Alright first things first, what the hell does being the God of Technique mean??? The rest of them make some sort of sense but "technique" is such a vague concept that applies to almost everything.
That aside, this seems like a cool isekai story. I think what sells it to me is that there're no pretensions that this is a living breathing world. This world comes across as some sort of twisted limbo to me. I feel like this world was created for the sole purpose of being the protagonist's home. I'm not actually familiar with the ln so I haven't a clue where this is going, but there is some level of creativity on display here.
The story-telling is also pretty solid too as far as I can tell. I never read the exposition about the world's history in most fantasy stories because they're always so dull and pointless. I actually found myself sort of intrigued here so that's gotta be a plus. I'm feeling good about this one, can't wait to see more.