Unless the class is something like the Dancer from Fire Emblem, most of those kind of outfits are still blatant fanservice. It's not like Rangers or Hunters go around in miniskirts, shorts would be more appropiate.
And sorceresses don't need to have disproportionate cleavage, much less nuns/healers. Some is fine, of course. The right kind and amount of cleavage can be attractive, daring, elegant among others.
But look at the outfit of the new girl. Such ridicoulus underboob, and even more cleavage over it. The outfit in general looks more like a swimsuit to be used in a porno movie than anything with even the slightes practical use. What is even the point of a miniskirt if it is open on the front and you aren't wearing shorts or something.
Come on, you have to agree that in a proper fantasy work (movie, tv serie, book) a character dressed like that would be totally immersion breaking.