Ryoumin 0-nin Start no Henkyou Ryoushusama - Vol. 2 Ch. 7

Double-page supporter
Jan 31, 2018
God I love actual beast races, miss me with the human/animal ears abominations
Dex-chan lover
Jul 8, 2020
Pretty happy this series takes a hard no stance on slavery. It's honestly concerning how prevalent slavery seems to be in fantasy manga, especially with how nonchalant most are about it as well.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 10, 2018
>hidden chad frogman cucks gorimacho protag
I wish this would be the story from beginning to end tbh. I mean, those parents could have just as easily paid for passage to a non-retarded village instead if they had that much money. If that's a fix, why would they even come up with a solution like "please make slaves of our offspring"?
Dex-chan lover
Jul 29, 2020
I...don't get the end. "He didn't suspect a thing"? So did Froggie scam them somehow? Lied to them? Manipulated them?
Jan 11, 2020
@Tatherwood Not really lied to or manipulated them. There's a reason why Klaus said that the dragon armor and spear are so valuable that not even a king could afford them. In Peijin's eyes, Dias basically traded a giant gold bar for a bunch of groceries he had on hand, essentially making a ton of profit when he re-sells it. In Dias's eyes, it was a good deal since he killed a giant earth dragon and has a ton of the stuff to give away (the groceries were probably more valuable to Dias than a couple pieces of shell). They both mutually benefited but Froggy thought he got the better deal out of it due to the market value of the shells and establishing trade relations with Dias, someone who isn't really concerned with market stuff and just wants the necessities for his fiefdom.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 29, 2020
@ArsNux Hm... Your argument sounds 100% logical and reasonable, but no matter how much I go over the segment, I cannot, for the life of me, take away that meaning.
Idk, might be the author/translator being unable to convey properly. Or I'm dense, it's been known to happen.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 19, 2019
Fuurou is the author, is this a female or male name?

@SonicWizard Slavery was an OVERT common practice for nearly all of human history. Only in what, the last 200 years has it been not acceptable in an overt fashion.
The era of these times, if you are not ignorant to all the other factors that lead to slaves (not just people stealing other people), it doesn't make sense to be so against it.
Most of the manga though, have slaves in it because they keep using this medieval fantasy setting. It is prevalent and nonchalant because it matches the setting. It honestly kind of ruins the story, when you have authors trying to act like it can be completely undone for modern day reasons.
While subtle slavery still exists, we will most likely end up seeing overt slavery again in the next 100 years, due to how history repeats and due to how our modern society is on the cusp of collapse.
Some modern people (especially women) may say, "I'd be damn if I had to become a slave to survive!", yet there are cases of "modern" people on the verge of starvation and seeing them offer up their life to serve someone just so they can eat, I can easily see it becoming a thing again if society collapsed.

We are supposedly due for a Carrington event in the next 20 years, and because of how perverse and degenerate the society has become, I would not be surprised to see again become part of human history.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 8, 2020
@Randomguy01 too long didn't read, no one cares.

You can go on and on about historical accuracy but guess what fictional settings don't share our history. Additionally there is a huge difference between depicting slavery and glorifying it. Most fantasy manga ends up glorifying it by handing out cute slave girl waifus for every isekai protag or reincarnator and its fucking disgusting. I was merely stating that I'm happy one series didn't go that route. For that to trigger you enough to write a page long markup is both hilarious and sad.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 19, 2019
@SonicWizard "too long didn't read, no one cares"
Your comment starts talking about what I was talking about, so you did read it...lmao...

Does cute slave girl waifus in fantasy stories trigger you? That's both hilarious and sad.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 24, 2019
It is kinda weird how few manga actually say and do much against their world's slavery. I guess many western medieval-fantasies are guilty of that too, but still, manga is leaning a bit on positive.

Okay, so I'm very sick of shows and media being like "I want this person to be free so let's just buy all the slaves and free them!" That's not how economics work. Profit attracts firms as it indicates success in the business, and therefore, if a business or method is successful, it incentivizes more people to enter the market until zero economic profit is maintained and firms freely enter/leave at their own pace. In this case, because slavery is profitable, it creates incentives to capture more slaves to keep up with the demand, and either breed people in servitude or enslave more people by force. How do you solve this issue? Either change the incentives or regulate the process, such as making the cost to upkeep slaves not economically viable, strictly forbid slavery, or force standards upon slave holders that cost so much that having massive amounts of slaves is not viable.
I know it's old comment, but is this that common? I've seen some isekai shows with slaves, but most I've seem don't seem to have grand ideals like "freeing all slaves". Shield hero is because he can't trust people (at least at the start), and I don't remember the exact reason in Death March but he doesn't seem to be doing that (at least in the anime, haven't read it).
Feb 7, 2021
it's strange how addressing slavery is practically a right of passage for isekai manga nowadays... vehemently opposing slavery always seems so out of character for isekai characters when you consider their settings. glad the characters are compassionate and caring people, though. Basic Human Kindness FTW!!
Aggregator gang
Jan 28, 2020

The author didn't feel like it, but if the characters were properly done, at least two of them would have asked for news about whatever was going on in the lands that the peddler had traveled through. Such wandering peddlers would be the eagerly sought sources of news wherever they traveled to. So it is very odd that the author didn't have the MC or others ask for news about the neighboring areas or the Kingdom that technically is the overlord for the MC.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 25, 2023
His first hand experience dealing with slave soldiers and his rationale in not buying them is impressive, since he considers himself a meathead.

What a good future lord. :D
Someone understood why Slavery in manga and modern times are so shunned, and it is a muscle bloke.

This muscle man really radiates a soul of pure blue.

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