S-Rank Party wo Munou da to Tsuihousareta kedo, "Kantei" to "Chiyu Mahou" de Nariagari Musou - Ch. 7

Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
This is stupid and why I'm so tired of series where MC lets assassins/killers/genociders live. I don't care if they were friends at one point he tried to kill you and people you know for no reason and now every death and injury that has happened is your fault MC. Also ofcourse there will be no ramifications nor mental changes in the MC over this retardedness.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 22, 2019
this is why you should kill your opponent
especially the opponent who have personal feelings with MC
because they gonna bite you back in the as* later
Nov 26, 2019
This is why the hudud law of Islam was necessary.... It might be an infringement towards human rights as it does give some gruesome punishment such as cutting of the hands of the perpetrators of thievery/corruption or death penalty to a murderer, but it also gives a deterrent effect. So, it will make nobles in this manga something to think about when they're about to do stupid actions.
Edit: at the same time, this also makes so that not anyone can be a judge, as the responsibility of a judge becomes so huge and heavy; the judge can't just hand out punishment without any considerations, as when he do it that way, Hell awaits him for sure.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 3, 2020
It's the "forget" bit in the Forgive and Forget trope that's pushed to the absolute limit here..

They were literally told by the ex-party they got a quest to kill the ghetto queen through the adventurer guild commisioned by a high noble, yet completely ignore this fact and go shopping without thinking about it, or acting on that knowledge.

Not even a higher level of caution or increased security.... nothing. Just.... really?!!
Dex-chan lover
Jul 18, 2020
This is why ruthless MCs are so popular, just FINISH THE JOB BRO, kill your enemies, shit always comes back to bite you in the ass.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 9, 2023
i'm about to drop this manga
I knew it!
it's so cliche now
a defeated antagonist (that was spared by the mc btw) to kill the queen gains power from some demon or whatever to take revenge on the MC
"ill kill the mc once and for all!"
oh yeah, how many times has that line been used and poof! it didn't matter cause the MC won anyway
I swear, MCs like Hajime is why many people are a fan of ruthless MCs
sorry for my rant...
Dex-chan lover
Jan 12, 2023
This is stupid and why I'm so tired of series where MC lets assassins/killers/genociders live. I don't care if they were friends at one point he tried to kill you and people you know for no reason and now every death and injury that has happened is your fault MC. Also ofcourse there will be no ramifications nor mental changes in the MC over this retardedness.
Don't worry, because the author already made some precautions by telling the readers that the MC got insane healing magic that can "reverts everything to its original state", so every injuries will definitely be healed perfectly!

But yeah, this series is already moving in full speed on the path of cliche by letting his ex-party members live after they clearly commit heavy crimes, and now he's turned into a monster + rampaging in the city, in which they could've easily prevent it from happening.

And how the author's solutions for all of that? By making the MC a Gary Stu, of course!
Dex-chan lover
Aug 28, 2019
I'm less upset about the cliched "evil guy I turned over to the law gets a second chance to be evil" development than I am about the aged-up child companion suddenly getting into romantic tropes.

Thanks for the scanlations so far, but I think this is where I check out of this series. I'm sure I'll find another C-tier series to fill the hole in a day or two 🤣
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
Wow, if I didn't know better I could've sworn you guys all lost family in that ghetto.

Gotta love the consistency in mangadex comments: everything must die, always and all the time, nevermind that we are talking in hindsight or that something called ethics exists, if it opposed the MC then it must be either murdered or turned into a waifu.

Murderhobos, all of you.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 12, 2023
Wow, if I didn't know better I could've sworn you guys all lost family in that ghetto.

Gotta love the consistency in mangadex comments: everything must die, always and all the time, nevermind that we are talking in hindsight or that something called ethics exists, if it opposed the MC then it must be either murdered or turned into a waifu.

Murderhobos, all of you.

Tell me you didn't read the manga, without telling me that you didn't read the manga...

The ex-party members had commit severe crimes, TWICE, where they was doing assassination attempt on someone, which somehow get pardoned, and then they're robbing someone, in which they're also could potentially kill someone if the MC didn't stepped in, yet he only get locked in the dungeon.

And of course, the author were purposedly letting them live, so they could be used for another super cliché plot device, which literally happened on this chapter, where the leader turned into a monster, and rampaging the city.

Imagine if the guy was sentenced to death on the first time he commit that severe crime (yes, assassination attempt is a very serious crime, yet they somehow treated them like someone who stole a bread), the tragedy that happened in this chapter won't happened, and the story can continue.

But nope, the author decides to be very very unoriginal, and pulled the most cliché and overused trope in the whole fantasy animanga, which is revenge...
Jan 22, 2023
Wow, if I didn't know better I could've sworn you guys all lost family in that ghetto.

Gotta love the consistency in mangadex comments: everything must die, always and all the time, nevermind that we are talking in hindsight or that something called ethics exists, if it opposed the MC then it must be either murdered or turned into a waifu.

Murderhobos, all of you.
As an ethical being one must be willing to kill people who commit actions otherwise reprehensible. Both Terry Pratchett and Raymond E Feist have great examples on this.

Feist's example was through the actions of a military commander who had found mercs that had raped, killed and raped the corpses of villager girls. While the soldiers under his command wanted to torture them, he quickly cut their throats and had them buried in shallow graves. They deserved death and he saved those under his command from allowing themselves to indulge in unethical practices.

Pratchett on the other hand gave some perspective from the ruminations of Samuel Vimes :

“Something Vimes had learned as a young guard drifted up from memory. If you have to look along the shaft of an arrow from the wrong end, if a man has you entirely at his mercy, then hope like hell that man is an evil man. Because the evil like power, power over people, and they want to see you in fear. They want you to know you're going to die. So they'll talk. They'll gloat.

They'll watch you squirm. They'll put off the moment of murder like another man will put off a good cigar.

So hope like hell your captor is an evil man. A good man will kill you with hardly a word.”

You dare preach ethics while knowing fucking nothing about it? Fuck off with ye.

Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
Tell me you didn't read the manga, without telling me that you didn't read the manga...

The ex-party members had commit severe crimes, TWICE, where they was doing assassination attempt on someone, which somehow get pardoned, and then they're robbing someone, in which they're also could potentially kill someone if the MC didn't stepped in, yet he only get locked in the dungeon.

And of course, the author were purposedly letting them live, so they could be used for another super cliché plot device, which literally happened on this chapter, where the leader turned into a monster, and rampaging the city.

Imagine if the guy was sentenced to death on the first time he commit that severe crime (yes, assassination attempt is a very serious crime, yet they somehow treated them like someone who stole a bread), the tragedy that happened in this chapter won't happened, and the story can continue.

But nope, the author decides to be very very unoriginal, and pulled the most cliché and overused trope in the whole fantasy animanga, which is revenge...
Tell me you speedread and cherry-picked without telling me you speedread and cherry-picked.

You want war, I'll give ye war. INTERNET WAR!

The first "crime", the attempted assassination, was asked for personally by a noble, and its target was the leader of the underworld and chief of the ghetto, in other words a goddamn big criminal in the eyes of the law. Sure enough, WE know and the main characters know that she's a good person, that the ghetto is akin to a refugee camp and that they're trying to be better and make a good place for their people, but that's not how other people see it, they simply see the leader of a bunch of thugs and the big head of the bunch of poverty-stricken illegal occupants of the terrain.

You need to remember that they're in a medieval setting, where human rights and protection of the law was based on how much money you had, who were your ancestors and which plot of land you were born into; people simply weren't equal back then and it showed. If our main characters had gone and punished them, tried to deliver them to justice or, as you all murderhobos so very much desire, killed them in cold blood, then THEY would have been the ones in the wrong, since all they would have done is murder the famous and valorous group of S-rank adventurers who had taken a personal request from their beloved local noble, just to protect the leader of the equivalent of the underworld thieves guild who were occupying the land without paying their taxes. Besides, even of it had actually been tried at a court, it would have been the word of the inhabitants of the ghetto (who are still very much illegal and unwanted) versus the word of the noble (who was oh-so-worried about that evil ghetto and its effects on his dearest citizens) and the people of the guild (who were completely unaware of their true nature and were still licking the ground that they tread upon).

It wasn't up until they, in their salty grief over being easily beaten by the MC and sent packinh, that they went full nuts and decided to attack a merchant caravan that they FINALLY commited a punishable crime, since the merchants had all the protections of citizenship, money, connections and a guild (I assume) backing them, which is far more than any person living in a ghetto can ever hope to get.

Now, I don't know if you saw the fight or your brain went into autopilot (can't really blame you there, we all sometimes need to turn our brains off in order to read some of these mangas we rot our eyes with), but the MC and their group were  never in any sort of danger, if only because they were so above in power and skill compared to the other group that it simply was not a fight but a takedown; hell, there was even an entire sequence where the MC pretty much shows the DASCFE (Dumb Ass Salty Childhood Friend Enemy) that he was never as good as he believed to be, that he (the MC) was miles above him, how easily he could beat him or even kill him, and that the only reason he healed him and not leave him to the (literal) wolves is so he could be tried for his crimes. Our guy is a good samaritan who follows the law and wants to make the world a better place, yet you want him to commit murder just to satiate the reader's anger and bloodlust? That's akin to killing a child (power-wise, not justice-wise or morality-wise) just because he could become a threat later.

Whilst the life lf the DASCFE could easily be argued as "unneeded" and sent to the guillotine, you need to remember that forgiveness and redemption are a thing, a real thing that entire religions are built around and that every single good person in the real or fantasy world try to emulate. Sure enough he was a threat, but he was a neutralized threat and he had been sent to be judged and jailed, so there was no need to kill him, other than there being a special character who can see the future and predict the unpredictable, such as the noble having something supposed to be extinct and giving him supernatural powers with it (it had been at most DAYS or WEEKS after the entire fiasco, so even if he had been given the death penalty, it was never gonna be fast enough).

There are also other factors at hand, but those were answered below for the other guy, so read that part too as if it was part of this answer.

I've had experience with plenty of RPGs with unequal standing between the classes and with evil DMs (read as: mean and punishing to the point of causing you paranoia), so things like castes, nobility issues, politics and such are very familiar to me.

As for him being used as plot device and turned into a monster... well, the noble was gonna use  someone eventually, and he was the first choice he could think of that would help him take care of both of his problems at once (willingness to take the shady power and a personal grudge with the ghetto).

If you want me to continue the INTERNETZ WAAAGH, then just give me a call and I will answer.

As an ethical being one must be willing to kill people who commit actions otherwise reprehensible. Both Terry Pratchett and Raymond E Feist have great examples on this.

Feist's example was through the actions of a military commander who had found mercs that had raped, killed and raped the corpses of villager girls. While the soldiers under his command wanted to torture them, he quickly cut their throats and had them buried in shallow graves. They deserved death and he saved those under his command from allowing themselves to indulge in unethical practices.

Pratchett on the other hand gave some perspective from the ruminations of Samuel Vimes :

“Something Vimes had learned as a young guard drifted up from memory. If you have to look along the shaft of an arrow from the wrong end, if a man has you entirely at his mercy, then hope like hell that man is an evil man. Because the evil like power, power over people, and they want to see you in fear. They want you to know you're going to die. So they'll talk. They'll gloat.

They'll watch you squirm. They'll put off the moment of murder like another man will put off a good cigar.

So hope like hell your captor is an evil man. A good man will kill you with hardly a word.”

You dare preach ethics while knowing fucking nothing about it? Fuck off with ye.

Gotta thank you for the references, I actually quite enjoyed them, if anything for the sheer literary value of them.

That being said, it still has the same problem as the other guy: you're preaching the murder of a guy that had already been aprehended, reduced, denounced and judged, not to mention properly punished for once by rotting in jail until our diabolus ex machina hidden villain found him and have him a hidden mcguffin for evil, something that was simply faaaar too out of the field for our MC to even consider (maybe not for us, but that's cuz we're fantasy/isekai trash veterans).

Not only that, but you're asking our good guy MC, who has never killed a person (not monsters) in cold blood, to murder (not assassinate nor kill, but murder) his old childhood friend who was once his partner; sure enough, the guy was a selfish prick who was always resentful of our MC and became even worse as he grew up, mistreating him just to feel better, but he DID at one point have good memories and good times with him, as childhood friends and partners in the same group, so to simply ask our good samaritan healer protagonist to kill his old-friend-turned-villain, whom he had already reduced and had beaten easily, just for the  possibility that he may do more evil in the future (hindsight notwitstanding, remember that we know he is in mangaworld and they don't) is simply going too far.

To be good is not to beat bad people, but to be an example to the rest and do the right thing, no matter how hard it may be for us in the future; our MC was not simply eliminating the threat, but also giving a message to other people as to how an adventurer SHOULD be, making his crimes public by delivering him to justice. Sudden satisfaction cannot and should not be the norm, proper procedures exist for a reason and we should strive to follow them if only for the slight hope that other people may take in our examples (aka. how paladin ought to be instead of the lawful stupid we're used to seeing).

So yeah, I thank you for the literary enrichment, but fuck thee too!

That being said, I sincerely doubt that the author thought that far, but it's still a possibility and a valid point!
Dex-chan lover
Oct 23, 2018
Wow, if I didn't know better I could've sworn you guys all lost family in that ghetto.

Gotta love the consistency in mangadex comments: everything must die, always and all the time, nevermind that we are talking in hindsight or that something called ethics exists, if it opposed the MC then it must be either murdered or turned into a waifu.

Murderhobos, all of you.
to miss the mark as bad as you did here takes some serious effort... you clearly do not know what a murderhobo even is, and that response of yours, you are one of those who just can not accept that you are wrong.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 11, 2023
Bro turned into a stink spirit from Spirited Away.
The fire looks extremely poor, it resembles weird spikes more than flames.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 21, 2023
Skirting real close to the line there Mr "Kill Nigris", best hope you don't make a typo on that

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