@Namelessmoreless Please no, can't we just have one complete manga/LN where that trope doesn't happen. Between Usagi Drop and Uchi Musume, I can't trust that it can't just be another grooming manga.
At least Uchi Musume if you disassociate the young years and when she is in her teens/early adulthood as different stories and characters it works (especially the last one), but Usagi Drop is a full s***t show.
Looking at their sheer level of papacon, this is highly likely lol. You can even tell exactly how they will be.
Youngest one will be straight forward about it actively trying to seduce him, middle one will act like a housewife around him and oldest one will just go full clumsy tsun (not the violent kind, but the trip over her on words and random objects while blushing ear to ear kind).
@zdarkbrz_816 I assume he originally kept it to give it to someone as a gift at some point, but honestly, it's just an excuse the author wrote to give the sisters something to gift Kaiser for his birthday. The other possibility is that I misunderstood the sentence, but I don't know what else it may have meant.
It's the father who visits them after a while. I also heard from another comment that Anna finds out he isn't their dad, but I don't know how that will play out since I haven't read the novel much yet.