Run Away With Me, Girl - Vol. 3 Ch. 12

Instrumentality Instigator
Super Moderator
Jan 29, 2018
Editing your post isn't cute. Knock it off.

While it is up to a user to block you to prevent friend requests, it's your responsibility to not be a harassing troll.


Apr 1, 2020
Fight troll with troll
we need a second internet that men aren't allowed to access

"Who would you steal the money from then."

edit: Ah, I've clicked on your profile and read the bio. What a surprise, but I guess you're serious.

Warrants the question tho, why not go to dynasty scans but linger with your unwanted sexism here instead.
Dec 2, 2019
the fact that people apparently read this manga because chapter 6 made them root for tazune and they hope the uppity women get what's coming to them is absolutely stunning to me
Double-page supporter
Jun 15, 2018
Maki, when Tazune ultimately ends up finding you guys, punch him.

Unrelated, but I absolutely love the gossip girl meme so thank you Sexy Akiba
Mar 28, 2020
these replies are really depressing

y'all, if you don't understand why people feel so strongly that the hubby is an irredeemable piece of garbage, i think you need to do a lot of learning and soul-searching on what abuse really means
Jun 15, 2019
@typedrat God forbid we get a manga that realistically portrays the struggle lesbians face (especially those coming out later in life) instead of 'uwu soft gay girls.' Of course some people are going to root for Tazune, because they see themselves in him, and can't cope with the fact that he's a psychologically and physically abusive person.
Dec 2, 2019
@LizardShack that is why I like this manga.

I don't want "uwu soft gay girls"! I just think that anyone who roots for Tazune is a sociopath and I don't like being reminded that 49% of this country is inculcated into sociopathy from birth and therefore root for sociopaths.
Jun 15, 2019
>implying that a lot of men don't read yuri to fetishize lesbians
>implying that's what I meant when you know damn well it wasn't and avoided pointing out Tazune's overwhelming negative traits

If you want to unironically empathize with a pathological physical/mental abuser, then that's your deal. I don't see you lambasting Tazune's prior cheating on his partners, nor all of his psychological manipulation. Also, imagine ignoring the fact that Midori was the primary (if not the only) person contributing to the wedding fund, as, up until the point in the story where he literally hit her, Tazune has shown no interest in the wedding at all.
Jun 15, 2019
While I'd absolutely love to continue arguing this, I don't think I will. You've made it abundantly clear that you have some bone to pick with lesbians (especially lbl's, for some reason). It's mind-boggling to me why you're even reading shoujo-ai and yuri with such a toxic mindset, so I'll leave you to your hate. Yes, stealing is bad; most of that money is hers; and Tazune is an emotionally and proven physically abusive man who has specifically stated the only reason he chose to marry Midori was because she was easy to control.
Jan 25, 2018
Just realized I misread a bit, so edited.

@yagami_liedto Your argument is that she wronged him. However, she owes no fidelity to someone who treats her the way he did. Once he abused her, he nullified his right to any loyalty. I would say this no matter the gender of the participants. Currently rereading about the money thing but I remember him not wanting to do anything for the wedding. She did all of the planning of the details and she has a job.
Jan 25, 2018
And by loyalty I don't mean "stay with someone forever" but "at least don't sleep with someone else (that isn't agreed upon by both persons) without breaking up first". However, with his behavior, he has essentially driven her into a corner. She has very strong reason to fear that if she tells him she's breaking up, he'll hurt her physically, considering he already did so. That's why she wanted to run away and just disappear from his life, because it felt safer.

Do you know how many abusers kill the women who break up with them? (And in the majority of cases, it's women that gets killed.) It's for reasons like that that we have restraining orders and other protective measures for abuse victims.
Mar 25, 2019
Oh my god there are people actually going to bat for this misogynistic abusive loser? He’s a terrible person and I would love it he died :) It is crazy to think she has to stay loyal to a guy that constantly belittles her and has physically hit her. It doesn’t matter what happened to him personally that does not make it okay for him to hate women and treat the woman in his life like shit. Clearly those defending him know nothing about how people get trapped in abusive relationships. I’m glad there are some sane people dragging these fools.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
To reiterate what others have said before, if you root for or empathize with tazune, remember he beat his pregnant fiancee, constantly disrespects and belittles her, is not really interested in being faithful to her, and has pushed a lot of work on her when she's pregnant with the excuse that he's busy even though she has a job. She also mentions the money is hers more or less, and honestly he should have been in jail so having to give up some of his wedding funds instead is actually the easy way out for him.
Jan 26, 2018
some of yall:
"oh my god why are yall so mean to tazune, he just puts midori down and calls her dumb sometimes, he only hit her once, and then halfheartedly tried to apologize for it but kept putting it off, but that basically means he made up for it already! meanwhile, that bitch midori had the audacity to BE SCARED of tazune after getting hit once and run away from him, even when he's been so nice as to only be marrying her because she's so 'easy to handle' and because he refused to wear a condom~ how dare midori cheat on him!!! he's so scarred from his past!!! that's why it's okay for him to cheat but not her!!!"

can you hear yourselves
Sep 5, 2020
Anyone who excuse Takune's actions probably relate to him. That is the reason why they get so offended with this story.

I'm so glad I kept reading this. I wasnt too keen on Midori for the beginning, but I changed my mind after I could see her better as a realistic character, also, after Takune kept being narcisistic prick and had the gal to hit her because of his "sad past", like the weak imbecile that he always will be.

Midori and Maki arent 100% right when it comes to moraly intricancies, however, I understand the situation due to real abuse and prejudice. Its not comparable to a guy who still think that being bullied as a kid/teen by girls gives him the right to humiliate/abuse them so he could pretend that he is stronger than them.

Weak. Weak. Just pathetically weak. Real strenght doesnt come from acting like that. Then again, all narcisistics/incels are ridiculous.

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