Scary Campus College University - Vol. 8 Ch. 68 - Scary Campus College University

Dex-chan lover
Sep 29, 2019
time skip that not even explaining how the fk Makube got back or what happened to the rest of the characters

guess this series is indeed got axed
Group Leader
Jan 19, 2018
The series was cancelled the author wanted to go much longer
I know it got cancelled. Author still had 8 volumes to accomplish something. Most axed manga don't get half of that.

Feels like he set up way too much expecting it to go on for 20 volumes and cornered himself when it had to suddenly wrap up. But even for a sudden cancellation this is still god awful. It's like they didn't even want to bother. They could have had several pages of narration explaining where everyone is at least, or clarifying some of what happened in the time skip, you know, like how other authors deal with axed endings.

As far as axed endings go, this is definitely on the bottom of the rankings.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 8, 2018
I know it got cancelled. Author still had 8 volumes to accomplish something. Most axed manga don't get half of that.

Feels like he set up way too much expecting it to go on for 20 volumes and cornered himself when it had to suddenly wrap up. But even for a sudden cancellation this is still god awful. It's like they didn't even want to bother. They could have had several pages of narration explaining where everyone is at least, or clarifying some of what happened in the time skip, you know, like how other authors deal with axed endings.

As far as axed endings go, this is definitely on the bottom of the rankings.
If you just had your series axed would you give a shit about wrapping shit up I wouldn't he's probably busy thinking about what to do next
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
Really good and scary supernatural horror manga are a rarity these days (at least being translated) so it's a shame we lost this one due to the axe. Rather have a story like this than another dime a dozen isekai plot.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 10, 2019
I think this is an Inception ending.
The lack of tattoo might means; Chigarashi went back into the last chapter's shrine to save Makube and what's happening there is the illusion of what the atmosphere would look like if none of the interference happened. Or there's not enough mannequins to act as the students.
"This makes us even." by Chigarashi after she realized Makube is without tattoos is her 'Dicaprio met very old Watanabe' in the deep dream. She finally found Makube after attending for a while and is about to save him from the illusion, and now they're even for all the time he's saved by Makube.
This is what I choose to believe because otherwise NeNe will cease to exist.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 17, 2018
Maybe not making a proper ending is itself an attempt to grab attention (as in, attention of smbd who could give mangaka a chance to continue)? In any case,

So who was the ghost laughing and pointing at us? who was phone?
excuse me wha-? what about the laughing guy TT
Unless there were some grand plans to reintroduce the laughing guy/ghost beyond where the axe stroke, it's easier just to write him off as author messing with us readers.
I forgot about the phone bit, though, which chapter was it?
Group Leader
Aug 15, 2018
This was axed by the way. Mangaka announced it by the start of the new year.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 14, 2023
Yep, saw this coming. Actually, based on how poorly the manga was doing and how little it was moving the needle, I thought it was going to happen last volume.

The mangaka has been having trouble rebuilding an audience since the entire "Hoshino Me o Tsubutte" fiasco, which killed his fanbase at the time. His next manga then lasted about 20 chapters before meeting the axe. So, in all, this doesn't exactly come as a surprise, especially because, again, this manga has been struggling for the past few volumes now.

That being said, it does feel like he had a bit of momentum going on for a while, so there's a good chance that his next manga will fare better with a new audience behind him now.

I wish him luck.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 6, 2019
After the dogshit ending that is Hoshino, this guy’s manga has been getting axed left and right. Previous one which was Monster no. 6 had a good start but fell off real quick within 10 chapters
Dex-chan lover
Aug 8, 2018
Sure isn't doing himself any favors for future prospects by giving his loyal readers endings like these. But hey, that's just me.
And if his readers were reasonable people they'd understand that paying bills is more important than trying to wrap up a story in one chapter also what readers this got cancelled due to low sales he's better off focusing on making a better "appealing" series
Dex-chan lover
Jul 26, 2020
EVERYONE! PAUSE! Take a break from all the negativity and the disappointment from the cancellation for a moment. Yes, a lot has been left on the cutting room floor, but this author has never spoon-fed us the plot, and so far, 3 pages of comments, not a single post has mentioned the "m night shyamalan"-style / "truman show"-esque twist ending. It's hard to believe that people think it's pedestrian enough to not mention, so I'm thinking everyone must've collectively missed it from being distracted by the other stuff. Just in the final chapters, the author has been dropping clues to wrap up this story and to reveal the twist. It makes me consider re-reading the whole story from the beginning to see if he left any foreshadowing breadcrumbs. Or if this twist is really only limited to the final few chapters' plot sequence.

Pay attention to the following in the last couple of chapters:
  • The state of Makube's tattoos
  • the reveal with Nene
  • what the college ghost's power is
  • and most importantly, what is Chigarashi's ideal college life? (it's not finding a hot guy, that's for sure - she's said this multiple times, repeatedly)

My takeaway, spoiler tagged if you don't want to connect the dots yourself, see my initial thoughts below:

Chigarashi is either the college ghost or the medium that the ghost is using to manifest the entirety of the college (and is the filter through which we've seen everything in the series) - for the purpose of giving Chigarashi her ideal college life. Chigarashi and Haruka didn't leave the ghost world at the end of the previous chapter. They stayed and kicked Makube out. Makube is the one that got out when they "shattered" the dimension (Makube's tattoos returned). Chigarashi's ideal college life was to find purpose, meaning, to know that she can do something and can make a difference. This last chapter reinforces that. Her entire manufactured college life has been built to give her that, to make her feel like she's someone special. Nene's reveal also revealed that the world changes shape depending on what Chigarashi believes in - the world reacts to Chigarashi's wants and needs and what she thinks reality is. Her survival through all the craziness she's been through, isn't plot armor - it's literally a reflection of her ideal wants - trying to find meaning to her life, having an interesting life, and be someone special.

In this final chapter, Makube was absent because he was in the real world. He returned to this fake ghost world for Chigarashi's sake (he doesn't have tattoos in the final pages). We don't know whether he's here to stay forever or if it's really temporary (because we don't know if Chigarashi is a ghost, or alive, or dead, or going to be in her "ideal college life" for all eternity, and it forever loops, which is what the author hints at with her thought bubbles of being able to "retry as many times as you want") The first half of the final chapter seems to imply that she might be in some sort of study school after her "school days", and already an adult and no longer in college... however, the second half seems to behave as if she's still in college. I'm sure there's more to think about and more purposeful ambiguity and hints in previous chapters, and beyond what was left on the cutting room floor. Will see what those are when I give the whole series a binge read to try to catch all the subtle hints.

Edit: seemed like overkill to spoiler tag a comment on a discussion thread of the ending chapter of a series
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