Hero party hates isekai'd heroes for being nothing but bums, they go about their day by getting into a bunch of erotic shenanigans, and now they're gonna go visit the Amazon village where a certain isekai hero is surrounded by nothing but women. Just the average adventurer work day.
Place your bets on which party member of the hero party is going to bash the isekai kid's pride in.
Internet bandwagoning is annoying as always. The first chapter in a while that's pretty straightforward and actually clears up a lot of things and everyone goes hUh mE nOt uNdErsTaNdInG mAnGo tOo cOnFuSe
It's like, chapter doesn't make sense: hahah manga is confusing
Common high-school rom-com herbivorism. This guy cannot hold hands with a girl to save his life, let alone get his D wet. The uniform and the tone of the manga kinda give them away.
What I'm curious is about the festival itself. Coming from amazons, I guess it's a festival to attract men and find mates-husbands; but who else thinks the hero has turned it into a blue-balling and chaste standard-pattern school festival?
Still kinda dissatisfied with this adaptation the original plot of the ? gendered knight has been replaced with a convoluted and loose plot. Tofia was way more boyish in the oneshot very disappointed with the current design
Oh I have another guess! Food fetish! He just wants to be fed by a tall woman, preferably a woman twice his height, while he sits on her lap. Then she burps him.