S-kyuu Guild wo Tsuihousareta kedo, Jitsu wa Ore dake Dragon no Kotoba ga Wakaru no de, Kidzuita Toki ni wa Ryuu Kishi no Chouten wo Kiwametemashita …

Dex-chan lover
Feb 10, 2018
This does feel out of place. Was the author having writer's block trying to figure out how to introduce the new dragon?

If you thought this was weird...
...read the "genre spoilers" I posted in the series summary thread.

...and my list is in chronological order. :meguusmug:
I went back and checked your list, and wow... :pacman:
Nevermind writer's block, they may have had a bit too much to drink.

I knew there was something off about this series the minute I saw how these dragons were drawn. No normal person puts this level of bedroom eye on a quadruped.
Well, one of the earlier chapter notes mentions wanting to be smothered in dragons, so that would make this Taiwanese man(according to DeepL Translate on the twitter and syosetu sites), a scalie who is not interested in dragon dick, but wants the dragussy - what in the fuck with these silly name combinations, folks...
Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
If I recall this part was just a side thing he considers. I don't remember if he follows up on it or not way down the road but he certainly plans it out for future use.

it IS pretty funny that the source of this drug does utilize dragons and it does make sense why it would be so rare considering no one can communicate with them like Cyril can.

Next chapter/dragon will be interesting I promise :V
Dex-chan lover
Jun 21, 2018
Guys, calm the fuck down. Some of ya'll're making this shit sound like crack-cocaine or heroine, when it's really more like canabis.

Disclaimer: I'm not saying that what MC is doing here is right from a legal standpoint in this setting. Everything else regarding the morality of the MC's choice is up to you guys to decide on, but you may wanna read the rest of this first before you go off all half-cocked on a fit of autistic rage-screeching. (Trust me, I'm on the Spectrum myself, so I know how it is...)

Canabis is relatively harmless, though it does have the tendency to alter your perceptions - that being how well you perceive sights and sounds around you, and delay your reaction times. That said, the primary dangers in canabis are the same reasons why you're not supposed to drink alcohol and then operate a motor vehicle or machinery.

Canabis is not an addictive substance in the traditional sense. People can become addicted, but it's not a chemical dependence. Instead, it's a psychological dependence, which is an entirely different kettle of fish. Suffice to say, psychological addictions are pretty rare, all things considered, and usually only happen if a person has severe psychological issues in the first place.

It also has quite a few beneficial properties for all kinds of things, not the least of which is relief of severe pain. Cancer patients have used it to thwart the ill effects of chemotherapy (which any cancer survivor will tell you: the cure is definitely worse than the disease!) or help alleviate psychological conditions such as Major Depression and Anxiety Disorder.

And yet, this stuff is illegal in most of North America.


Simple. It was born out of one of the USA's fits of xenophobia. Way back when the Prohibition Bill was being crafted, someone wanted to do something about all those "Dirty Wetbacks", so they started a campaign that demonized canabis use and inserted it as one of the prohibited items in the bill. And, unlike booze, that part never got repealed and it stayed on the books as a controlled substance.

This "Dragon Tears" incense circumvents the hazards of most halucinogenics in that its halucinogenic properties primarily effect a person's dreams. In fact, from the sound of it, this stuff seems to let normal people have lucid dreams... which is a very rare and very WOW kinda thing! Lucid dreaming is awesome because it's like you're Neo inside The Matrix - you have full control of what you do in your dream, and you remember everything. It's the ultimate form of escapism!

That said, I can understand why this stuff would be restricted. It'd be all-too easy for people to become psychologically addicted to something like this. But at the same time, I could see why there would be people who could use it.

That said, I think this is one of those things where the only reason why it's illegal is to limit how much this stuff gets spread around. As we've seen so far, it's relatively easy to get around all the checkpoints and roadblocks associated with producing and distributing this stuff. In this sense, it'd deter people who are adverse to that kind of risk-reward ratio, and catch only the ones who are not smart enough to stay in the business.

This would leave just enough of a black market so that only those who are desperate enough or wealthy enough would be able to get their hands on this stuff. And this is evidenced in that the kingdom's primary means of curbing the use of this stuff is by policing the trafficking and not dealers. Which, in turn, was evidenced in how easily the Main Character was able to find people who were willing to buy from him.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 27, 2020
Won't someone please think of the lonely old widows/widowers who just want to have some nice wet dreams!?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 15, 2019
OK I know this comparison reaches a little, but a lot of these dragons are treated like slaves. They are sapient, sentient, can carry full conversions, and dreams and desires of their own. Yet because there is little to no communication between them and their captors they are treated like animals.

Why do I bring this up you ask, because I find it utterly hilarious that so many are commenting about the production, transportation, selling of illegal hallucinogenics when not long ago few if any realized until now the manga was all about the injustices forced upon the dragons and wondering how long it will take before it all devolves into something more racy
Dex-chan lover
Feb 18, 2023
Some of ya'll're making this shit sound like crack-cocaine or heroine, when it's really more like canabis.
The WN explains this more deeply:

  • The incense allows one to see the memories of their (dead) family members more vividly. Like a lucid dream enabler.
  • And this world is a fairly cruel one, where entire orders of knights are wiped out on routine basis. Leaving families behind.
  • One of the consumers of this incense is a Count's widow, who lost her husband (and child?) in a monster attack.

  • The royalty bans this incense not because it's "harmful to the body" -- in fact, royalty consume it themselves behind closed doors -- hence MC's market for transporting it at high prices right here. (Guess who is buying it; hint, not commoners.)
  • Royalty ban it because it would hurt their own country's economy to have people spend money on this, and not work blindly as labor.

"Turn on, tune in, drop out" (in 1960s hippie parlance) in this world is criminalized as "malum prohibitum (bad because I say so)". And not "malum in se (bad because evil)".

Author, living in "idiotic rule-following Japan" culture, probably had to cut that explanation out for the manga version. Because their culture are pedants for "following rules" even if they are absurd contrived notions born from corrupt sources. This arc was about sticking a finger in the eye of such notions from a WN author.
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Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
The WN explains this more deeply:
  • The incense allows one to see the memories of their (dead) family members more vividly. Like a lucid dream enabler.
  • And this world is a fairly cruel one, where entire orders of knights are wiped out on routine basis. Leaving families behind.
  • One of the consumers of this incense is a Count's widow, who lost her husband (and child?) in a monster attack.

  • The royalty bans this incense not because it's "harmful to the body" -- in fact, royalty consume it themselves behind closed doors -- hence MC's market for transporting it at high prices right here. (Guess who is buying it; hint, not commoners.)
  • Royalty ban it because it would hurt their own country's economy to have people spend money on this, and not work blindly as labor.

"Tune in, tune out, drop out" (in 1960s hippie parlance) in this world is criminalized as "malum prohibitum (bad because I say so)". And not "malum in se (bad because evil)".

Author, living in "idiotic rule-following Japan" culture, probably had to cut that explanation out for the manga version. Because their culture are pedants for "following rules" even if they are absurd contrived notions born from corrupt sources. This arc was about sticking a finger in the eye of such notions from a WN author.
That's...that's really fucking important context. If that doesn't get brought up in the manga, that's doing a serious injustice to the series.
Jan 9, 2023
I’m so happy this is getting translations again!!
Thanks so much

Also- new dragon friend incoming!!!!
Group Leader
Mar 11, 2018
If you thought this was weird...
...read the "genre spoilers" I posted in the series summary thread.
...and my list is in chronological order. :meguusmug:
funniest shit i've read in a while xD good story
The WN explains this more deeply:

  • The incense allows one to see the memories of their (dead) family members more vividly. Like a lucid dream enabler.
  • And this world is a fairly cruel one, where entire orders of knights are wiped out on routine basis. Leaving families behind.
  • One of the consumers of this incense is a Count's widow, who lost her husband (and child?) in a monster attack.

  • The royalty bans this incense not because it's "harmful to the body" -- in fact, royalty consume it themselves behind closed doors -- hence MC's market for transporting it at high prices right here. (Guess who is buying it; hint, not commoners.)
  • Royalty ban it because it would hurt their own country's economy to have people spend money on this, and not work blindly as labor

"Turn on, tune in, drop out" (in 1960s hippie parlance) in this world is criminalized as "malum prohibitum (bad because I say so)". And not "malum in se (bad because evil)".

Author, living in "idiotic rule-following Japan" culture, probably had to cut that explanation out for the manga version. Because their culture are pedants for "following rules" even if they are absurd contrived notions born from corrupt sources. This arc was about sticking a finger in the eye of such notions from a WN author.
I would have put this in spoilers tbh, you don't know if this gets shown later on through other means. It's "just" an adaption after all.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 18, 2023
I would have put this in spoilers tbh, you don't know if this gets shown later on through other means. It's "just" an adaption after all.

They skipped straight over the WN chapter where it happened, but I see your point. I've edited the comment to spoiler it.

However, the print publisher censors would NEVER allow the WN to be 1:1 adapted... it's literally condoning drug use.

That would get hard NAK'd due to Japan's government/legal (extremist) beliefs on drug use and punishment.
Group Leader
Mar 11, 2018
They skipped straight over the WN chapter where it happened, but I see your point. I've edited the comment to spoiler it.

However, the print publisher censors would NEVER allow the WN to be 1:1 adapted... it's literally condoning drug use.

That would get hard NAK'd due to Japan's government/legal (extremist) beliefs on drug use and punishment.
Yeah probably, you never know though. They did skip over some other things too in chapter 16.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 6, 2019
if eating the dragon tears makes dragons infertile then won't his dragon become infertile from making them in her stomach?
Group Leader
Mar 11, 2018
if eating the dragon tears makes dragons infertile then won't his dragon become infertile from making them in her stomach?
No that's not what it does. It's a hallucinogenic incense drug for humans not for dragons and it doesn't directly affect the body to be infertile.
MontDilanus1343 explained this part from the novel in the spoilered part which is a little different from the manga.
In this adaption they explained it with birth rates. I guess, just as you can more vividly dream about fallen family members, there's a way to use it as a sex drug if you're so inclined.
Jan 23, 2018
what with "just because ruler prohibits it" means? that means he doesnt have much good will for a ruler, that's the worst kind of citizen to have.
and of course it's illegal, there's no reason for a country/kingdom without any citizen. and what's the drug do, making the population with 0 sex drive like current japan. it doesnt make sense either because this is a manga made by japanese. the heck is wrong with author????
like i said before, anything can be useful for someone. but if that someone only counted as much as 0.0000001% population. then what's the point to have it? especially for addictive drugs. of course in modern era there's licensed clinic/doctor who have it, but in a medieval kingdom, that's just bad (of course there's always corrupt person in every era, but that's besides the point)
Japan, contrary to the public opinion has a crazy sex drive. The problem is society is not really all that advantageous for long term relationships in japan. A lot of housing is made to be small, for 1 and stretching it to MAYBE 2 people. The work life balance in japan is horrible, the pay for most jobs is nowhere near enough to raise a family on. Japan(like most more developed countries) is dealing with a large mental health crisis. To top it all off, the country is fairly shy and repressed. Oh, and that does not even get into the planet's ecosystem slowly(or rapidly depending on comparison) collapsing and the age of war coming back.

I think what people here did, comparing the incense to drug, is a wrong analogy, in term of hazard, at least. To associate it with all harmful side of drug-abusing is flawed reasoning.

If Chris' words is to be trusted, this incense cause no direct harm to body and only downside would be reduced birthrate, which affect society but not individuals.
So basically Weed. Weed is pretty much safe and only over-consumption can lead to mental issues/dependency in adults. That said, not exactly good for kids to be smoking it as it can mess with the growing brain. But the governments around most of the world have banned it for not that convincing reasons.
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Dex-chan lover
Jun 24, 2019
Japan, contrary to the public opinion has a crazy sex drive. The problem is society is not really all that advantageous for long term relationships in japan. A lot of housing is made to be small, for 1 and stretching it to MAYBE 2 people. The work life balance in japan is horrible, the pay for most jobs is nowhere near enough to raise a family on. Japan(like most more developed countries) is dealing with a large mental health crisis. To top it all off, the country is fairly shy and repressed. Oh, and that does not even get into the planet's ecosystem slowly(or rapidly depending on comparison) collapsing and the age of war coming back.
hmm, so it's about work? they're do had crazy WORK habits
Jan 23, 2018
hmm, so it's about work? they're do had crazy WORK habits
Work, economic security and space to raise a kid. It's not like nobody is having kids in japan, just the majority struggle to make it work. It's similar in the US, but to a somewhat lesser degree of impact in the birthrates and equally high degree of impact in the finding of relationships. Also, a lot of hobbies in japan do not exactly promote social experiences where you might find a partner let alone having the time for extensive hobbies.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2021
Never would have expected this to turn into a drug smuggling then drug manufacturing manga. I guess they are like... magic mushrooms sort of? Don't know much about drugs. I feel like our MC accepted their explanation a bit too easily regarding why they aren't all that bad despite their illegal status.
Yeah he definitely accepted their explanation far to easily. Especially given it would seem they are probably expensive given how hard they are to produce for normal people.(and/or the dragons who are likely abused to make them make the stuff).

Opioids are a incredibly valuable drug that helps people. But they also are extremely dangerous and addictive, hence why they need to be regulated or they can devastate societies.

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