Aww man, I knew the parental figures would eventually die with all those flags Will was throwing, but this is gonna be one of 'those' series huh? Forget about sadness in the first few chapters then smooth sailing and friendship the next, Will is never gonna catch a break. Fine then, bring it on!
Now this is how you write a story! If this was your run-of-the-mill isekai, the first thing that would've happened to him is run into a busty girl that is a princess on the run or some shit, saves her from bandits, and gets a huge reward and she falls in love with him. Or he would see a slave girl, buys or saves her, and she falls in love with him.
fuck this dude this BRING A FUCKING WAIIIIFU where is the fucking fucking waifu!?!?! where is the hot girl!?!?!? pls the mom is already dead we need a fucking sexy waifu to fuck