I love this one. Its satire is gold star awesome and the characters are hilarious. Konkichi is a really funny guy, though I'll admit his humor's a bit one note, the interactions his characters share are always pretty unique and a real pleasure to read about. I don't know why this one's rated so low at 7.5... but ah well. Shame it was ended so soon, but I kind of get it. A drama/slice of life like this only has so much steam in the engine when the premise is mostly based on goofy antics and character friction, rather than an over arcing plot like romance, some great conflict, or a goal. There is romance present, but it very much comes off as a back drop to the comedy, the misunderstandings, and the flailing awkwardness of the protagonist.
Still, I gave it a 10/10, if only because my bias for Konkichi's humor is undeniable.