S-Rank Monster no Behemoth Dakedo, Neko to Machigawarete Erufu Musume no Kishi (Pet) Toshite Kurashitemasu - Vol. 5 Ch. 26

Mar 27, 2020
@TroubleFait : So what? They're not newly reincarnated former dragons newly introduced to human society. They've been around people enough to have learnt people-habits. The ex-dragon hasn't.
Jul 10, 2020
I get that their intention is to protect themselves , not make people look at them , but they're virtually wearing next to nothing . If your purpose is to wear armor to protect yourself , wear armor not a hecking bikini. What are the men supposed to do ? Puberty is hitting me hard right now and my eyes naturally gravitate towards women i deem attractive , if you're practically nude too , im sorry, but my penis thinks more than my brain at that point.
Active member
Mar 10, 2020
Exposing yourself practically nude in public -> men look at you -> "Ugh, it's dirty!"
Heck, what the fuck girl?

My goal wasn't to talk specifically about the dragon girl, I guess it was poorly formulated. It's true that she is new to the world of humans, she doesn't know at all how they work. You're entirely right to say that she isn't responsible for the situation.

But she's not the only one here, there is three of them, and the other two do know of this world and its society. I find it inappropriate that they dress so little in public, if they don't want the stares.

Do we understand each other now?
Mar 27, 2020
@TroubleFait : We're back to square one at least. I mean it is entirely normal for women to dress in the bare minimal of clothing and then get disgruntled that they're being stared at (though to be fair, especially busty women will get stared at regardless of what they wear)... but only one of them doesn't actually realise there is a connection there in advance.

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