bed and can cook really well, too."
Also, interestingly, some of the best sex I've ever had was with a woman that couldn't cook worth a shit and always ate out or bought food.
Power Uploader
Nov 4, 2018
@definitionofinsanity to reduce a woman to someone who cooks for her man is kinda sad. Hinata is really old fashioned and stuck in dusty gender roles. The author doesn't help in that regard. It may be cute at first look, but if you dig a little, it's sexist.

Anyway, the success of a relationship depends on people's willingness to adapt to their partner(s). If one or both can't cook, it's ok. It's not like food can't be obtained otherwise. If one is asking for sex and the other one isn't into it, it's ok. It's not like sex can't be obtained otherwise. But it's a lot less accepted to have sex out than to eat out.

So, sexual compatibility is more important than food compatibility for the stability of a relationship.

Not like two ACE couldn't form a couple. It just means they are compatible.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 22, 2018
to reduce a woman to someone who cooks for her man is kinda sad. Hinata is really old fashioned and stuck in dusty gender roles. The author doesn't help in that regard. It may be cute at first look, but if you dig a little, it's sexist.
Uh, 'kay. Seems a tad hypocritical to reduce a man just into a sperm delivery machine and a woman into a sperm receptacle bin for reproduction and talk about sexism and the like. To be honest, I don't really find either to be sad, old-fashioned or "dusty gender roles" or sexist. It's just the objective truth: you can't fuck your way into a successful relationship.

So, sexual compatibility is more important than food compatibility for the stability of a relationship.
...Yeah, no. I don't think you're cognizant of the amount of sex long term married couples are having. What got them to that point and what kept the relationship working wasn't sex. To be honest, it wasn't food either, but at least they still eat every single fucking day and doing so multiple times. Whereas even infatuated new lovers don't even always do so with sex.

And as someone that spent their college days drowning themselves in ass and ramen noodles, what do you think is more enticing as I start getting older and older? It isn't the slut that can suck a golf ball through a garden hose but can't boil water.
Sorry, but no. While a sexless relationship is just as shitty, one where at least one of the partners can't cook well and do other domestic things and enjoys doing so for the other is equally shitty and as worthless. And neither are worth staying in, to be honest. For both parties.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 25, 2018
I get Japanese style knives tend to be lighter, but how does Hinata easily wield that big knife on the first panel of page 15? What loli power is that?
Dex-chan lover
Aug 22, 2019
Yikes im sorry but cousin marriage is a big no no eash
Jun 18, 2019
Damn it people.
Take your moral elsewhere.
Take your sexism elsewhere.
Japanese didn't care about your fuck
Jun 2, 2020
Most of Asia still thinks cousin to cousin marriage is normal not only japan and as a person who lives in Asia I am surprised at how people make a fuss about something so simple it's a Japanese manga not an American one.

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