Saikyou no Maou ni Kitaerareta Yuusha, Isekai Kikansha-tachi no Gakuen de Musou Suru - Ch. 25

Jun 30, 2019
Beg to disagree. There's plenty of time in between action to have meaningless dialogue between MC and antagonists instead of fighting. There's 8 pages of dialogue at the beginning of the chapter before anyone readies an action. That's been one of my main problems with the series. Instead of getting to the fighting they just jaw at each other.

The second problem is the MC's mental age doesn't match up with his physical age. He still acts like a chuuni despite being 30,000 years old. He's Cid Kagenou without the satire, so just pretty lame.
Which leads into problem 3 where the MC and Felice spent 30,000 years falling in love but never banged? That's less believable than magic actually existing.
The second problem could kind of make sense. Yes, they spent 30,000 years there, but it was just the two of them, so how socially developed he becomes, or how well his thought processes, outside of his training to kill her, become could be quite stunted. He never learned to live in the real world with adults. Also, some of the (probably limited) free time he did have was telling her the plot to all of the manga/anime he was enjoying before being summoned, which might keep him in that chuuni mindset (especially if he thought she liked chuuni people).

As for the third problem? She thought she had to die, and there was no other way. So she certainly wouldn't want to do something that would likely result in him being less likely to kill her. Especially since she figured that when she lost control, she would likely kill him (permanently), and destroy a lot of worlds. So, even if she fell in love with him, and even if she knew he had fallen in love with her, she might have wanted to avoid "going all the way" with him, when her goal was to give him the resolve to kill her.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
Did you just casually spoil the whole 100 Exiles novel?
Awe hall nah, say it ain't so buddy. You're gonna catch hands if you really did just post an unmarked spoiler.
I just posted a question in the "main" comments of that manga for confirmation/denial of this. We will have to see if anyone who has read the LN reads and replies to my post...
Also looked it up on novel updates and based solely on the tags what was said is extremely unlikely...
Dex-chan lover
Apr 21, 2020
i kinda forgot, but why do they want to not be expelled again? I mean, it seems like they didnt want to join the academy at first and had to stay for some reason. But then they went like "oh no we cant get expelled at this point"? Its been so long that I am actually confused whats actually going on.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2023
Sorry for the delayed translation everyone, have been busy with life

Good chunk of us understand, but if it gets out of control, just know many of us appreciate you for translating so much for us


Mar 7, 2019
i get it. mc needs a nerf to be kept in line... but the power level bs is old and at this point a detriment to the story. so far im getting the feeling this manga was contractual work, and not in a good way. there were other ways to make it beliveable he's already got the staffs suspicous of him. could have went with him holding back because he knows they are spying (poorly) on him and got the same result, the mc's personality i can excuse he was locked up in basicly a psychos basement for 3000 years likely just acting sane based on what he thought sane was ... huh, artists got a "cloud" setup here. even then the mc could likely just overpower them in a way that cant be traced back to him directly... i mean he was training to kill who again?
Jun 30, 2019
i kinda forgot, but why do they want to not be expelled again? I mean, it seems like they didnt want to join the academy at first and had to stay for some reason. But then they went like "oh no we cant get expelled at this point"? Its been so long that I am actually confused whats actually going on.
Those that leave the academy must be "sealed" for the sake of the world (since they can't let psychopaths with power run amok on our world, just other worlds), and when they try to do that to him, they might discover something about him and/or Felice that would give away who she is.
Double-page supporter
Aug 4, 2020
Thank you for the update!

Also, SHUT-UP Komari! You loud action that cause your own group fall into troubles so far! If you want revenge, just do it quietly, then stab them without they even know who stab them.
FUCKING THIS! Ok the MC is doing his "I can't go all out" bullshit but at least he's being "logical".
Komari is useless and SHE KNOWS she is useless. During her isekai adventure everyone else babied her while they completed the task. During training she needed to be saved multiple times. During her second isekai adventure she did nothing about the demon lord and couldn't hurt the rouge hero (a fact she was aware of). Did the MC's empty platitude really big up her ego THAT much?
Why then is she going out of her way to ACTIVELY antagonise the STRONGEST group when for all she knows her group is the weakest? I get it "muh emotional" and "they hurt muh friends" but this isn't a situation where you can fuck about. The guy she's taunting would've KILLED her friend if the MC didn't step in. He is (to the best of her knowledge) significantly stronger than all of them combined. Plus there is ANOTHER guy who is probably JUST AS STRONG. BEST case she and her group gets crippled for life, worst case they are tortured to death.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 15, 2019
Kind of annoying to have the MC go "dang, I can't do this without getting found out by Lala and Komari!" and then get handed an opportunity on a silver platter where they're out of the picture for him to fight Rosen, and then go "well how about that. Well instead of dealing with these guys who are clearly gonna be trouble in the future, I'll just drop the points and leave anyway. See ya"

I know MCs usually don't like unnecessary killing and all, but these are people who've literally already shown that they enjoy killing for the sake of it and tried to kill Komari's friend. This just seems shortsighted if anything.
Yeah, but he's also being watched closely. He probably wants to keep his cards close to his chest until the last moment.

That being said, I would have beat them like they owed me money.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 5, 2020
As for the third problem? She thought she had to die, and there was no other way. So she certainly wouldn't want to do something that would likely result in him being less likely to kill her. Especially since she figured that when she lost control, she would likely kill him (permanently), and destroy a lot of worlds. So, even if she fell in love with him, and even if she knew he had fallen in love with her, she might have wanted to avoid "going all the way" with him, when her goal was to give him the resolve to kill her.
Exept that they still didn't do anything. They are in a school, they could fuck any time they want during their free time. All they did was a massage, nothing more.
If you had to resist your desire for someone for so long you would not wait anymore after all the things that prevented you to do it disapeared.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 8, 2023
Another chapter where our MC went again with his "I don't want to stand out" and then put himself and Felice (who he is protecting by not standing out - what an irony) into a more complicated situation.
Jul 13, 2020
Beg to disagree. There's plenty of time in between action to have meaningless dialogue between MC and antagonists instead of fighting. There's 8 pages of dialogue at the beginning of the chapter before anyone readies an action. That's been one of my main problems with the series. Instead of getting to the fighting they just jaw at each other.

The second problem is the MC's mental age doesn't match up with his physical age. He still acts like a chuuni despite being 30,000 years old. He's Cid Kagenou without the satire, so just pretty lame.
Which leads into problem 3 where the MC and Felice spent 30,000 years falling in love but never banged? That's less believable than magic actually existing.

He's still reading and practicing those "how to communicate" books from the early chapters

Dex-chan lover
Oct 3, 2020
It's not just that, it's been established that the goddesses and the higher ups at the school know there's more to him than he's letting on and are intentionally trying to get him to fight at full strength so they can know what to do with him, which is literally the one thing he doesn't want to happen because it's likely they'd find out about felice, then the mc would have at best to go on the run, at worst a killing spree of gods, considering felice just wants a normal life, it's his anathema.
That is not the worst outcome..
The "gods" here are vindictive little pussies and bullies. Eradicate a couple, and they'll get the message..

MC unleashed + unleashed Waifucat can very much make that dreaded "Apocalypse to end all Apocalypses" true.
And that's easily avoided by leaving them the hell alone and in peace.
Since some of those "gods" obviously won't... On their head be it.
Deliberately twisting the tail of the tiger is a prime example of Fuck about, Find out. And they're dialling it up to 11, not even pretending to be "neutral guardians" anymore.

Even as a Bully trope this is..... insanely stupid and contrived.
And in a desperate attempt to not have the MC Show His True Strength in a clearly announced and intended life-or-death situation with the "Godess"s followers outright attempting to torture and murder his entire group, his compatriots and his Waifu get whisked away by some new and nebulous "Vive la Resistance" group so that he has an "excuse" to drop everything and run chase after his Waifu.
Instead of wtfpwning the immediate problem first making sure they , at least, will not ever be a threat to him or anyone else again. Those 5 minutes will not endanger his waifu any more than she may or may not be, because he doesn't even have a clue where she may be.. He's just valiantly running away in a random direction...

But of course, the Recurring Villains must be kept alive, Because Plot.

The only reason I still follow this is because it's always educational to study a slow train wreck, but boy .... Is this one bad...
Dec 22, 2018
I feel like I'm in the vast minority of people who actually... liked the developments in this chapter? Maybe I'm having an easier time 'cause it's been a while since I've binged the series so I'm coming in without any baggage from reading the earlier arcs.

1. I'm glad he didn't fight the evil puppet kid in the first five minutes they meet this arc, like one chapter after he was introduced, because that would've been super anticlimactic and unsatisfying?? The kid is actually a cool villain with a cool powerset, and I like cheering for him to get punched in the face soon - a far cry from any of the previous ones.

It would've been such a tremendous waste to make him irrelevant now, so I actually prefer that they delay his inevitable confrontation with MC until it can have more impact later. I like that they realized they had a cool villain and gave him time to breathe so that he could be fleshed out before he gets his ass kicked.
(*unless they never have their fight, in which case I'll be mad)

2. Same thing with the MC 'hiding his power' which has everybody riled up.
After all of this time, how unsatisfying would it have been if he revealed his power... now, at a non-dramatic moment with little tension or build-up? I'd feel cheated if they made me wait this long for that moment just to waste it here where there's kind of stakes but not anything that interesting leading up to it.

Besides that, what they showed here about his mindset regarding it was great - he's now steeled himself and fully willing to use his full power at a moment's notice, come what may. With some ruthless inner thoughts about how he'd try to salvage it by force. Wasn't that like... the coolest thing he could've said in his head for this situation, since - as I mentioned earlier - him having to actually pull that trigger would be a waste here?

3. The end of this confrontation actually makes sense!
The MC cares more about the immediate threat of everyone I love just got teleported to danger more than these schmucks trying to mug him.

From his perspective:
  • Trying to run away with the points means they'll chase him, which means he'll have to waste time evading / fending them off.
  • Every moment he spends trying to actually defeat them means another second his friends are in danger without him.
  • Even if he runs away the crazy sadist puppet boy might still chase him, but the odds of that happening go way down if there's no 10 million point-based incentive to do so.

And from a narrative point of view, it's clear that the puppet boy being interrupted twice has been thrown off his game and isn't in the mood to chase down some 'weak' dude now that he doesn't have an external motivation (the SP points) giving him the excuse. It actually makes sense for him to put off their inevitable fight, and fleshes string boy out beyond being 'that asshole sadist villain'.

4. Potential bigger conspiracy plot involving the academy, instead of just some strong kid causing trouble for another arc?

Now, all of the previous chapters in the series could have led up to this arc better. The execution could've been way better because the core concept was great - an all-powerful MC has a legit reason to lay low and have his slice-of-life adventures, but keeps having to risk using his power because of the trouble caused by kids who've been twisted by their isekai experiences.

Regardless, we're finally here - an arc where the academy staff might actually be involved in the conflict directly because there's a conspiracy that could actually threaten them.

If there's any conflict that would be worth having the MC power reveal, wouldn't it be one where the all-powerful academy has a genuine external/internal threat to deal with?


So basically, this chapter was 10/10 build-up for me.
  • I'm excited to see when the MC reveals his power, because things are escalating to the point where it'd make sense and be satisfying.
  • I'm hopeful that since there's more build-up, the fight against puppeteer boy will be more cool and impactful.
  • I'm interested in seeing what bigger threat could actually concern the academy, which has so far been depicted as basically all-powerful to the point where MC doesn't wanna fuck around and find out.


I know the 'when will he stop being passive and kick ass' routine is frustrating, but since we've already waited this long can we all agree that we want that moment to actually be cool and mean something when it happens?

My biggest fear is that after all this time pushing it back, the manga somehow wastes it.

/essay over
Dec 22, 2018
I was only going to write like one paragraph instead of a whole essay, but having to scroll past pages of people sharing bizarre opinions changed me. Incensed me. I needed to let it all out, man.

Some of y'all post like you're reading a completely different manga than I am.

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