
Active member
Mar 30, 2020
Are people really triggered by this kind of manga ? If you are not interested you do not have to read it. Also considering that and for good reasons nazy are considered as the bad guy in 99 percent of divertissement, having one obscure exception is not the end of the word which seem to be a bit old, as I do not think this kind of manga could be published today.

Correcting my post, people are going to be triggered, but even if you dislike the idea of this kind of manga existing, for the sake of freedom of speech it is important that this kind of thing exist.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
>Are people really triggered by this kind of manga ?
>If you are not interested you do not have to read it.
Fair enough.
>as I do not think this kind of manga could be published today
In Japan? No problem. In some western countries? Between no and censored swastikas: No problem I'd say. Shouldn't be a problem to publish this in most countries. Okay, the ones with prude (semi) reiligous rules might be against it...

Anyway, it is trash tier. Teats, Nazis, harem, Gore, Rape, Jap protag (kekw). Not even I can fap to that. Or shlick if you prefer... I'd rate this far below which is also trash but somewhat entertaining.

E: I mean it is just trash. I'd fully understand the bugurt and probably support it(the buttheart) if it was a propaganda piece trying to make the nazis seem harmless or heroic or if it tried to push some conspiracy nonsense for real, but this is just trash, but even then: freedums of speech. I mean I tell flerfs and drumpfists they are wrong and retarded, sometimes I even use arguments. Why? You know, cuz proper discussions require actual arguments and not shit slinging or flinging... But some people are beyond hope. ;) Like flerfs, cultists and people like me who like red paprika.

E2: Does a work hurt my or someones feelings? Who gives a f*, freedom of speech. Was a work published on a childrens site explaining how to mix 3 common detergents with drug store soda to make pipe bombs? Get it down from there asap! Children are lil' retards and will blow themselves or others up.
Active member
Mar 30, 2020

I agree with the fact that for moment it is really bad, its only interesting figure is that it is not politically correct.
Yeah I agree that my first point is stupid, obviously people will get triggered by that. I do not see this be published in Western Europe. I agree that it is more likely linked of the bad publicity and that neo nazy are not an interesting market in most country.

I am ashamed to have read the manga about the chainsaw, at least i did not fap to it. I honnestly love this kind of incoherent mess.
I mean manga like that
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
>I do not see this be published in Western Europe.
Me neither, but shouldn't be a problem, well, you'd probably or maybe have to censor the swastikas in/for germany, that's about it as far as I can tell.

>chainsaw, at least i did not fap to it.
I chuckled

>franken fran
As far as I can remember actually decent in my opinion (or at least the good[!] kind of trash, whatever that means :D)

>Yeah I agree that my first point is stupid, obviously people will get triggered by that.
I disagree, I don't think that your first point is stupid and I agree: Why are people gettin' triggered by trash? I mean I understand why, but cmon. :D And, yeah, I don't see the appeal of this manga, I understand that some people like gore, teats, Nazis and shite but cmon. Stop liking what I hate! /joke -- the older Franken Fran one is imo one of the better of such works, I guess because there is more to it. The newer one kinda seems to mellow.

>I honnestly love this kind of incoherent mess.
I should envy you, most of the stuff I read on the net is kinda shitty filler to kill time imo, but how much of it do I enjoy?🤔
Feb 27, 2020
Id dig it since it features some of my ancestors, but then the pointless "but no see germans didnt actually hate that tribe!" Also, skorenzy loved uncle a; come on japan.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 16, 2019
A half as an SS officer? Strange for an organisation that promotes racial purity. The least they could do was make the MC a pure German or at least a pure Japanese.

If they just wanted the style, at least make every one use Hugo Boss.😅
Dex-chan lover
Jan 23, 2018
@Amenohi, I am not sure how familiar you are with the Waffen-SS but not only did they had conscripts but also foreign volunteers as a example, the Indische Freiwilligen Legion der Waffen-SS that was composed of 4,500 Indians even if they only became part of the Waffen-SS in 1944 when control was transferred to then. And yes they had their own officers that werent German such as Bronislav Kaminski that was Waffen-Brigadeführer der SS of the 29th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS RONA, he was Russian. Of course there was still a division as a "SS Division" was made up of Germans or other Germanic peoples where a "Division of the SS" was of of non-Germanic volunteers and conscripts.

Also someone kinda did their homework, the 502nd SS Jäger Battalion actually existed and Otto Skorzeny was the commander, it was formed in 1943 and from 150 Wehrmacht , 100 SS and 50 Luftwaffe volunteers, of course a all-female combat unit is within the realm of fantasy but this isnt entirely wrong either.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 16, 2019
Which is why I preferred if the MC is a pure Japanese instead. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't racial purity one of their tenets?

Never knew the battalion actually existed. Would be interesting if they actually mixed in some Luftwaffe elements later on.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 23, 2018
@Well yes but the original requirements were and this was for the SS-Verfügungstruppe and 1st SS Panzer Division Leibstandarte, German nationals who could prove their Aryan ancestry back to 1800, unmarried, without a criminal record, ages of 17 and 23, at least 1.74 metres (5 ft 9 in) tall (1.78 metres (5 ft 10 in) for the Leibstandarte), 20/20 eyesight, no dental fillings and to provide a medical certificate and members of the SS could be of any religion except Judaism but atheists were not allowed.

There were lowered as by 1938 the height restrictions were relaxed, up to six dental fillings were permitted and eyeglasses for astigmatism and mild vision correction were allowed and when the war started the physical requirements were no longer strictly enforced, and essentially any recruit who could pass a basic medical exam was considered for service.

However the racial criteria was just for the "SS Divisions"(Germans) and not for "Divisions of the SS" (Foreigns), I did a bit more of digging and found that the 502nd SS Jäger Battalion was apparently eventually composed of composed mostly of foreign recruits, James Brady and Frank Stringer that were Irish soldiers of the Royal Irish Fusiliers joined the 502nd SS Jäger Battalion.
Nov 14, 2019
Odd choice to have a manga about a secret unit in the waffen-ss feature generic harem comedy. Really testing boundaries, huh?
Dex-chan lover
May 14, 2018
@Shizzara When I see how someone can get really angry about such a manga, I start to feel stupid because of my own rage about shitty smut manga.

@doomtc There are no things in the world that the Japanese could not turn into shonen, harem or yuri/CGDCT.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 28, 2018
Wow, whole page of people butthurt about mean comments regarding their beloved shitty harem manga.

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