@Spartancus Haha, it had to be done.
@crismofern Good point about perspective being affected by the timing of when someone actually gets into it. And nice, I like that kind of weeb era terminology.
@Richman Thanks for sharing your thoughts! I don't think you're alone in watching DBZ many times before ever touching DB.
@Nihilist1 This volume is the last one. The story ends at chapter 49, and then there are 11 bonus chapters. I haven't really looked into it, but from what I gather, the magazine they ran in told the creators enough was enough. But they did run for a longer time than they had expected at the start.
@yummyyummy Interesting, maybe I think the art style changes have been more subtle than they are because of how I sort of subconsciously group together all the anime that have run since I got into this stuff.
@290guille I like those kinds of games alright but I'm a cheapskate, what can I say (;^ω^).
@jowser90 You reminded me I should buy MHW: Iceborne! I'm hoping the price drops a little lower though. About the SpaceX launch, I know they made the event very America-centric, but I think it's generally a good thing when humanity reaches for the stars :3.
@ninjazz That was a very enjoyable ramble xD. Thanks for the watch recommendation. I don't watch too many sports anime but I do watch the occasional one. I'm actually rewatching season 1 of Chihayafuru now, which I believe many consider a sports anime. Anyway, I'll keep Cross Game in mind, thanks.
@strider_01 So glad that the adaptation of Kaguya has been good so far (I think so at least). I'm often a fan of A-1 Pictures' work though anyway. Personally, I'm also finding Honzuki to be quite enjoyable this season. I've thought of trying Crusader Kings 2 but it seems to have a fairly steep learning curve.