Saving 80,000 Gold in Another World for My Retirement - Vol. 8 Ch. 53

Jun 27, 2020
i don't really like Sabina's personality traits. Glad Mitsuha didn't give her what she wanted
Jun 30, 2019
@javin141 I find it odd to criticize the one that actually translated all of the text, rather than the one that just deleted an entire panel of text explaining where she learned how to use the radio. (In fact, because they delete it, it gives the impression that she learned it from her brother, when she actually states this was one thing she didn't learn from him.)
Active member
Apr 5, 2018
It's a pretty good translation, I think. Why is the translator so insecure about it?
Group Leader
Apr 22, 2020
@Sharpedgs Because he doesn't even translate it. He takes the translations from 4CHAN and doesn't need to work at all except copy and paste the text.

@throwaway4ccount Translated all of the text my ass. He doesn't spend a single second translating. He takes his translations from 4Chan and copy and pastes them into the pages using the same font throughout. We also updated our chapter, I forgot to add it because it was 6AM and I could barely see.
Jun 30, 2019
@Fwaifuxsenpai Weird how quickly you were able to update this chapter, but the previous one still has the "Karen" thing that you've stated was a mistake and would be updated soon (and certainly isn't a "translation" either, or "quality"). Also, since you already weren't first to put this part up, and want to claim "superior quality", you could have, you know, taken a couple more hours, gotten some sleep, and then made sure it actually had the "quality" it was supposed to, rather than just looking like an "oh no, we need to rush something out fast because they might decide that the other guy's doing an okay job that lets them still enjoy the story, and then they wouldn't visit our pages and subscribe to our patreon".

I also didn't realize when I responded to @javin141 (who since deleted his post attacking this) that he is the leader of one of your partner groups for this manga. Both of you sure seem insecure (and both have patreon links on their group websites, but maybe that is just coincidence).
Aug 7, 2019
i know some are a little upset at Sabine, but I don't mind as long as her behavior is dealt with. I just view it as her being a kid. Think back to when you were shown something fun for the first time, something that was a blast. You hated to leave it or give it up. And in this case she is being shown so many neat things and some that are very convenient, things that she never even imagined before. Then like a kid she tries to find a way to get them, puppy dog face, pleading... I also like that it set up a situation for Mitsuha to put her in a position to have to make a choice. A chance for her to have to decide on her own and not always get what she wants which I would guess is to do with all the servants.

Having said that I'm not a big fan of Sabine and the royals. I would actually like to see more being done with the Boses, the whole family. It seems more natural to me.

Thank you for the translation @labanina.

grammar edit
Jun 30, 2019
@Fwaifuxsenpai Oh, I saw it, but I figured when you said it was a mistake, that meant you would actually fix it by translating it properly, not slap a half-hearted "note" onto the page to pretend that it was a valid translation. Otherwise it comes off as "hey, we made a mistake, were called out on it, but decided to double down instead, because we think inside jokes and terms are more important than a faithful translation of the text."
Group Leader
Apr 22, 2020
@throwaway4ccount Eh, it's because the comments said "you can just add a TL Note" so we did.

And before I didn't badmouth him ever. I got continuously tired of him so I decided to start badmouthing him. I'm not a patient person.
Group Leader
May 18, 2020
@throwaway4ccount Oh no, we didn't plug our Patreon and will are unable to pocket some quick cash Of course not, do you need us to send you proof of our groups expenditure and stuff? We're not doing this for monetary reasons and each of our staff (from both groups) gets like barely enough paid to get a Mcdonald's meal after spending countless hours working on each chapter. I only started this collab because of I couldn't handle the blurry raws from labania but I'm not trying to start any beef or anything. You'll probably have different opinions and might prefer a faster release so just continue reading his version if you like it. And about the comment I deleted, I clearly stated that I wasn't criticizing him or anything but was only giving him suggestions on how to improve. I probably wouldn't have joined this feud if he'd just accepted the suggestions that many people PMed him about. Hate on me all you want but I think labania should just focus on picking up some dropped mangas that are dead
Sep 26, 2020
4chan is anonymous imageboard and what being posted there is MTL, anybody can do it.
I forgot to add it because it was 6AM
unlike your obnoxious and absolutely unnecessary UwU twitter-update-style T/N, on an emotional page with 0 japanese text, you didn't forget to put that in.
I'm not a patient person.
neither you are an honest one: from comments it seems some agreement on memes was reached yet your group chapter 52 on aggregators proves different. besides: your group members did enough badmouthing for you, it's easier to open 80,000 gold comment thread and step into their shitposting than to miss it.

how is other users PM an argument in discussion? PM stands for "private messages", you have no access to other users inbox and therefore can't back that argument up, so why use it? you also called yourself "people", which is a logical fallacy, shoehorning your personal opinion as that of majority. how many of you are sharing 1 keyboard and MD account? please, speak for yourself, it's hard to parse your comments otherwise. anyone can also walk down to no group ch51 ch52 release and first comment there would be releaser asking for proofreading and help with captions, both drawbacks of using MTL. those parts and some others were later changed on MD, compared to first version ripped by aggregators. what I don't see is you chiming in to help anywhere and I doubt comment you deleted had any constructive criticism in it. so you're implying that suggestions made publicly were accepted but suggestions made privately, through PM, were somehow not. even your 2nd comment sounds like a load of bs, probably why you deleted the original one to begin with. feeling defensive and want to lash out? fine, just don't pretend you're trying to help or anything.
Group Leader
May 18, 2020
@Mendou I deleted the first comment because I got a message saying that I posted it in the wrong thread and about the PM thing, we had anonymous people from both groups requesting to talk to this labanina guy in the most polite way possible, here is an example of what someone sent:
Hello. Sorry for the sudden message. My name is Yasui, and I recently started translating my works as a hobby.
If I may be so presumptuous, I know you are translating 80,000 gold coins! If I may, I'd like to say a few words about this.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yasui Umi
And you wanna know what this guy did? He blocked everyone immediately and did not even give a reply. Yes, I know I'm probably biased and am not considering labanina's side of the story but I was just pissed that he is not even accepting any feedback from anyone.
Group Leader
May 18, 2020
Yes I'm sorry, I admit that I'm an egotistical oversensitive jerk that likes to retaliate in any way possible whenever I get any negative comments so can we stop escalating this and just end it here? I'm stressed out with lots of IRL stuff atm and might take a short break from scanlation
Sep 26, 2020
I was just pissed that he is not even accepting any feedback from anyone
if you have spent 10 seconds verifying that statement, you'd know it's false and there would be nothing to escalate
so can we stop escalating this and just
your handout isn't really needed here, this much was already obvious.
Mar 22, 2019
@Mendou Yeah, claiming ownership of anonymous 4channel posts would be retarded. There is not even a point in doing that: literally anybody with the right tools and motivation can do same or better job than me. MTL\TL is posted there for proofreading and help with shitty raws or cursive scribbles OCR can't digest.

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