Saihate no Paladin - Vol. 13 Ch. 61

Jan 21, 2018
Will's act of diverting the battle away from his incapacitated allies has paid off handsomely. Now all his party members are back in commission and ready to continue the fight. There is now even a third god indirectly contributing to the fight against the dragon. It really pays to make an enemy out of all the gods for such a battle junkie like Valacirca.

Great touch of continuity here: the fallen dwarven king Aurvangr does not have his crown on, because it's physically still there back in the throne room after the fight with the admiral demon. Now Will does not have to rely solely on the dangerous Overeater with another legendary sword, Calldawn in his hands. The very same magic sword that blinded Valacirca once. It shall continue its legend as a sword that was capably used to fight dragons.

The willing dead now even grant buffs for Will and his allies through Gracefeel's blessing? Man, what a truly epic battle this is.
Aggregator gang
Jul 29, 2020
i would complain about the villain waiting for the buffs before attacking but, it is literally in Valerica's character to wat for the maincharacters to buff and have their moment before attacking LMAO, it's so good

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