
May 15, 2020

Well, for the SS the recruitement was based on volunteer, they didn't force people to work in their division. The Reich was racially supremacist, Hitler wanted the extermination of everything he thought was "Inferior", and everyone who wasn't german seemed inferior to the nazi. Even thought he appreciated the english, the french and the scandinavian because they were not as "degenerate" as the other race, they weren't seen as aryan. And for the Japanase, Hitler needed them, and to be honest, it is true that he didn't hold any hate against them.

And for the "propaganda line", no member of my family was murdered at Oradour. My great grandmother almost died when the Das Reich division passed trough Coulonge, but she probably survived and Coulonge too because she was Alsatian and spoke German and no I'm not communist, I just love WW2 and have read many book on the subject.

And to finish, we're on a site for reading manga and I think that we don't need to discuss about WW2 in the comment of this manga. Especially because it is certain that nobody is going to say that the other is right.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 22, 2018
Am I on fucking Twitter or Mangadex comments section? It's getting kinda hard to tell as of recent... Yes, yes. We get it. You're woke. Yes, you personally suffocated nuance with a pillow while it was on life support - we get it. Yes, we understand that you think "moral relativism" is a synonym for "Nazism." And that you're such a fan of Japanese works that you search out titles featuring Waffen SS Nazi waifus to bitch and complain about how awful the Germans were under National Socialism... and never utter a single breath about all the terrible shit the Japanese do because of the terrible, terrible crippling weapons-grade cognitive dissonance it would give you.


Sweet fucking god, if you exist, slam this planet with another dinosaur killer. We don't deserve it.
Apr 19, 2019
You Wehraboos have no standards if you actually enjoy such a shitty manga. Weak shit MC, shitty ecchi comedy, bitchy harem, and all that BFV women bullshit some of you guys love to complain about as well. Just imagine being caught reading this by a German soldier from WWII lol.

@definitionofinsanity What cognitive dissonance? If you hate on the WWII Germans, its easy to hate on the WWII Japanese. Japan were basically the Nazis of the East, what more to it is there?
May 13, 2019
Ok, I can tolerate the nazi stuff. But a Japanese MC in a ww2 manga about the SS? No fucking way, miss me with that shit. How can people treat this manga different from a bad joke? Because that's what it is, a bad joke.
Group Leader
Jan 29, 2018
This is the weirdest manga I’ve read. A bunch of unruly nazis needs a Japanese man to help them win the war. What kind of wanking session made the author come up with this idea?
Apr 20, 2020
Until now there has been no mention of him being Japanese.
You could assume it because of his name, but going by the names most of them wouldn't be German, or anything really. Personally I think that he's supposed to be a German that looks a lot like a Japanese high schooler to make self-inserting easier, but I have no proof for that other than his (kinda) german name
Jun 12, 2018
Is this actually shite or are people just kvetching over it because of the windmill of friendship?
Double-page supporter
Mar 5, 2019
I think this is a great manga, an I am very glad that I found it. At the time of writing this, only 19 chapters are uploaded, but judging from what I have read, this is a very good piece.

I highly recommend it to anyone.
Double-page supporter
Apr 22, 2020
I am a big history buff. I remember it all started when I watched my father play a WWII game on the PC. Since then, I've accumulated knowledge on the period, wether it be armaments, doctrines and the state of the economies of the warring countries. I'm not a big expert, but I do know my stuff.

With that in mind, I can tell you that: this manga is disturbing wehraboo trash, as in you can enjoy better wehraboo stuff.

If you like this manga, I don't hate you: I know all too well that world war stuff is fucking rare (the Japs are the sorest losers), so if you just want to fill the void from Tanya the Evil I absolutely 100% understand that. But I argue that this manga can't even be a stopgap.

I have only read chapter 1. Good mangas get me in from the 1st chapter, also this one is fucking short, and I don't think I need more than one from what I've seen.

The chapter opens with our "heroines" planning an attack against the "Resistance" holed up in a village. I frankly don't have a clue what resistance this is. Poles? Frenchmen? Italians? Sure as shit it's not Germans, as cases of German popular resistance started happening veeeeeeery late in the war, we're talking 1945. By then, there's just no fucking way they would give their now very few tanks to women, cuz they're nazis. Either way, these partisans aren't characterized in the slightest: we don't know wether they're communist or liberals, their nationality and such. I'm going to make a guess, but that's it: I think they're Poles, since I saw one of them brandishing the soviet issued PPSH rifle, and the village has stone buildings, so it can't be a small Russian village.
Now, what are these partisan chaps doing? Raping and murdering the populace. What? Am I on drugs? I've heard of atrocities committed by divisions of the Allies, but partisans? The basic tenet of partisan doctrine is having a good relation with the people, why would they commit atrocities? I'm very sure this never happened during the war. Furthemore, later on in the chapter a local kid kills a soldier, soooo wtf? How are they allowing children to act while being treated like this? There is only one possibility that makes sense: those raped and murdered by the resistance were german settlers or collaborationists, which still doesn't explain why much of the village was already destroyed or on fire.
Why all of this? Well, obvious: you make the baddies (those who are FIGHTING TO LIBERATE THEIR NATION) so you have the goodies (A WAFFEN SS DIVISION).
Either way, the division storms the village and kills the partisans. I have a lot to say on the tactics, so here's the spoiler for them
I am aware that "Stug" stands for "Sturmgeschütz" (Assault cannon). But the "heroines" sure seems to take it a little bit too literally. Why the fuck did they engage an AT gun this fucking close? Literally point fucking blank! The armor of the Stug was quite good, why the fuck didn't they blow it up from a distance? Also, wtf was that tank? A Pz.38t? That shit's old, they could've blown it up without a problem.

After the skirmish, we are transported to the office of a SS colonel, where the leader of the team, still covered in blood, is telling the colonel that they're not going to accept the new officer, which is btw our blank slate immersion character Yuuto (Japanese names? Why?) that has just entered the office. He accepts to lead them, and fucks off. In this scene, I see 2 more disgusting rewritings of history. First of all, the waffen ss officer says that not all SS are super loyal to hitler, him and our blank slate were also even anti holocaust. ARE YOU FUCKING WITH ME, MANGAKA? "NoT aLl Ss WeRe SuPeR lOyAl?" OF COURSE THEY WERE! How the fuck do you think they were able to join and become officers of the SS! They would've joined the army instead! I'm not touching the antiholocaust shit with a 10 ft pole, that's so false I almost punched the wall in anger. 2nd of all, "I would have preferred a shorter war". I know what this guy is talking about, it's about the invasion of the USSR. The whole point to nazism was to destroy the USSR and conquer them. It wasn't a side objective. It was the end goal. Also, every single german general was on fucking board. The only people who spoke out were Dönitz (the admiral, since he knew the few resources he still had were going to be stripped away) and some logistical officers. The rest thought they could win easily.

Now, feel free to read this manga for the explosions and the tanks. Just be aware that this shit is just full of nazi apologism, so don't let this JAPANESE (hey yo dude what happened in Nanjing?)tell you what happened in Europe. Nazis are bad.
Double-page supporter
Jun 28, 2019
Blasted "enter enter mission" and "yuki no shingun" while reading this

39/45 brought back my inner wehraboo that i've buried long time ago
Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2020
Wow this manga is worth reading and if just for the comments. The triggering is real - and so is the hypocrisy. Any other story wouldn't be any less ludicrous, unhistorical, unrealstic etc but still people get insanely mad simply because it's written from a german perspective. Any other WW2 potraying the allies or even the soviets as the impeccable good guys killing the stormtroopers that are the german soldiers effortlessly by the dozens and you hear no criticism. Yet when the perspective is shifted to the germans it's suddenly a no-go. The setting is bs of course, but the same could be said about 99% of other mangas, it's bascially always fantasy.

Fruthermore people use words like whitewashing or nazi-aplogists, but neither happened so far. They haven't even been portrayed as particularly upstanding - only the male as naive. It's just a squad of soldiers killing other soldiers, because they are ordered to and because they wanne survive. If anything, that part is actually realistic.
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2019
fuck dante, hell would be to have to read through these comments for eternity

yes, the ss recruited collaborationists because despite all their delusions of grandeur they had to afmit that it was their only chance. broadly speaking the collaborationists didn't care for the german cause but they were often e.g. counterrevolutionaries or somehow else profiting from German advances in their region. the fact that people bring this up all the time to somehow prove that literal nazis were not racist is mind-boggling to me. further, the manga is fucking trash. i wouldn't waste another thought on it if people defending this blantant piece of fucking shit wouldn't get to me this badly.
get fucked by a 6000 ton freight train.
@KriegGuardsman i agree 100%
Double-page supporter
Apr 22, 2020
@Iskarioth people tend not to care about nazis because of the overwhelming amount war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by them. I'm not saying there can't be a German perspective on the war, but a story with nazis more likeable than the people they oppress and murder is disturbing.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2020
@KriegGuardsman yet we see plenty of the very same stories from the perspective of the red army, or communists/ socialists in general. If those can be fictional characters in fictional stories that aren't linked or representetive than so can this story. It's either or.
People just like to be indignant and outraged so they interpret all kinds of BS into a manga to the point where they say " even tho the protags denounced Hitler and the parties ideals that can't be because that never happened" despite the fact that it actually happened ( Staufenberg anyone?). The author never claimed to be historically accurate in the frist place, nor did he add any excuses for nazi ideologies. People are just making shit up so they can be mad - children of our time.

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