"Isekai (Japanese: 異世界, transl. "different world" or "otherworld") is a genre of light novels, manga, anime and video games that revolve around a normal person from Earth being displaced, transported to, reborn, or otherwise trapped in a parallel universe, fantasy world, or virtual world, where they must adapt and/or assimilate into this new world, along with its new rules, cultures and philosophies. "
haveing a past life and it being isekai is different Roujoteki Shoujo Hinata-chan is about reincarnation but its not an isekai
the important part is the new world
and in average isekai its someone that some loser with full memories of there past life and learning how there world in there new life works
but for this story its a kid that can only vaguely remember certain events and common knowledge from his past life and barely knew who he was
isekai= i am from place but god said I'm now in place 2 i need to know how it works
this series = I am from place 2 but I know I kinda knew of place
I think this manga is getting boring idk he defeated a god and cant defeat a monster? and it's not the same vibe anymore at the beginning its fucking good
Mod Note: Please use spoiler tags when talking about chapter-specific or future events.
I really love this manga and it's story. The world building is beautiful and this really invokes the notion, the feeling of baring witness to an epic adventure.
He died with an intense regret, he died in a way that made him think he was worthless, but really what I wanted to say was that his feelings at the end of his life were so intense that the gravity of them couldn't be overlooked. An example of this was when he finally confessed to his family and when William thought he should do everything alone because the person closest to him might've died. He's quick to blame himself, he doesn't want to praise himself much, I noticed. I really didn't mind either the set-up of the story or the pace at which it's going because it makes sense. For a 15 year old and it conforms to human nature, the rules of this world. But I really do commend the author for being able to write a character like this so well, many times I can see this being attempted, like the Queen in the Queen of the Tearling. Both were smart, had great characters, however the rising action I feel is the best way to solidify and show what your characters are. This is what I believe Saihate no Paladin does, the story has a cast of characters that play off of each other, learning lessons, sharing what they plan to do in life, it's beautiful. In addition to that, he's strangely mature for his age and I would attribute this to his family, his upbringing, but also due to his faint memories of his past life, and the fact the the Goddess of the Flux, Gracefeel(I hope I got that right) let him remember his time in moving from one world to another, contributed to him crying, to him loving the view of the rolling green hills. He was humbled, but also built up, a broken man built up again by love. I see this as his journey, not just to defeat the main villain, but to fulfill one of his main desires, which I believe is to spread the love, the beautiful feelings he felt to the people who suffer, but to also the normal person, seeing this as satisfactory he wants to have a family of his own. Spreading love and light, because he knew what it felt like, all while conforming to the circle of life. You know the good stories? Where you get attached to the characters so much that you would want it to never end, but when it does, you feel fulfilled, but empty at the same time? That is what I'm on the route to with this story, with it's excellent world building, with it's great cast of characters this story always has me waiting for more.
Sorry I don't comment much so I hope I put the spoiler tags in the right place!
This will still be upheld has one of my top lovely manga's i cannot say how thankfull i am to sense scanlations thank you for uploading those chapter, to anyone contemplating if you want to read it or not though i don't know when another chapter may come out Please read it