Sasameki Koto - Vol. 9 Ch. 53 - I Love You

Dex-chan lover
Sep 26, 2018
agreeing with the 2 other comments before me, it was a bit too long for this story and it seems like the author skips a bit of character development on the last volumes but, all in all, it was cute :)

(but it still was too hard to read it in one go because of the feeling of plot not moving forward sometimes...)
Dex-chan lover
Jun 30, 2018
Yeah, this probably would've benefited from being about half as long as it was. If you can keep things chugging along forever without it feeling like it's just getting dragged out to up the volume count, you probably should. I mean that's just good business sense, y'know? But some of the chapters along the way here actually felt like that's all they were there for, padding numbers.

But still, there was plenty of the enjoyable stuff along the way too. Might even read this again at some point. Being on my potential rereads list isn't exactly the highest hurdle, but plenty of things do fail to make the cut so it's not a bad way for me to compare things I've read with each other despite the varied content matter they might cover.
Dex-chan lover
May 27, 2018
Wow what a way to ruin a series the author wanted to milk it but he didnt know how to handle Kazamas and Sumikas relationship so he just dragged it out in the worst way possible making absolutely nothing happen and then hitting us with the most underwhelming confession ever like really wtf was that ? I thought he was somehow gonna turn it into another misunderstanding but apparently they started going out from there, but i never really felt them connect like at all it was sad.

The weird comedy did not mesh well with the serious topics all the characters turned into weird parodies Sumika was so passive the whole second half you wouldn't really think she wanted a relationshipm Kazama finding out Sumika loved her and the kiss with the mask amounted to nothing since the author was dead set on dragging shit out with unimportant arcs that added nothing to the relationship.

My god how the fuck does this have such a high rating?

Well that may just be me failing to locate the stories charm, well the first part did have some good themes and ideas with Kazama being scared of losing ger friend cuz of what had happened before Sumika finding out she really wanted to try the moist clam surprise, getting over past trauma due to ignorant bullying and how they understood Kazama after getting to know her.

.... but the author dragged it out turned everyone retarded cuz he advanced the relationship to a point were it was obvious something had to change or progress but the author wanted to milk so fuck it lets have them lose character and turn them into retards so that the relationship stagnates.

Koi and black hair girl feel so underveloped as well and the tease about them turning yuri at the end cant save that.

Sigh 6/10 from me the look into their future was too pathetic as well.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 5, 2019
Yeahhhhh, I got to vol. 5 and I'm just tired of it.

Stale, old, predictable, underwhelming, crappy characters... not even that good so I dunno why it's rating is so high on this site.
Oct 12, 2019
wew. That's common sense and very realistic during the story tho. Can't be helped if people hate how long and complicated story is but you can't deny how awful LGBT had suffered and fight for their love (when the main things to fight is your family's ideal and social opinions) in Asia
Active member
Apr 17, 2020
A glorious conclusion, surrounded by lily flowers. They had a proper confession, said "I love you", and even more importantly, Kazuma finally said that Sumika was cute. The way she teared up at that just about broke my heart.
Even the supporting characters got redemption in the one-page comics at the very end. I'm so glad that Akemi's career wasn't totally ruined by that one gag, and now he's not only making it big in Europe but paired off with the German girl (after a phenomenal growth spurt, good for her). And of course, the Wingwoman Couple is set to reform the world economy one country at a time. Ya love to see it.

It's been years since I read this manga... At the time I was reading it on an iOS mangareader app. Coming back to it, while it definitely delivers on its fluffy chapters the middle section definitely got stretched out for way too long. At least a half dozen situations where only the perfect storm of happenstance kept them from being able to talk out their feelings sooner. That said, the way that they were able to come to a conclusion together even with so many ridiculous things keeping them apart is also kind of inspiring in its own way, I think. Chances are I'm probably not going to reread this entire series from start to finish again, cause it's really bad for my heart, but I'll still give it a solid 9/10. One could argue that it should be an 8, but I'm feeling generous.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 1, 2018
What a great story.

People hating on it are probably those basement types pseudo intellectuals that can’t even write for themselves, if they did they’d think they’re underappreciated authors in the making
Dec 22, 2020
awwwwwwwwwww wtf the pacing n etc got weird asf around the middle but hm THAT WAS SO SWEET also we waited 53 chapters for a real kiss??? 💀 pat on the back for everyone
Fed-Kun's army
Nov 28, 2020
This was one of the early yuri mangas I've read back in the days. I understand why some newer readers would say it's stale and predictable because it is. But keep in mind that this manga was created during the time when homosexual relationships were still quite shunned upon. The beauty of this manga is that it did its best to tell a realistic portrayal of same-sex relationships, as well as the inner struggles of being gay.

It didn't need to be a grand story with a lot of twists, it is simply a story of two women who are in love. That is where Sasameki Koto shines.

Anyway... Hah, I was like what? 11 or 12 when I read this? I'm in my twenties now and this just takes me back. :)
Active member
Oct 7, 2023
while the pacing issues are very real i honestly don't mind it all that much, and i really enjoyed how towards the end there wasn't ever really a dramatic confession scene (which is something that the characters even joke about) but rather it was just the two main characters eventually coming to a mutual realization that they shared the same type of feelings for eachother. the story really pushes the idea that love and care is much more important than the decorum of a relationship and i think that's exactly why the closest thing to a confession scene is just the two of them finally blurting out their feelings out of desperation when they realize they might get separated. it all feels very fitting for a story from the mid 2000s where being gay was a lot more stigmatized, and it's very believable that during a time like that it'd be scary to actually acknowledge the attraction they have to eachother even when they're both already aware that it's a mutual thing.

i do have to say though, the ending feels so much more depressing when you consider that it's been 12 years and gay marriage still isn't legal in japan lol
Dex-chan lover
Oct 9, 2019
Overall, this was a very enjoyable read for me, however I must admit things started off rather rough and the possibility of things reaching a satisfying resolution seemed rather bleak. There was also that interesting choice to reveal the confession already happened in a flashback (made me do a double take lmao)

But the story handles its high points very well and that made it worth reading. I might revisit this in the future to appreciate it better when i get the chance.

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